Get rid of snoring and enjoy your sleep

in #snoring3 years ago


Studies indicate that about 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women, over the age of 60 snores, either continuously or occasionally, and many individuals may develop this phenomenon at some age.

Snoring is caused by air entering the throat during breathing, which stimulates some tissues in the throat to quiver, causing the annoying sound of snoring.

Of course, snoring is not a pleasant experience for all parties because it prevents the patient and those around him from getting a good night's sleep, and besides being a nuisance, snoring can sometimes threaten life and lead to a defect in the airway.

Breathing through the mouth leads to the emergence of the problem of snoring, and lack of sleep, fatigue, and increased health problems are also reasons that lead to snoring.

Snoring may be related to serious health conditions such as sleep apnea, and the causes of disruption in the airway vary, it can occur when the position is sleeping in a bed is unhealthy or when the nose is stuffy due to a cold or adenoids change.

Also, drinking alcohol, smoking, taking sleeping pills, sedatives, or obesity can lead to snoring, but in both cases, there are many tricks that the patient can apply to get rid of snoring at night.

Ways to get rid of snoring

1- Lose some weight
Since many people snore because of their weight, experts stressed the importance of losing weight, because the excess fat around the neck can put pressure on the airway, making it narrower and less likely to stay open, causing snoring, and this is particularly common in men because the neck area From the areas affected by weight.

2- stop smoking
Smoking irritates the membranes of the nose and throat and may block the airways and cause snoring, so quitting smoking can achieve quick results in getting rid of snoring.

3- Avoid alcohol
Avoid drinking alcohol, especially before bed.

4- Stay away from some medications
Sleeping pills, sedatives, and muscle relaxants cause weakness in the muscles that keep the airway open, resulting in snoring.

5- Repair of congenital nose defects
Sometimes a person may be born with a deviated nasal septum, or he may be exposed during his life to an injury that caused him this type of defect in the structure of the nose.

This may negatively affect the processes of entry and exit of air from the nose, and the patient may unconsciously begin to open his mouth during sleep to be able to breathe better, which makes him snore.

6- Treating allergic diseases
If you suffer from allergies, you may snore because your airways are blocked, which may force you to breathe through your mouth, which increases the likelihood that you will start snoring.
It is preferable that you consult a doctor to get the appropriate treatment for allergies, which may help to get rid of snoring permanently.

7- Change your sleeping position
Gravity pulls the tissues in the airway down when sleeping on the back, which can make snoring worse. Also, the base of the tongue rests on the back wall of the throat, causing a clicking sound during sleep, so experts advise that the patient sleeps on his side instead of his back or raises the upper part of the body slightly using pillows Or adjustable mattresses to reduce snoring.

8- Opening the nasal passages
If the nose is clogged due to a cold or an allergy to something, the air will pass quickly through the narrow nasal ducts and thus make a snoring sound, so experts advise rinsing the clogged nose with saline or taking a shower with hot water before bed to open the nasal ducts and nasal strips can also be used. Or medicines that reduce nasal congestion or get rid of substances that cause allergies with the use of anti-allergic medicines.

9- Keep the room humid
Dry air can irritate the membranes of the nose and throat, so a humidifier can be used to maintain the humidity in the room.

10- Drink plenty of water
Dehydration increases the viscosity of nasal and oral secretions, which creates snoring, so experts recommend drinking plenty of water to prevent dehydration and reduce snoring.

11- Watch what you eat before bed
Research has shown that eating large meals or eating certain food such as dairy before bed can make snoring worse.

12- Stick to healthy sleep habits
Fatigue due to sleep deprivation does the same to those muscles that keep the airway open, and therefore the more tired a person is, the more he snores at night, so experts advise sticking to a fixed bedtime and waking up a schedule to reduce snoring.


13- Wear an anti-snoring mouthguard
Similar to the mouthguard used by athletes, this condom helps open the airway by bringing the lower jaw and tongue forward during sleep.
Use a special guard to prevent tooth friction during sleep, so that the jaw does not block the airway.

14- Avoid taking anti-snoring pills
Because medical preparations have no effect on snoring and do not eliminate it.

15- Sleeping on the back
Sleeping on your back may cause the tongue in your mouth to move to partially close your throat, which can obstruct the movement of air through your throat. So sleeping on one side can help you get rid of snoring.

16- Avoid using a special jaw collar
A jaw collar keeps the mouth closed during sleep, especially for those who suffer from a blocked nose. Because in this case, the carrier cannot breathe normally.

17- Change the pillow
Try changing the pillow. Raising or lowering the pillow may be more suitable for the airway to reduce the level of snoring and help to sleep peacefully.

18- Change your sleeping position
Gravity pulls the tissues in the airway down when sleeping on the back, which can make snoring worse.
Also, the base of the tongue rests on the back wall of the throat, causing a clicking sound during sleep, so experts advise that the casualty sleeps on his side rather than his back or raises the upper part of the body slightly by using Adjustable pillows or mattresses to reduce snoring.

19- The surgery
Operation is the last option to get rid of the problem.

It is recommended to consult a sleep doctor if your snoring is loud or you suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, excessive daytime sleepiness, or weight gain to determine the cause and treatment of snoring.

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