Hopp Wormatia und Kaiserslautern! 1-5 beide? Kann nicht sein!!

in #soccer6 years ago (edited)

DFB Pokal und meine beiden Vereine gehen unter

Das darf nicht sein - wie einige wissen bin ich in Worms aufgewachsen und habe mit 6 Jahren bei Wormatia Worms Fußball gelernt - nach drei Kreuzbandrissen war die Karriere vorbei! Meine zweite Liebe der FCK hat viel gelitten die letzten Jahre und ist in Liga 3 angekommen. Heute spielen beide im DFB Pokal und ich muss weinen - Regionalliga (4. Klasse) Wormatia gegen Bundesligist 1-5 ist vorstellbar, aber Kaiserslautern daheim ebenso 1-5 aktuell gegen die TSG Hoffenheim, das ist echt schwach. Hopp Ihr Pfälzer!


Underdog playing division 4 against Werder Bremen today!

I mentioned it already having been a football player at Wormatia Worms until I got my three serious knee injuries. Since then I was a sports fan only. Playing Wormatia you had no major love for my current favourite club Kaiserslautern as of the regional competition - they now play in division 3 so it could become difficult soon should they end up in the same leagues - I have two hearts here.

Today Wormatia will probably be killed by Werder Bremen but there have been surprised in the past where underdogs nailed it and kicked-out much higher playing clubs - it happened to Bayern Munich so why not today a surprise?

Today German Cup is being played - actually throughout the weekend - and whyever I lost 200 words of my original text here - no idea where it was gone! The low league playing clubs see this is one chance to earn a bit money and to be in the spotlight at least for one day.

Record winner of the Cup is - who is surprised - Bayern Munich with 18 wins - defending champion is Entracht Frankfurt who won that against the masters from Munich some months ago.

DFB-Pokal - what is it?

DFB-Pokal is the German knockout football cup competition held annually where 64 teams participate - all members of 1. Bundesliga, 2. Bundesliga and selected members of divisions below compete for the second-most important club title in German football. Main things is that the winner qualifies for the UEFA Europa League unless the winner already qualifies for the UEFA Champions League during the Bundesliga season. The competition was founded in 1935.

Some facts about my Wormatia

Wormatia was founded in 1908 - hence the official name VfR Wormatia 08 Worms - in the early days of football the club was regular participant in regional first division football competition until the formation of the national Bundesliga in 1963. When I started there I was impressed by the surroundings as even small in this city it is legend, tradition, love & hate - everything.


An important thing to note was that Wormatia was the first football club in history (first sports club) that displayed advertising on their jerseys - in the late 1960s . -this is not very widely known - we have been pioneers! I am not boring you with all facts on league performances as the match is starting now so I have to hurry lol. The sadest time was in the 1979 season when we led the 2.Bundesliga Süd after the first 17 matches, lost a lot players that followed the money and ended up as 3rd and missed Bundesliga - was a major drama followed by finabcial collapse and more - now the club is financially solid on a lower level.


Finde das Ergebnis der Wormatia nicht so schlecht. Als Regionalligist einigermaßen wacker geschlagen, ein paar Euros erhalten und mal wieder auf der etwas größeren Bühne in Erscheinung getreten. Volles Haus habt ihr ja nicht alle Tage. Selbst mit Mannheim, Offenbach oder meinem FCS wird das rund ja nur maximal halb gefüllt.
Aus diesem Grund: Genieße den gestrigen Tag.

Stimmt! Endlich einer mit Ahnung 😎

Kennst doch den Spruch: In den Farben getrennt in der Sache geeint.
Wir wollen doch alle das gleiche: Entspannt Fußball schauen und dabei das ein oder andere Kaltgetränk genießen.
Und über Lautern legen wir mal gewissenhaft den Mantel des Schweigens :D

Bin aus Österreich und hab noch nie von eurem Verein gehört! Gerade aber im Pokal sind die Underdogs besonders stark also mal abwarten (:

Eintrach was eliminated in the first round :O

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