Sneaky Ninja is Shutting Down - Final Days of Voting are Here!

in #sneaky-ninja7 years ago

Sneaky Ninja is Shutting Down
Final Days of Voting are Here!

Many of you have noticed that the bot is not quite functioning properly.

It has been voting late for a while now.

I've tried for quite some time to figure out the reason for this.

I've even spoken to @inertia about it to no avail.

Nothing I do seems to change it.

On top of that it has been a major loss from the beginning.

Overall I have lost 1500 steem running this account.

That money has all went out to you... my community, so you are welcome for that.

For any of you that think I was profiting on this and had a problem with that...

Eat a dick, in fact, eat a bag full of dicks.

I started this, like everything else I had done on here to help the community and have fun in the process.

Shortly after starting this bot, this account and my original account were robbed of nearly 800 steem as well.

This was not part of any phishing scam, I know for a fact that I was directly targeted. I also know that the reason was because of assumptions similar to what I just stated above (just before the dicks).

There are people on this platform that believe that they are right, that their voice counts as more than mine, more than yours and more than your neighbors.

Personally I don't buy into this shit.

This was supposed to be a free platform for all.

An oasis in the jungle of the web where we could be ourselves without the burdens of hierarchy.

Instead what we've created are whale monsters...

Fueled by jealousy and conceit ready to smash and bash others dreams and goals simply because they are not in line with theirs.

As a community we should not stand for any of this shit.

As a community we should stand together to fight the real abuse that is here on this platform...

Those that believe they can create their own view of abuse and force it down the throat of others by smashing their spirit, robbing them of not only their potential income, but also of their will to accept this mess we call a website.

These are the real abusers here, tyrants with personal agenda agreed upon in groups large enough and funded enough to crush any one of us.

And for what?

A sense of righteousness?

A feeling of power?

Again, back to the bag full of dicks.

When I started Sneaky it was meant to be fun, something people could enjoy.

It was never supposed to create such headache, controversy and turmoil.

Just a simple tool that people could have fun using and I could have fun writing a story and building a character for.

Instead he's turned into the likes of a martyr.

Beaten, shunned and abused, though his motives were pure.


Tuesday, November 21st will be the last day that Sneaky Ninja will accept bids.

All bids that come in after this date will be considered a donation and will not be returned to you so take note of this and don't bother asking.

It is now 6 days before this date. That is ample time for all of you to prepare to stop using him.

He will vote as normal (late on occasion) until and including that date.

He will be shut down whenever I get to it the following morning (11-22-17).

If you happen to get a vote that morning (11-22-17), count yourself lucky.

If you send anything past the 21st, like I stated plain as day above, thank you.

All of these dates are based on being in USA.

If you are outside the United States adjust accordingly.

What will come of the Sneaky Ninja?

Honestly, who the hell knows?

It would be nice if he could still somehow defend our community.

There are so many oppressive forces on this platform, that in my opinion are the real issue with Steemit, perhaps there is room for him to stand up to them somehow.

Or, perhaps now that he is beaten, those forces will find solace and leave him and I the fuck alone!

Maybe still, and this is a long shot, He can continue his story and let the rest of it be told.

I honestly don't know, and only slightly care at this point.

Make whatever preparations you need to.

Good Day
@sneaky-ninja ...



Thanks, sneaky, you helped me a lot. Too sad you lost all that steems and leaving.


you may see more of me...


It has been amazing everything you have done to the community with the alliance and everything, The sneaky ninja was also really cool, but we all should understand and accept when things need to change.

All I can say Is thank you for everything ! ♥

I didnt even get a boost from the ninja.

You still can man!

Hope you are doing well bro.


I hope you find a solution to this problem
Because each problem has a solution
So do not despair, sneaky-ninja
Think about what you want
You will reach the solution someday
Good luck

Thanks for the encouragement.

Unless you understand the code and can offer suggestion I'm out of them.

Looks as though you were right my friend! A solution there was!


Also sorry for your loss and want to say thanks for the votes. Sorry to see you go

You're welcome :)


this really saddens me :( good bye sneaky-ninja you will be missed, our fearless hero of the alliance.

to be continued....

I started using sneaky when it released it to the community from just being in #thealliance. It made me try to figure out how to become a part of the group. Sneaky has been good to me a shame to see it go.

we shall see....

It really breaks my heart to se him go 😢 it was such a cool and amazing idea to begin with and the back story was my favorite 😊 our protector and favorite ninja.
You have done a heck of a job and sad to hear everything you had to go through it's not fair.
And it was supposed to be fun and not cause you so much stress.
I hope that we will se him in some way in the future and that we find a place for him.
Bye bye Sneaky-ninja you will be missed 🤗
You are my favorite!

First zane took off now ninja when will u drop out just like them?

I know that Zane did and now ninja, it's really sad to se it happen.
But as for me I'm here to stay so I won't take off, so you guys are stuck with me.. Lol
How about you then?

Not much of a quitter... more of a fighter.

Ninja is just a headache at this point. If I could troubleshoot his main issue (voitng late) I may keep him running. Since I can't, and have no help to, I just end up looking like a fool for not being able to fix my own bot.

No you are anything BUT a quitter dear 😎
I know the hard work you have put in this.
You hold your head high!

I'm not dead yet fair maiden....


I know you will never die 🤗 to loved and Awsome! You will raise in another shape of ninjaness... or will you? 😁😁hahaha

I know what your problem is , i have that same problem and found out it was the server, where did you get your server from?

As a new person to this community, it saddens me to see this kind of stuff happening here. Very sorry to hear this.

well, keep your eyes open here.

The more you read, the more you learn

Yeah, The ethics of this platform is gone. We will miss sneaky.

yeah sure.

They have been tampered with that's for sure. Well, provided they were there to begin with.

Wow eh, "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."..... Because the rich control and the poor are forced to obey. Disgusting and gives me urges of murder. So long sneaky, you've been but a blessing to #thealliance and we all honour that.

Well put man!

I'm brewing a new pot of tea for ninja as we speak.

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