So I'm getting censored by Twitter. And why I'll drop all the main social networks.

in #social8 years ago

A week ago I released my website. I did a promotional run on BTCTalk and Twitter by posting, tweeting...

My experience with Twitter is just really bad.
Once you want to subscribe, you already know that they don't like peoples using a VPN. I could not register and not giving a phone number.
It's to prevent from abuses they said. I just think they want to geo-loc. you.

My idea was to subscribe again, from a device not connected through a VPN. It works !
2 days later, they suspended my account for a reason I'm just ignoring. Asking again for my phone number.
I gave it to them. I shouldn't, I was weak. I failed to protect my own privacy, they now own my localization and my name.

They finished me off yesterday by freezing all my attempt to do anything on their network. My account isn't suspended, I'm just unable to do something. I'm malicious, or a spammer it seem.
I tried everything to resolve the issue, it's just a noway.

Twitter msg

That was my first and my last experience with Twitter (fuck you btw). I don't want to be randomly locked down, waits days for the support to help.

I'm now starting my small guerrilla against all the main social networks. I'll drop them all slowly.
I'll promote my website an other way, the hard way and the only true way: thought the users by providing quality and by building my own network of friends.
Still I need some tools to sustain. Those are not ready yet, it's going to be several days of scripting.

So what's next ?
Twitter were good enough to share quick news with the followers. I'll continue to share news but on the site's frontpage. My work is starting now and it should be ready by the end of the week.
I'm dropping Medium for Steemit, just now.
To me Slack is just a chatbox. I choose Slack because it's famous nowadays. I'll build my own chatbox then.

I feel stronger, with more ideas to improve since that incident.
My battle is beginning.


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