The Power Is Still In The Purse - The People Own Everything

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Think about it for a minute. Human Society is strikingly similar to an Ant Colony in regards to No Ants - No Ant Colony. No Humans - No Human Society. No Human Society - No Workers, No Consumers, No Profits. Of course, without Humans, You would have nothing like commerce going on. None of the schemes that are played out by Wo/Man, can be found in the Natural world and it is subject to discussions, in how far Human Activity is also Natural. At least not to the degree humans have refined the art of conning. Cheating is not that widespread, because there is nothing to cheat about. It's not like Chimps step in front of an altar and vow eternal faithfulness to each other. With the exception of 'Lancelot Link - Secret Chimp' maybe. Lancelot and Mata Hairi.

As for Humans, the masses have been convinced a while ago, that they are just people. Happen to be around. For whatever reasons. It is successfully suppressed, that the mere fact of a Human Being being present, makes it part of the whole. People have come to believe, that Humans have to work for a living - while all other Beings in the Universe just grow. Like The Sappers™ coming by a delinquent tree that has not declared properly how much sap it had produced the previous year - to do some extra sap extraction to pay for the taxes. Right. It is a Human concept, or the concept of certain Humans. Some just have the special 'it' to make others do what they want them to do. They even have a TV show for that. For periods in Human past, work was available for free to those who were successful in telling others what to do. Not quite for entirely free, but for getting spared worse. And protection. Like, 'I protect You from me - by making You work for me - for free'.

Wars, depressions, oppression and the responses to natural catastrophes. In all of that, the individual Human is just a by-stander. A witness of sorts. A random person. Member of any of the categories they have for what people can be classified into. And based on that classification, the member is afforded certain privileges in a game that would not exist without it. Those who figured out how to become really wealthy, have done so due to the fact, that there was a society to extract this wealth off. In this case, those who make extraction possible in the first place - people that pay taxes - do not get a share of this association. It is a society where the members share benefits and burdens in different ways. Like the benefits are divided among the few shareholders and the burdens are divided among the many tax payers. And that on top of the fact that too many corporate persons prefer not to pay taxes at all. The fleshless overlings that have the advantage of not possessing a physical body, with brains, muscles and mind and all.

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It should be clear, that reflecting Nature in everything one attempts to do, will always be an entry point from harmony. Synchronizing Human Culture and Society has been delayed and sabotaged by those, who still profit from the Patriarchal/Feudalistic Commerce system that has people convinced that they have to work to pay for all the stuff they need to live, or to survive. The opposite is true. A real Society would make sure that all of its Organic members live a life that enables them to participate more consciously in the process of 'Evolution' - versus committing suicide in ever increasing numbers, because these Human Beings can't afford to live any longer. Something doesn't seem to add up there. The majority of this society's members is now disadvantaged through continuing to be a member of their own society. The present exploitation model uses only a moderate amount of violence. However, as I type, the noose gets tightened around Y/our neck and the use of force and whatever means else will be necessary to protect the status of the few, for the few.

To peel that out a bit more. Pondering about and subsequently understanding that the majority of suffering members of this society are required for this society to exist in the first place. Prison inmates should actually be paid a generous sum for a) society's failure to prevent whatever lead to incarceration happen and b) by providing jobs to people who love to work in prisons as wardens. The only thing that has kept You out of prison was a law that will change tomorrow. Can You see how powerful that is? Whoever writes the laws, rules society. Provided a true democracy existed, there could be 'Re-Compensation Centers', in which what was formerly known as a 'prisoner' is treated for the difficulty to abandon a life style capitalism has created in the first place. When need and artificial shortage are overcome, so is the need to employ means outside those available under the law. Changing the laws in question will certainly change the number of people that will be prosecuted for a law that should not exist. This cannot be achieved solely by creating appropriate 'laws', but by creating nutritious circumstances for all members of society to exist. The emphasis is given to all.

Recent developments have shown that Humanity has now ultimately been divided and the division is not something The People have asked for. It is simply the result of the SCOTUS ruling, that corporate entities being deserving of the same rights that are extended to a Human Person - a member of the self-described 'species' Homo Sapiens, a 'Mammal' by the same describing forces. Having come about by various reasons and by various means and methods. However Nº 1,757 - principally, there is a division between all members of the species in regards to whether they were 'made', or just came about by the randomly being part of a process to maintain the status of the species in its environment. To keep the Species Going. That can be observed in all of Nature. It You want to talk to a Senior Universal Being in terms of longevity and presence, ask a Cockroach.

La Cucaracha

Speakers, or headphones required to hear the Cockroach

So, why are we having such a hard time to consult a Cockroach, with its 657,775,042,019 collective years of existence? Something should be obvious. You got to be a Cockroach to have existed over the last 650 million years ± a few million years. There are others that have been populating this Planet long before corporations came about. Specifically with 'Citizens United', a precedent was set to give corporate persons the same rights and even more questionable, civil rights only extended to other members of the species Homo Sapiens - oftentimes simply called 'man'. In some ironic way, Geppetto decided to give the wooden longnoses the same rights as real children. Or, in yet another analogy, 'capital' is the product of the proclivity of Homo Sapiens for novelty. There are volumes written about that. Novelty is the adrenaline like push forward. Depending in what era one lives/lived, novelty is rather slow in coming in the beginning, but with increasing progression, novelty becomes a drive, or habit itself. Novelty for novelty's sake. I have met people like that. The latest was barely new enough to them.

With increasing commerce, the demand for some sort of currency arose. The wealth of the country was the combined treasury of the rulers and the purses of the people. Throughout time, wealth distributed itself and grew in a circle that already contained those who had significantly more than the average farmers, or workers. For the working class family, a surplus of even the most modest proportions, would be sufficient to keep them going. A time came, where The People started to save for eventualities. As much, as the surplus allowed for. The amount of surplus was not regulated by market forces, but by government regulation - influenced by corporate powers. When one is to look at the historical data on wealth creation, combined domestic product and savings, the created line would look like the graph of a hospital patient. Times in which the patient/people were relatively worry free with modest living standards changed with periods of savings-drainage. Although, through the invention of 'inflation', savings can lose over time due to the decreased buying power of the savings - irrelevant of the interest applied to the savings.

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For a very long time, The People have worked sometimes very hard to create a Modern Society with its numerous amenities. The entire infrastructure was build by The People in the Flesh. Over generations. Akin to say that 'Apple' has a new device doing whatever and that it is their protected property - and if You don't agree with the terms and conditions, You will have to return it to the store. From the new view point though, 'Apple' owes all of its products and services to the evolution of Homo Sapiens. No People - No 'Apple'. Nothing. The fact that there is a species that treats itself even worse than all its perceived inferiors, leaves one to ponder, how those corporations, who do not even pay taxes already, will compensate the species for the loss of evolutionary advancement - away from capital as being the main aspect of modern society, towards the evolution of the collective mind.

Part of this evolution is the understanding that The People own everything. The People in this case are the members of species Homo Sapiens, and 'everything' being what Homo Sapiens has created thus far, or the effects of its Culture. Each member of the species deserving of compensation for making that Society possible. The due dividend for providing the basis of all exchange. If there would be no people, there would be no military. The military owes its existence to the existence to the people. It should therefore pay out dividend instead of wasting trillions of The People's assets in dubious and shady affairs. A double whammy. Homo Sapiens playing itself out like Laurel and Hardy. And worse. The whole sports industry should pay up - instead of charging entry fees. No people - No NBA/NFL/NASCAR/F1/TENNIS. No people No Amazon. No Verizon and AT&T et al.

It needs to be understood, that the 'being part of what enables one to profit' requires naturally a certain courtesy towards The Hand That Feeds one. This 'Hand' is ALL OF THE PEOPLE. All of them. Those who are no longer and those who will be. They all need to be given a dividend for their 'Being the Society'. It matters not what You do - it only matters that You are there. If You want to do whatever it is - do it, by all means. Of course with the exception of harm and hurt. One should not dish these out freely. It all returns one way or another anyways. But this society is not as much based on what has been done in its existence, but on who did what doing. As of this moment, I am typing on a replacement keyboard that gives my fingers slug-like speed, although it required All People that ever lived to arrive at this precise moment. That fact is strangely so never really emphasized.

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Homo Sapiens Today - what a wonderful publication. Well, not really. If Homo Sapiens Today would exist and contain an archive with all previous issues since the first, there would be a lot of articles about stuff one does not condone. Now, with a little bit of sarcasm one could proclaim that Homo Sapiens has come a long way and not blown up the entire Planet already. Which is a great achievement, considering the proclivity to cheat, lie, steal and kill everybody else but self. That may explain the high numbers of the species with such a complex physical apparatus. Like a carnivorous Plant that can walk around and is called George. However (maybe I am addicted to the word 'however'. However - nothing else seems to work ever), for much too long, The People have been told what to believe in regards to themselves and everything 'surrounding' them. Homo Sapiens has arrived at a decisive moment. The oscillations of the Julian Assange abduction in broad daylight are having an effect. While there is an ever growing number of society's members on the streets, an equally important number of minds arrives at the point where they need to be given further instructions. It's like saying "The Manual is over. There are no more pages." "It only says 'Be on the lookout for updates!'on the bottom."

Society does need an update. This update will have to reflect that the monetary system is part of society and therefore belongs now to The People, as it would not exist without Humans. The entirety of the 'private' property question must be aligned with the understanding that, if the idea of ownership is limited to Homo Sapiens, then it is also limited in its application upon this species. Horses are exempt, of course. Ownership, or the idea that you could 'own' something, goes back quite a while. But when looked at it with the correct magnification, it turns out that society has evolved into a system of consumption for profit's sake. Or corporations' profits, to be specific.

Accepted are the stories by a few people, about why things have to be the way they are right now. More importantly though - why things should keep being that way. That is of course not possible. Condensed to an essence, the supreme question has to be:

Is The Universe really the way, as a species that has developed in IT, has decided IT to be? Think about that if You have a surplus of thinking time left. How does The Universe see our actions? What does The Universe have to say to the prolonged suppression of the many by the very few? While observing The Universe doing what IT does and How IT does IT, one does get an enormous feedback - if only allowed - to take place. Including our very own idealizations about ourselves in regards to how much we know about The Universe and Why IT does things the way IT does. The first theory that comes to mind is, that The Universe is organized by The Toddler Principle™, named after the famous Aachener Herman Toddler. He discovered, that the entirety of Human Evolution follows the same principles as reflected by those surrounding us. A Human Being goes through a number of changes from conception to the chill section of the local morgue.

Unsurprisingly would be the word here. It is unsurprising, that a Human Being undergoes a number of changes throughout its existence. This existence can be observed as happening in segments - one of these segments being the 'Toddler Time'. Also often called The Toddler Stage. During this time, the Toddler Principle becomes visible. And emotionally deeply felt. Just imagine a huge supermarket of sorts. In it is one giant 'check-out' section. Because the check-out section is always the most contested commercial space on Earth. It is fair to say, that the majority of products displayed in the check-out area are for toddlers, closely followed by children in general, women, seniors and addicts.

Is The Universe really nothing more but a gigantic shopping mall? Where The People are made to spend their surplus, or more often - charge their credit card? This system is hard wired into the Human Brain. Minus those who benefit from the present setup, the majority will find itself in a constant cycle to remedy 24/7 need. To this degree, Darwin was quite correct when he discovered, what he interpreted as the 'survival of the fittest'. Transferred into today's society, survival of the fittest means that those who can shop the most will survive. What it also shows is, that a distribution system exists, infrastructure, machinery, materials - it's all there from the mine to the jewelry store, or into a frying pan. Everything that can be purchased right now, is likely already there. Or it would be on order. What I can purchase at this moment, has to be available in some sort of store. Whoever fills the stores, knows where the products are coming from.

At one point, when one looks closely, it appears it would be better to consider everything paid already. The difference between paid and due is not only one of financial significance. It is a matter of how the individual feels like. People that are dissatisfied, unhappy and depressed - will find ways to distract themselves from a psychological problem. Maybe Homo Sapiens is a hypochondriac? He creates circumstances that allow him to claim to be ill. Being ill has potentially many advantages. Even though the hypochondriac might not be aware, that the illness he/she claims to have been befallen by, is by his/her own mental doing.

Ultimately, it is the belief that makes a difference. To that degree, the hypochondriac is indeed suffering from what he/she believes to be suffering from. Of course is is more complex like that, but The People have come to believe what they have been told over and over again in the same fashion. They have come to believe that their parents 'made' them, at least were indispensable in the act of coming about. There are ample opportunities after birth to tell someone how things are. It will run down like this: the parents will tell the children 'how things are' until the children find other authorities to tell them how they are.

You won't be able to successfully extract Yourself from that fashion. It has been going on for a very long time. The topic of 'private property' surfaces every once in a while, but all in all, there is no real discussion about private property in the collective of Homo Sapiens - until now. The collective has recently had to learn about how some of its individuals are treated - when they dare to publish compromising materials about any state, or corporate entity. Uncovering crimes of all kinds by public and corporate officials and representatives, or crimes committed by their agencies, is punishable under some antique law written in pencil with no less then a significant part of Your Life, Health and Dignity. The display of what happens after years of steadfastly staying at a place that was initially safe. Snowden was smarter, obviously.

The other day I had this thought of 'what if' in regards to taking away our right to speak freely and/or express our opinions about anything. For a moment I thought, *What if it is all staged? The whole thing? Including Assange? What if The People are distracted from the real McCoy in the background? There have been TV shows running longer than the Julian Assange Embassy Episodes. It was awkward to allow for a moment the total conspiracy of those, who make the real decisions on Earth, to make actors, or anybody with compromising material play a scripted situation, in order for the program to go on. That 'program' is the hyper-monetization of everything on Earth for those at the top 'to have more'. More of a variety of subjects and/or objects for the few - produced and created by those who pay for it on top of it.

This is of course not about taxes, but the idea of taxes follows the principle of charging others to pay You for something You proclaim to be doing with the funds. Which of course never happens. Both monies - those due to 'taxes' and those where You have to deal with a profit oriented corporation instead of a public utility. 'Privatization' is piracy by any other name. Those, who the payees elected to do everything in order to create a certain standard of living and such, are not on Your side. They are members of Homo Non-Sapiens Capitalienses - actually under the spell of having the financial munchies. They eat way more than they should, or is considered to be healthy. The constant appetite for more wealth, power and influence only works in a society that has succumbed to its trained servility to the few.

These folks scheme The Many in more ways than the year has days. The sarcasm they display is based on the ludicrous and preposterous excuse to write up a 23 trillion ticket and explain to the many It's for National Security, who fall behind with as much as a sigh. The single biggest expenditure in the balance of the Western want-to-be-empire-society, is the budget for militarism and so called 'security'. And the package is sold to The People like 'protection' by the Mafia. As a matter of fact, the business model of the bankers and the entire oppression-torture-and-death-for-profit-machine incorporated are exactly that. An extortion racket of epic proportions.

On the side, it would be interesting to find out if and how other Planets before what we call Earth fell victim to an equally dazed and confused species. A chalk board of sorts would be great. Coming up.

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'Extinguished Planets' list. All years approximate. Chart might not be up to date.

Allow me to head to a conclusion now. It comes one week after I have started to write this article. This is a feature that cannot be controlled. It is The Universe in the Unfolding, Expanding of everything asked for. When an article cannot be written, or does not permit to be written in one mean, everything that happens during the time in which the article is still 'unfinished', will now influence the article in turn. It is actually quite difficult to state when one process has ended, and when another one has started. It does appear as if there is simply no end to anything, but transformation. At times at a pace that makes it impossible to determine the individual cycles. As an example, I take this very article You are obviously still reading.

When Life is a bit off from what You expect it to be, or desire it to be, it influences all other areas of Your Life as well. And in an ironic twist of wisdom, the society that proclaims to be oh so 'connected', is actually more isolationist than ever before. Over all the 'connectivity' about irrelevant aspects of Life, The People have made forgotten that every little izzy, bizzy 'thing' in their Lives is connected to another aspect of Life - like 'other' people's lives. The Art of Writing has to be to incorporate this principle and create articles, or stories that are a closed loop. Once, I was used to be woken up in the middle of the night - not by loving Felines - to head out as fast as possible, because there had been an accident on one of the Autobahn segments that were part of my coverage. So, I speed over there with my PRESS Mobile and get a glance first. Or You might say 'prepare Yourself' for what You will have to look at.

The first thing is to take the best images to convey the message without influencing the facts. The facts in this case will be limited to what happened between mile marker such and such at what time. Facts like the presence of alcohol in the blood of any of the drivers, are already leaving this frame, or loop. If one driver was wasted, it did not happen between mile marker 18 and 18,500 at the alleged time. This is just one fact that has left the stage (scene of the accident), as its reasons have their roots in other aspects of Life. Like the reason to get wasted. Splitting up. Losing something, or simply not paying attention and disregarding any negative consequences as non-existent, or negligible.
There is no end to the facts that can be discovered if investigated thoroughly.

After having taken the images, I would talk to the Autobahn Polizei (Highway Patrol) officers and take note of any- and everything that was known to them thus far. The more information, the better. Of course, facts can take a turn after the event unfolded. New evidence emerges that will influence the article about the accident at that mile marker that night. In retrospective, this was mostly limited to autopsies in severe cases. The majority of articles were 'closed loop'. Something happens, You transform into Your reader's eyes and minds and report factually and truthfully. The story gets printed and that was that. You get Your compensation. Case closed, so to speak.

In the case of writing most of the articles You can read here, it will be obvious that they not only refuse any categorization, but that they are much more of a living creature by and in themselves. Therefore I will use the opportunity at hand to explain what happens with The People Own Everything from the beginning to the end.

A day after I had started to write the article about the fact that The People Own Everything, Julian Assange was extracted from the Ecuadorian embassy in London and arrested. While the beginning was extremely disheartening - when You try to get relevant information - it started to turn into a prime lesson in being self explanatory. It was this search that also created the ludicrous idea that everything could be staged and nothing happens naturally any longer on the political stage. Without getting deeper into it, as I intend to write about this situation, I must repeat for the record that:

When those, who publish the leaked crimes of the Western regimes are punished, but the perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity are walking around freely, giving book signings, You don't have a functioning society anymore.

For some time now, I have promoted the search engine 'DuckDuckGo'. Since the arrest of Julian Assange, I have developed serious doubts about its integrity. The thing looks like being part of the dark side now. First off, when I searched for Julian Assange on the day he was arrested, there was very little information available - with the exception of TeleSur and the World Socialist Website. And yes, I don't consider the MSM offerings anything but sarcasm.


'DuckDuckGo' Search Engine - searching for an update on Julian Assange on April 16th, 2019 - Screen Capture

All over sudden there are all these hot spots flaring up everywhere. Most recently Venezuela and now Iran. If one were to look at these 'situations' as being staged, a picture emerges that asks for clarification. What is Humanity being distracted from? The climate ordeal? What happens with the climate on Earth is not exclusively natural. Some rogue elements are conducting massive climate altering operations now for everyone to see. How come that's not news? How come Fukushima is no longer an issue? What about the little stuff that has the greatest impact? The going extinct of the insects. Well, they're not going extinct here. Especially the mosquitoes. The bees will be history and mosquitoes claim it all for themselves growing out into huge dimensions.

No, we are not being told the truth. But that has been the case for long enough now, that everybody should be able to decipher the psychological projection coming from the owner class. Everybody gets riled up against everybody else - all happening at eyesight level. That's not where the real issues have their roots. People are not looking up. It's like why would workers discriminate against other workers based on whatever? They shouldn't and might not. They know, that other workers are in the same boat. What about all of the people? And the boat is a rapidly changing Planet? Do we not have to take special precautions? Are there not special preparations to be implemented immediately?

There have to be. Leaving aside the need for justice - for the furthering of human evolution, justice must be served - a more substantial upgrade is required. It entails the revision of the entire monetary system - before all hell breaks lose. Removing money from the equation, will enable humanity to direct its energy to where it is needed most. That might be the case on a daily basis. A global rescue network must be created to assist those in need. Having followed the development attentively, I am aware that emergency housing never received the attention it really needs. Decent emergency housing is crucial in the aftermath of large scale housing failures.

It turns out that, with more time spent pondering about what will be necessary to ease the transition, or even accept the death of the species, that whatever solutions are available, all require unlimited funding. Something that is not available in present scheme of things. Presently, the largest amounts of money are funneled into the military/war/surveillance complex, or whatever You want to call it. That needs to stop right away. Treaties need to be arranged quickly to rid humanity from this constant threat of annihilation. The Collective needs to be strong and it can only be that, when the individuals experience some sort of change of heart, to focus on the World we have been taking from without much of a break ever since we arrived.

In Nature, You can clearly observe that it is not like that at all. Nobody uses more than immediately necessary and while it may be subject to discussions as to how much destruction of environment should be collateral damage and seen as the 'natural' behavior of Homo Sapiens, and what must be dropped in order to further ascend. At the present moment, only time is passing by. We are not doing our due diligence to become a technologically advanced species, that does under no circumstances destroy other Life, or Living Space. The first step towards a more enjoyable existence for all of Wo/Mankind must be the elimination and subsequent prohibition of 'Planned Obsolescence'. Planned obsolescence is a crime AGAINST Humanity. It makes Humanity spend itself, the Planet's important biospheres and resources for cheap shit that is designed to break after a short period of time. in order to make You and all other suckers buy another version of the same product. Over and over again.

There are places in The Universe, where that, and all the other nasty stuff people do to each other and to the World they live 'in', is considered worthy a 'Certificate for Resistance to Grow Up'. Homo Sapiens is stomping his little imperialistic, racist, fascist, greedy, oppressive, lying feet in the Dust of The Universe. Look what kind of fit it is throwing with people the likes are publicly running the affairs of Wo/Mankind. For the extra-terrestrial visitor, Earth has got to be the largest open air stage for Satire. And then, when looking at it like that, yes, Homo Sapiens is Satire. The Universe is quite satirical with Homo Sapiens. The 'Sapiens' part is the one with the Satire built-in. Standard equipment.

IF anything, this longest piece of written thoughts and realizations over the longest period of time, was influenced by dramatic changes in our lives. These events have created a renewed point of view in regards to Life. To use my virtual Word Condenser: Be Strong. Be Patient. Be Emphatic. Be Helpful. Be Available to help The Universe wherever it may need Your, Our hand. No matter how small, or how tall - be available for good deeds 24/7/52. For the selfish reason of wanting to die with a smile on Your face.


Irsee Monastry in Bavaria

Dying with a Smile on the Face. It's the only thing that 'matters'. Meaning, it will materialize, manifest itself in The Universe. The great part about all this is, that only You know what could paint that smile on Your Dead Face. It's nothing of what We obviously have to leave behind. So, all the hassle and the bustle are definitely for nothing. They won't generate this smile. Quintessentially, Humanity is advised to have that in the Collective Mind. To re-discover ancient wisdom and to find new ways towards a more peaceful and sustainable existence. Money is a fantasy. It does not exist. It is like inches. How come you don't worship inches? Or Liters? Or Degree Fahrenheit? Joule?

Money IS the Matrix. It does not exist, but controls Humanity in its entirety. At that, it cannot be coincidental in the larger context. There must be a reason for Humanity's failure to reign in their gone rogue political leaders. Maybe Humanity needs WW3 to further evolve? Or the collective intend to overcome the scheme that has been hindering Human Evolution due to hyper extraction of Common Wealth into the safes and coffers of the owner class. The circle closes, or never provided an opening to leave it. Let's see the present moment at 'this time'. And before You run out onto the streets with pitchforks and pure water, let me re-iterate, that all changes start in the Mind. The Collective Mind needs to experience the Need to Change, as it has been lured in by reactionaries to resist change, to keep doing business as usual.

Let there be no more business as usual in Your Mind - Your Switchboard to The Universe. Time to go boldly far beyond where the other guy went - that went where nobody went before - into a new Dimension of 'Going Boldly Beyond Anything Anybody Ever Went. Make Earth a weapons-free place. If everybody is cared for, there is also no more crime but the one the likes of present politicians and public servants will always perpetrate. The general rate of criminality will drop proportionally and inverted to the ease of not having to earn one's keep any longer. Time for a collective shadow cabinet to be formed, in which necessary changes to the present system are analyzed and legislated.

Thank You for getting down here.

As always, I am just a response away.

All Images ©2019 Helena-Sophia Exel Except for external hyperlinks and/or when stated otherwise.

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