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RE: SnOwregon 2019 ~ Post XII ~ THE AFTERMATH: Part II ~ Smaller Scale Difficulties ~ Original Photography And Short Discussion About Some Fascinating Troubles With This Big Snow Business ~

Oh!!! That sign was hilarious and was probably constructed after the first Kar-umph! Betcha! That would be funny only after it happened... like weeks after when there was no snow to look at.

What a dangerous little piece of sidewalk that would be. No kidding! Here is gets a little bit of black ice, just to make it fun when you are biking or even driving. Yikes. I have slid down many a European danger zone with black ice following me down.

The fun days! Oh, where are they when you need them?

Oh, if looks could kill, that cat would eat you for dinner. And those turkeys? How hilarious, moseying around the hood, checking you all out. I say we make like it is Thanksgiving and grab one. It is a rafter of turkeys, in case you were wondering. My brother raises them. The domestic, not the wild. In case you were wondering. LOL He has to eat a lot of the Toms as they get pretty cranky and downright dangerous to have around. Oh, they chase him across the yard.

Well, me dear, as always, you are a hoot and holler and I am glad I made my way over here as you always make me smile! So have a great day and keep on steemin! You know you want to!

Upped and Steemed



Thanks, I must remember that for future turkey reference. A rafter. Wonder where that came from. Probably named by Farmer Fred years back, when they kept roosting in his barn or shed rafters. "Look Ma, it's a whole RAFTER full of gobblers". And it stuck, because Ma no doubt worked for Mr. Webster and his dictionary, so very many years back.
I have heard those big boys do get a bit cranky, as you say. When I photo them, they fan out their tails and move toward me making an odd sound sometimes. Imagine they could about bust your arm with that big old wing. Or peck out an unsuspecting eyeball. I'd eat them too ( :

So glad you stopped in to chat. I so enjoy our little written forays. SOME day I would love to buy a microphone and get in on an OGP DSW chat on here. They really crack me up. Oh, the dreams of life, they come large, fast and furious. And fun. Though I would probably put Mr. Chicken on my screen, as that is who I truly am. Chortle chortle, DD the large, stuffed chicken.
Well, I hope this finds you enjoying nice, warm weather, and having fun out East. I so love your fair city, but it's been awhile. I used to go there more when my buddy had meetings there, but now, I don't go as much. I used to stay at the Americana motel. Do you know it? A cheap little place, but I could pedal from there on my folding bike and spend days at the Smithsonian. I got lost in that wonderworld many a day. There are many new places to visit I've read about. So one day I hope to return. Preferably in the flowery spring.
Well, I've waxed on poetic or in some direction about past fun long enough. You are probably staring up at the backs of your eyelids about now.
Have a nice day, and thanks for the nice tip. You are the cats meow. Take it easy in Steemitville.

OMG! Never! I never tire of the banter and poetic waxing of things. While you are at it, could you throw a little wax on the floor, I have been so lazy and have skipped it for a while - and you do wax so nicely!

Oh, wouldn't that be a hoot and holler? Seriously!! There would be nonstop laghter to the rafters (not turkeys, mind you) on there. And you know that OGP @old-guy-photos is always waiting for an opportunity to show off his video skills. Oh, he has gotten so much better with all the time he spends on there.

Oh, Ma Webster you say? Hehe... Well, that makes sense. I was wondering how a turkey could be a rafter. I mean, a bunch maybe? A herd? A plethora of them... but, rafters? I think your explanation is truly brilliant.

Are you talking about the Americana in Crystal City (probably actually Arlington, but the Crystal City area) Right across the river from the city. A hop skip and a bike. I know where that is and it's been renovated nicely and if there is one right downtown, I am not familiar with it, but, there are a lot that I don't know. I love it there and all there is to offer. Any time.

I will let my brother know that he can continue feasting on his gobblers. LOL I laughed the first time he had one for dinner because it attacked him. Oh, who got the last laugh there?


I hope you have a great day DD @ddschteinn! You are one in a million! xoxo

I don't think you'd want me waxing your floors. Though I could dump the wax from the bucket out just fine. I've done THAT more than once, mopping my kitchen floor. "Swim over and turn off the stove, then to the door to let the water out". Mr. Clean, step on over in your white T shirt and odd sailor pants.

That probably would be a hoot so do a three-way podcast. Though I wonder if it would verbally 'flow' at this end, like you guys do, compared to just writing. Or if I'd just sit there like a bump on a log and listen. Not likely, as I tend to talk as much as I write. So maybe it would be a success. I have been meaning to get a microphone, so I can try to read my stories in either a blog or podcast. Haven't gotten there yet, but I suppose a plan is the first step. Mr. speed I isn't either ( :

That is the same Hotel. I looked it up online. In Arlington. Guess that's also called Crystal City. A classic blast from the 50's or 60's past. A big old square thing on a pedestal. It is nice, and cheaper than many, which fits my bill well. Only they didn't like my folding bicycle. Had to keep it cabled up in the store room rather than my room. Next time I'll be more sneaky. I biked right from there to the Mall. It was a major hoot and holler, as you say.
Well, as always, it's nice to chat away with you. I always have fun. Hope your day is going well, and the weather is cooperative. We're going now from all day rain to dryer. Gotta get the John Deere out and get to mowing. A farmerin' I shall go. The garden has to get in soon too. So much to do, so many posts to write, so little time. Isn't life a fun endeavour. YES.

Oh that would be awesome! I know I would have a great time. We might have to twist @dswigle's are, but I have done it before! If you use a laptop, you might be able to get by with that.

I think it would be fun. I've never been verbally 'online'. I might freeze up and then just sit there, as I told DW. Then again, talking has always been a habit of mine. So probably not ( :
I have an older laptop. Probably has a microphone and stuff. Never tried it. Though I've been meaning to get a Yeti microphone. If nothing else, it looks cool, and I can feel like Walter Cronkite. SOME day I'm going to try reading stories online. There sure are a lot of those somedays in life...

Oh yeah we both use Blue Yetis. I dont think you can beat them. Even the Blue Snowballs (which are less money) have a great sound. I hear people make some money doing online reading. Have you looked into that? Well for sure if you get a mic, we will be sure to wear it out!

Yeah, I've heard they are pretty quality for the price. I think it's more a matter of when, than if. Probably soon. I need to borrow HH's and try it, then buy one after that. She has one. But uses it a lot, so I'm going to have to spring for a new one of my own.
The online reading is one big reason I want to get one. Not sure how successful it will be, but what the heck, can't dance. Plus, then I can do podcasts with my two favourite humorists on Steemit. Now THERE'S a recipe for success. Beyond the moon, Maynard, beyond the moon. We're talking PLUTO. (Though not the goofy dog one...)

Yes the podcast may not pay much in money, but you cant beat the giggles LOL. For sure the Blue mics are a decent bit of gear that should basically last and not wear out. So when you look at it like that, the price is not too bad :)

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