My ideas on growing an instagram followingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #social8 years ago

Whether you’re new to Instagram or a veteran we always want to keep our numbers growing. More following to more leads to more conversion and ultimately more money. Short backstory I manage about 5 or so. Largest 7k smallest 1k.

Post Consistently

Chances are if you are reading this you are not a household name yet. Posting consistently gets you in your viewers eye but also keeps you there. Keeping a schedule of a MINIMUM one post every 48 hours is required to not get lost in sea of content created every second. Plus consistency is what brands do. Think fast. Whats your favorite soda? Companies pay billions a year just to be first in your mind.

#Engage Your Followers

Content can be great but always ask the question. Can I make my followers connect more with it. Being on the fence on any is like boiling an egg without boiling water. Be on fire for your topic, be strong for against a viewpoint. You lose followers regardless keep those who are strong with you and they will become loyal over time

Marketers Ruin Everything

This a quote from Gary Vee his video is on Youtube. The moment eyeball go in a space marketers rush in to push their products and service. Try not to be pushing hard sell your product too much on your page. Mix some cool content in with your product pitches or you will be that ‘ad’ page nobody wants in the feed

#Create Awesome Content

Make your content amazing and put your best foot forward. Have clear pictures, non-shaky video and easy to understand concepts in your media. If you don’t have any content or you ran out and new stuff to keep up with rule 1. Then upload content that documents your activities. “Hey guys what we do to get ready for our show” or “We just came out of a meeting to grow our product” is better than having nothing and having your competitors swoop in and steal your hard earned fans


Automation is the key to your freedom. If your posting and have repetitive tasks that you everyday and anyone can do them why not do just that tools like Robolike, that will like posts based on your niche bringing like minded followers back to you page.

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