Do you believe in 'No Snitching'?

in #snitching7 years ago

 It's a question I've frequently asked people irl - Solely because of the  extremely surprising responses. For me personally, It was quite odd to  see just how many people actually sided with the 'no snitching'  mentality - Even when different scenario's were offered (even when  something/one bad is at the forefront of charges, some were still firm  in their beliefs of NOT snitching. Thankfully, I've never been put in  such a situation legally so I wouldn't be put in such an awkward  situation - Though I believe i'd never be able to live with myself if I  took that route and defended someone who didn't deserve such a luxury.

I know it's more of and older generation mentality, though it's still  somewhat existent to the newer generation... Especially in the boroughs -  What are your thoughts and beliefs on the 'no snitching'  rule/mentality?

I ask this, as recently watching this missing persons video. It was an  extremely interesting & disturbing case of two boys Elijah Moore  & Enrique Rios who went missing from Brooklyn in 2016 just weeks  apart. A quick run down : They were both 16 year old who were on  probation for getting into a fight with eachother, they were in a  program where they basically went to school for 4 hours and spent the  rest of the day on a construction site - Basically bettering themselves  and developing new skills. Enrique went missing first, his mom recounts  the last time she saw him was him getting ready to go to bed - with less  than 30 deg. weather outside, he was in shorts and a loose t-shirt. She  woke up the next morning and he was gone - which was out of the  ordinary (he had run away before, but she knew something was off since  he didn't bring his construction clothes with him & that  apprenticeship meant so much to him). The most puzzling part of the  case? She texted him asking what on earth was happening, knowing  something was off from his responses (she had the feeling that wasn't  him texting) He never showed up for school and police really mishandled  the case. They treated it as a run-away case and lost vital preliminary  hours of potentially finding him. I'm skimming through, Elijah was in  the SAME program... A little over a month later he was at the cheque  cashing place depositing his paycheck - calls his mom asking what his  social security # is, is the last time he's ever seen. Elijah tells his  mom that before he comes home, he's going to see a friend on break.. he  never shows. The friend then calls Elijah's mom as it's unusual for him  to not show up when he says he would, the same thing happens to the  friend - He receives extremely weird texts and instantly knows that it's  not Elijah. He contacts the mom and the other son and they also confirm  that it's not Elijah. They immediately file a missing persons case and  the police also treat this poorly. It took almost a year and a half for  the FBI to say that these two cases are connected (Fucking DUH)... The  mothers say that the town they live in is small and everyone knows  EVERYTHING.. People don't want to help and be seen as a snitch - They're  overly confident someone knows what happened to the boys.

A few months after the boys disappearance, another older man who worked  in the adult program of the SAME construction company went missing only  minutes away from the chequing place Elijah was last seen, He was found  deceased weeks later lying face first in the ground with an random  vehicle submerged into a mud pond. 

 A:welcome to leave your opinion.  


It depends on what on what the situation is.

If I saw my sibling eat the last piece of chicken, I ain't snitchin'.

If I saw evidence that my neighbor/friend/whoever is a rapist, child molester, abuser, etc.

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