PARTIKO - A mobile application for Steemit users

in #social6 years ago (edited)


This time I'm going to talk about the platform Partiko

PARTIKO is one of the many applications that are part of a chain of blocks found in the list of the a platform that brings together applications and block chains based on the cryptographic ecosystems of #Steem - #Ethereum - #EOS - #GoChain - #POA - #xDai

Meet Partiko

Decentralized social platform that allows you to directly monetize your content and earn the #STEEM crypto currency

Description of PARTIKO

Many users of decentralized platforms often prefer to have access to social networks at hand, preferring to use mobile applications (DApps) to access and manage these social networks. PARTIKO is one of the many mobile applications that make life within the cryptographic ecosystem of the STEEM cryptographic coin, being one of the most versatile applications but with certain characteristics that tend to be attractive and others not so attractive. Many Steemit users have smart phones, which they use to navigate and communicate with their friends and loved ones, taking this into account, a group of developers have designed a mobile dApp extremely fast and operable within the chain of Steem blocks.

It should be noted that the challenge is great, since this chain of blocks is one of the most demanded in the market and with a number of trained users in the area of application development who will be the first to give input and suggestions for improving this application.

PARTIKO comes as a solution for those users who wish to monetize their organic content through a decentralized social network. PARTIKO has been designed and created to be part of the applications of the chain of blocks of the cryptomoneda STEEM, its name derives from the term "Particle" and from it its commercial name "PARTIKO".

Every user who uses and publishes their original content, whether it's a recipe, a set of photographs, the experience of a trip, or any other interesting type of article gets the STEEM crypto currency. Currently PARTIKO is one of the most popular and used applications within the STEEM ecosystem, having great demand among the most popular and influential users. PARTIKO was born to be one of the first applications, with the passage of time have made some improvements and updates to provide its users a higher quality service, certainly this application has features that are not usually very attractive to the user, we hope that over time its developers will be able to make improvements to its interface so that this application is increasingly closer to excellence and quality.

PARTIKO is one of the applications found in the StateOfDApps list, thousands of users connect to Steemit through it giving it an important position within the DApps that exist in the STEEM cryptographic ecosystem, I invite you to enter this link and verify the most relevant data on the STEEM block chain and observe the activity statistics that Steemit registers daily.

How does PARTIKO work

PARTIKO has a fairly simple design of minimalist tendency, making its use more comfortable, simple and accessible for new users, has an acceptable aesthetic and has commands easy to understand. To use this application the first thing you must do is download it, if you have a smartphone you must enter the Google Play Store or IOS App Store in you will find this application and from them you can download it. From PARTIKO you will be able to access different functions that have both the chain of blocks and the application. You can publish content very easily because it has an editor that allows you to add paragraphs and images.

Rewards System


When you use the PARTIKO application to publish your content, apart from winning the STEEM token for the upvotes received, you also win by the interaction you generate with other users the Points PARTIKO, they are earned in a simple way, with any action you do from the application the same assigns you a certain amount of #Points which you can exchange for upvotes in future publications. So using this application brings many benefits for users, through it users can get to have a greater reach over other users.

When you log in, when you comment, when you publish, when you do upvotes and when you invite other users to use PARTIKO you receive these points, which you can exchange for upvotes as I mentioned earlier, this last data makes this application more appealing to use for users of our chain of blocks.

My experience using PARTIKO

I met this application through my friends, they publish and comment from it, they told me that just by using it they earned a series of #Points which you could exchange for upvotes in the future. This made me very curious and I immediately proceeded to install the application to my best friend's smartphone @luislopezpk, we managed to install the application without major problems, the application ran with great speed on our mobile phone, but trying to publish the publication that we had prepared the system threw us an error, we tried to see what was going on but we never understood what was going on, we tried again hours later and the publication was published, but when we viewed the post from our computer we realized that something else was published that was not what we had planned, that seemed very bad and as we realized that we could delete that publication we proceeded to delete it before that option was canceled. My experience was not very pleasant, since then I have not used this application again, preferring to use the main interface of Steemit or other existing applications.

Some curious facts about the PARTIKO:

  • It is one of the most demanded mobile phone applications in the #STEEM block chain.

  • Just by interacting from it you earn #Points.

  • The #Points you earn can be exchanged for upvotes.

  • It has an internal chat, which allows you to chat with other users using PARTIKO and Steemit.

  • Its developers are making some updates to apply them soon.


PARTIKO is one of the most demanded DApps within the chain of STEEM blocks, this makes its developers are aware of the concerns and contributions that its users make to this application, to my consideration, I think they should make some changes in the editor part of this application, since, when you publish from it, your publications are not diagrammed or justified, making them lack a bit of visual presence.

Personal Rating

After having used the PARTIKO application using its commands, and its multiple functions I can deduce that it is an application that could provide a better quality in its services. I know that your developers are working hard to make improvements to both its interface and its response speed is for that reason, so I give it a rating of 4 of 5 stars, I hope that over time your developers manage to solve problems with the editor and add new functions to the same to give a better presentation to the publications that are published from the application.

#PARTIKO Social Networks

Download Partiko Android:

Download Partiko iOS:




See you in a next delivery

Thank you for reading



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