Social Media Marketing and Why Your Business Needs It

Social media, that’s a kids game, right? A place filled with family and friends, but no real business gets done there. It’s all about memes, cat videos, and farming games.

The role of social media in our lives has changed drastically over the last few years. It is no longer just a young kid’s game. There is much more to it than just being social.

Did you know?

In 2013, the fastest growing demographics on Facebook was the 45-54 year range. The same could be said for Google Plus, and Twitter went one step beyond that and saw the 55-64 age bracket become its fastest grower.


Now, this might not mean much for a small business owner, but if you think that this was an increase of approximately 80% from the previous year, you can clearly see that the trend is there; social media is becoming an adult market. The youngsters are still there, and so are their cat videos, but there is a paradigm shift in the social media scene and this change has left the marketplace wide open. The potential for growth for small business owners is vast, and because of the fast-moving nature of the online world, it is never too late to get involved.

Social Media Makes Your Business, Personal

The introduction of the social media presence into the standard small business strategy has changed the field entirely for small business owners. Even large corporations and conglomerations use social media to expand their reach and ensure that their brand is seen. If you are on social media, you are visible, and if your business is visible, then your company is relevant.

By introducing yourself and your business across through a social media presence, you are not only taking the initiative and going out to your customers, but you are opening you, and your business, up to them. You are giving them an online, live point of contact. A visible forum where discussions can take place.

The more personable you are, the more people will talk about your small business.

In 2014, over 70% of small business owners, those that deal directly with their customers, found new sale opportunities through Facebook. 70%. I do not have the figure for the amount of revenue these new customers yielded, but even so. Over two-thirds of your competition found clients through Facebook last year. Those are potential customers that you could have gotten first had your social media presence been active.

There is more to social media than Pokes and Likes
As more small business owners enter the online marketing world through social media marketing techniques, so we have seen a growth in the number of companies that employ someone in a full-time social marketing position. These are people who are experts in the fields of social media marketing and know the best techniques that will see to it that your business achieves its full potential.

Did you know?

The most successful posts on Facebook are those that have an image attached to them. This can be seen in the fact that 75% of all posts made on social media by Brands, are picture posts. Posts with images have a higher organic reach than text or link-based posts, and with the new regulations on Facebook concerning marketing, these numbers are likely to increase.

Employing a full-time social media manager may seem like a large investment in something that a few years ago was for people looking to find old friends. The world moves at a fast pace, and we must all adapt to survive. If your business cannot afford to hire a full-time member of staff, why not look to employ a freelancer writer to assist you.

A social media marketing strategy needs to be handled by somebody with the skills to make it work. Bringing in a freelancer to manage your social media presence gives you the benefit of having an experienced manager in the position, without the financial implication associated with a full-time in-house position. Not to mention the fact that successful social media marketing can actually reduce your overall marketing costs per year while helping to establish your brand.

A billboard campaign is nice, a radio ad, or a page in a magazine. These are nice, they could be seen by a lot of people, but it is dependent on a lot of factors. A post on social media can be shared by everybody who sees it. A single click of a button and your post can be seen by a host of new potential customers. With organic reach and

Being so close to your customers is your way to establish your brand, and set the baseline for your service. You can even use social media marketing to offer special sales and discounted services. Milestone achievements, likes or shares of your marketing posts could yield a discount or a prize for a randomly selected winner.

Social Media is Expanding across all Mediums

There is more to Social Media management than a Facebook account. There are a great many different social media outlets to help small business owners as you try to establish your brand. The top social media sites are:

  • Facebook
  • Google +
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram, and yes,
  • even Steemit

These sites cover the written word, images and advertising posters, through to promotional videos. To be successful with the social media marketing plans, you need to establish yourself on each site in turn and understand the way each one works. Each will require its own approach, and tactics to get the maximum benefit from your membership.

Did you know?

Amongst the 18-34 demographic, YouTube is viewed more than any cable network. This means that you are better to invest in your video marketing budget in a social media video campaign.

Blogging is Social Media Too

While it may not sound like it, but running a blog is also part of the social media platform. More and more companies are employing full-time bloggers, and the power of a professionally run, well-maintained blog is second to none for helping to establish your brand. A full time blogger is an invaluable asset to your company for several reasons.

  • Blog contact informs and educates consumers about your company; your current products and services, both now and for the future.
  • Blog content can be easily shared across the full social media spectrum by yourself and by others.
  • Blog content is the perfect medium through which you can make your company accessible to the public.
  • Blogging allows you to have control over the way your products are advertised online.
  • Blog content provides a centralized contact point for two way correspondence. Customers can approach you, but you have the perfect platform to keep your clients, both actual and potential, informed on new developments.
  • Blog content allows you the chance to link to other sites and posts, maybe from affiliates. Link sharing is a valuable tool in your blogging arsenal.

As with the position of a social media manager, being a full-time blogger is a specialized skill set, and if there is no room in the budget for a full time position, utilising the services of a professional freelance writer could be the best approach for you.


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