How do you make friends as an adult? SOCAL STEEMIT Meet Up, thats how!

in #socalsteemit6 years ago

But you'll have to read through my sentimental ramblings first....


Hi guys,

Ive been at a little bit of a loss as to what to blog about recently, and even though this past week has been awesome, writing about my day to day just didn't seem...well, worth it. So I just got home from a group dinner and movie date (Tacos and Black Panther - SO GOOD!) and started scrolling through my photos, looking for inspiration. And then it hit me!


I noticed there was a theme to my recent gallery - beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, basically all the cliche words to describe what I thought was photo worthy. The sky on fire. Sunset on the beach. This beautifully amazing and gorgeous (lol) spiderweb:

IMG_20170512_065452.jpg(even though I hate spiders, and will admit a healthy fear of them)

And then I scrolled back to what I thought was photo worthy in NYC:

Deadhorse Bay. Where they used to dump all the dead horses. Also an erupted landfill from the 40s and 50s, where I liked to go hunting for old glass bottles for succulent propagation. Pretty hipster of me, huh.


Others included Manhattenhenge, with every last person looking at their phones instead of the beauty of the sunset. (I'm obviously also guilty, but I couldn't help but snap the hilarity of the situation). Barricades as a reminder of when Marshal Law was in effect. And last, but probably the most impactful - a news conference two blocks down from my home where two innocent people lost their lives in a shoot out.

So where am I going with this? I think that what we choose to memorialize in a photograph says a lot about you, and where your headspace is at that moment. For me, at least. And that little trip down memory lane made me pause and reflect about how grateful I am for the opportunities @nutinbutdatruth and I have earned for ourselves, and most importantly - the beautiful amazing gorgeous people we've met on our journey to wherever it is we're going.

Which now brings me to the SoCal Steemit Meet Up! Now, lets be honest here. I'm really not a people person. I don't like people. I act like I do, but really....meh to most of you. At least New York Christie says that.

Walking up to a random group of strangers in the park is not something you do in NY, so we were a little apprehensive at first.


But I have to say - after introductions were made, it was as if we had all been fast friends for awhile. And Im sure a lot of them have been through Steemit, but face to face interaction is always different but not a dull moment or awkward silence was to be had. We talked, we ate, we joked, we shared information and at the end of it all, I realized we all have a LOT more in common besides Steemit. Thank god, because I'm still in the "not fully understanding" class. But no, in all seriousness, I see a lot of group permaculture, rock hounding, gardening, various arts & crafts, hiking, camping, and foraging outings in our future (just to name a few!). Not to mention, we're probably the only normal people left since we made this super useful tinfoil hat for us to wear as a group. Thank you @fishyculture for the contest idea, and @creationsofcare for the brain saving foil!

(From Left to Right: @nutinbutdatruth, @creationofcare, @mariannewest, @madpotters, @mattlovell, @dennisauburn, @derekrichardson, and @csusbgeochem1. Photo by @rt395. Not Pictured: @beckymeep)

So, thank you Steemit and thank you @socalsteemit / @derekrichardon / @rt395 for hosting this event, and if you're new to San Diego like we are, then go ahead and click on this banner below to join us in making new friends. Next meet up is less than a week away!!


#SoCalSteemit is building and supporting the Steemit community of Southern California. If you are from SoCal and are into creating quality content here on Steemit, we'd love for you to follow us @SoCalSteemit and join our group on Discord!

Happy Potting!

#deadhorsebay #brooklyn #sandiegotransplant #newfriends #nature #steemitwatermelon


It was so natural, wasn't it? I get pretty bad social anxiety, but I felt very much at ease, and really enjoyed connecting with each of you. I feel so much optimism for future endeavors and adventures!

so awesome you felt at ease with us :D Lets get planning!

Was so much fun meeting you! and I too see a lot of fun events in our future!! If you ever don't know what to write - go to my profile. I post a daily writing prompt :)

awesome, thank you! thatll be a huge help.

Hope to see you on Sunday!! Do you guys eat eggs? My chickens are laying like crazy :) I'll bring you some if you want some :)

We will definitely be there! And yes, thank you so much for the offer! Nothing beats eggs straight from the chicken :D

Wish I had been able to make it :\ Looks like everyone had a blast! Going to try and get to the next one so I can meet y'all :) Put faces to words and all that, hehe.

It was really fun! Hopefully you can join in next time :D

That is one HUGE SPIDERWEB!!!! I wonder how big is the spider?!!! Steemit offline gathering is the best... Seems like this can be applied worldwide to different communities in Steemit... All the meetups and gatherings we read are always showing us how awesome the meetings are... None of them are boring, dull or even a minute of dead air... After some while of ice breaking session, we are already chatting like we have known each other for ages... (^.^)/

please dont make me think of the spider size, LOL. someone told me that the only time you see a web is when the spider is done with it so you dont have to worry....but I still got nervous having to shimmy through the gate every morning next to that thing! I agree - any meet up would probably be a good time - youve connected with these people over something you have in common already!

Hi, this is an event in Fallbrook you might like. Diane did a really great job with her property!! And she knows so much!

wow, very cool! Ill show @nutinbutdatruth and try to check it out soon.

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