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RE: Place abusive posts here.

in #sneaky-ninja6 years ago (edited)

No, it's absolutely not worth the vote I gave him.

Unfortunately I'm traveling and I've had some personnel issues lately and have been pretty behind on the abusive posts.

I did not have time to get on steemit until now. This post was definitely in violation of my policies and he has been added to my watch list.


Well, thank you for replying.

I'm sorry to hear about you having issues with your employees.

I know that my opinions may be of little consequence to you(And in this circumstance, is impossible due to poor employee follow through.), but putting someone on a watch list while continuing to allow them to buy votes, doesn't really seem to have much of an effect. Wouldn't putting them on a watch list and removing there vote, send a much clearer message?

It's pretty clear that you tell people to read your rules prior to voting, if they can't be bothered to do that(and follow your rules), and they lose their vote, this is on them. I believe that this practice would very quickly eliminate Abusive vote buyers from your services.

If you were to actually due this, and reward those who reported it. Like this post indicates I think that it would merely be a matter of weeks before spammers and would be abusers along with the rest of Steemit would get the message that @sneaky-ninja is not a service for abusers.

If you did this, it would very much strengthen your stance in regards to the cat and puppy situation. But where things currently stand it's hard for the rest of us to see that you are in fact fighting abuse.

I don't mean to come off all hard on you, but I believe that you are a business man. So I don't see the point in sugarcoating things for you.

In the short term you will lose some business, but it would only be spammers and abusers(according to your rules) that would stop using your services. But It would be a huge step for your PR. No one would be able to say that you are not actively combating abuse.

Where it stands now it seems like it was more of a facade than an active battle.

I do want to thank you for at least having an abuse policy, that's more than many of the bid bots can say. I just think that if it was clear that it was actively enforced, with some community support you could be a shining star in the bid-bot realm. Thanks for your time. I would appreciate any response you are able to afford me, even if it's like; "No I think your dumb." I hope that your travels where enjoyable.

Well, hears the deal...

Not everyone that breaks the rules is meaning to. Some of them have not figured out what makes a good post yet. Many of these posters are not at all abusers they are simply confused how this place works. So using the watchlist system shows them fairness and assists them in learning how to write good posts.

I want to be fair and give anyone that is willing to change what they are doing to do that. If someone is clearly violating my policies for abusive reasons and it does not seem like they may want to do better I just blacklist them and remove votes if there are any without sending them to the watchlist.

so, if a person looks as though they might change what they are doing they go to the watchlist first. This way I'm not just attacking good steemians that simply have not figured out what type of posts are wanted here. it acts as a way to help clean up the abuse by teaching people in the process to do better while giving them that chance to do so. They only stay on the watchlist for 1 week before being blacklisted if they don't shape up and many of them do not.

The average person coming to this platform has no idea what to post and for many of them it really takes time for them to get it.

I really believe that doing it this way is for the better good of the platform. If all of the people that did not know what they were doing wrong were just blacklisted they would simply start leaving the platform and never learn how to do things right. I've already noticed tons of accounts that have started making much better posts after being on the watchlist.

Also, there is nothing that is going to strengthen anything at all with the cat and puppy. He's not even interested in helping the abuse issue. there is no reasoning with the guy. He's just an extortionist/theif that needs stopped. That's all.

Lastly, once the team is back up and running smoothly it will indeed be apparent how it is being enforced. We've stumbled some and I 'l be making a post about it soon.

Lastly, once the team is back up and running smoothly it will indeed be apparent how it is being enforced. We've stumbled some and I 'l be making a post about it soon.

I look forward to seeing this in action.

Thank you for the reply, while I'm sure that we won't be able to agree on all points, I very much appreciate bid bot owners doing their best to minimize abuse. I hope that we can prevent more of this abuse before to many new and old users alike, decide that this site isn't worth using.

Thats excellent post.
also the puppy and the cat flag me every time I use your bot. I had a look at his account and wow the money that guy is making is over the top. he transfers out from puppy to the exchange, it's crazy. Not sure how he takes that money from my post each time. But unfortunately i can't use your bot until the cat and puppy are stopped. I like your bot it's always been good. I will continue to follow you. Until next time suwwashhhh

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