TARGETED FOR DEMONETIZATION: YouTube is killing my channel

in #social6 years ago

I have had a YouTube channel since 2012, and since the 2016 Presidential Election, I have been directly and unjustly targeted by YouTube for expressing my free speech.

On January 16, 2018, I received this email from the YouTube Partners Program.

youtube email1

So I was thinking to myself "Cool, looks like maybe YouTube will finally start taking down some of these pedophiles and ISIS-linked videos and accounts down!"

Then I scrolled down and read the rest of the email.

youtube email2

Now, at first, this really angered me. Here I am pouring hours of my time and effort into creating content, sharing the content in places it will be viewed, and doing everything I can to promote my content in the hopes of both providing entertainment and supplementing my income, just to be told my account doesn't meet YouTube's new guidelines for monetization.

It would be one thing if my videos just sucked, or if I wasn't using SEO (search engine optimization) software to ensure my videos are easily found in search and pop up higher in the suggested videos category, however, YouTube has been demonetizing my content on a constant basis since the 2016 Presidential Race!

You see, YouTube's AI AdBots use a database of keywords they actively block from showing ads, and a sophisticated set of algorithms that pinpoint specific words in a video's description and tags to flag content they deem sensitive or not advertiser-friendly. The AI AdBots then imprint a specific set of number codes directly into a video's source code so that ads never show on the video and the video never appears in "Search & Discovery" and "Trending" category. Check out this video breaking it down:

Here is a link to the actual document referenced in the video, since a lot of people will claim that what I am going to say further in this article is a conspiracy theory.

Monetisation analysis/research

Before I ever received the email I shared with you, I was quite aware that there was something going on with the algorithms used by YouTube. At first, I was convinced that I wasn't being personally targeted by YouTube at all and that there were thousands of other content creators getting videos demonetized. As time went on my videos weren't just being demonetized, they were being systematically labeled as not advertiser-friendly before I even published them!

Every video I post, regardless of topic or content, is automatically labeled not advertiser-friendly, in some cases after review they are finally monetized, but the AdBot codes remain in the videos source code effectively killing it.

I didn't even try to monetize these two videos because I KNEW they'd be automatically demonetized.

Videos about Cryptocurrency with completely milk toast titles, descriptions, and video tags were killed by YouTube. There was absolutely no political speech in some of the videos targeted and yet still they were demonetized and essentially killed by YouTube.

After all this you might wonder if maybe I had too many content or community guideline violations, and that maybe that was why my videos were being targeted, however, check this out.

YouTube stats1

So, in the entire time I have been a "YouTube Partner" I have never once had a video flagged for copyright violation and have never once violated community guideline standards. I have gone out of my way to make sure that I have never received any strikes against my account.

Now, this is where it gets really interesting:

Analytics - YouTube In this image, you can see that YouTube has estimated that I have generated $241.34 in Ad Revenue.

Now, lets really dig in and take a look at some of these numbers, and you tell me if this makes any kind of sense.

Analytics - YouTube (1) In this image, you can see I have actually generated $426.34 and that only 28,827 of my total views have ever actually been monetized!

If I have generated $426.34 dollars in YouTube Ad Revenue, and only 28,827 views were ever monetized, why is YouTube only claiming I generated $241.34 of which I have only received $110! I understand there is a pay schedule, however, that is a pretty big discrepancy.

Analytics - YouTube (2) Does this make sense to you?

As you can see from this image, I have a total of 1,956,824 minutes of view time on my videos equaling 32,613.73 hours over 235,877 views of which only 28,827 views were actually monetized!

Channels that aren't targeted like mine is show ads every single time their videos are viewed, a fraction of my views have ever been monetized. If you take a look at the total views you will notice that there was a large spike in views during the 2016 Election season and that they abruptly dropped off, this was around the time my Channel was designated as a target for censorship.

Aside from a few random spikes on that graph, my battle with YouTube's AI AdBots has been an ongoing struggle which has seen my views-per-video completely collapse. I went from getting thousands of views to barely 100 views per video. Every video since that time has been demonetized and flagged so that I never achieve the reach I should have regardless of the hundreds of shares some of them get. Before I ever voiced my support for President Trump, I was flying completely under the radar.

Analytics - YouTube (3) Video's that have similar play counts, one has generated pennies worth of Ad Revenue, the other has generated about $222. All of my top videos, aside from the one, have been demonetized and killed.

I don't know who I pissed off at YouTube, but clearly, they do not value me, or any conservatives or people of opposing political views. I have been battling a multi-billion dollar corporation for over a year now and have decided that I will not be silent on this issue. If you think this is an isolated case and that I am some crazy conspiracy theorist, let's take a look at what happened when Project Veritas launched an investigation into YouTube's methods of censorship:

In this video, you have an actual YouTube employee describing some of the methods they use to target accounts like mine. I don't know how much evidence I need to show to get people to understand exactly what is happening here.

YouTube is run by leftist ideologues that do not want Conservatives and Trump supporters on their platform and will do anything and everything to ensure that we do not generate revenue from our content. They claim that they are doing this to protect the YouTube Partners program yet they continue to monetize videos from Rappers and musicians that use extreme profanity and sexually suggestive imagery in their videos. Some content regardless of depictions of violence, which also tend to promote misogynistic views of women and glorify the gangster lifestyle is allowed to generate millions of dollars worth of ad revenue for major record labels, while political speech like mine is deemed offensive or not-advertiser friendly.

This is a form of censorship, this is morally and ethically wrong, and I will continue to speak out about it. I am currently taking steps to contact the FCC and several other organizations both inside and outside of government to try to fight back against this. I will not be silenced.


Hey @ramsesreyes, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)

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