What are the biggest turnoffs for you when it comes to relationships ?

in #social5 years ago

View the original post on Musing.io

Biggest turn offs for me in a relationship, any kind at that, first, Being fake.

This for me makes the top of the list cos, it's quite pathetic how someone can act to be who he is not and live happily in that. What happiness is in being who you're not. Of what benefit would it be to act like what you're not or claim to have what you don't.

Those who are down to heart and real are the real deal. Be real and let everyone know you for who you really are, not one with multiple horrendous personalities.

Another is contentment and its sister, simplicity.

Of course, to be contented or simple doesn't mean you should settle for less. I love to call in "Sophistication in simplicity".

I understand everyone wants to look good and attractive but how do you do that when you don't have the means? Simple, you only use the ones you have to make what you want. Like they say, "when live gives you a lemon, you make lemonade out of it".

Apart from these ones, unfaithfulness, untrustworthiness is also very key, just to mention a few.

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