Standing before the circumstances

in #sniffscurry4 years ago

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Greetings my brothers God bless you greatly, how many of us can give thanks in the middle of the trial? How many of us have reached that level of faith? Let us reflect on the subject in these brief lines.

Dear friends, faith is a carbon that can be extinguished even extinguished, basically a fire must have oxygen, combustible material and an ignition source, but if any of these elements were not present, then the chemical reaction called combustion would not take place .

This is the way it happens many times in our lives, faith is extinguished, we drown in the sea of ​​life and its disappointments, our dreams are interrupted due to the opposition of the economy, the pandemic and even by some people with envy within their hearts towards us.

Thanks to the Lord who has left us his word as a whim that turns us on and that makes us understand that every process has a beginning and a purpose, as the following biblical text says:

James 1: 4-6 King James Version (KJV1960)
4 But let patience have its complete work, so that you may be perfect and complete, without lacking anything.
5 And if any of you lacks wisdom, ask God, who gives abundantly and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
6 But ask in faith, doubting nothing; for he who doubts is like the wave of the sea, which is carried away by the wind and thrown from one part to another.

taken from:

Yes, my dear brothers, patience is being forged in each one, that is why we must not faint, God is, he will be and his great love will last for all eternity, we faint because the great and powerful is with us, the eternal and sublime, the creator of the beginning and end of all things in which things subsist.

God bless you, affirm you mightily.

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