Sndbox Summer Camp Writing - Task 2

in #sndboxquest6 years ago (edited)

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How my first solo-travel has changed me?

It's scariest because you are a STRANGER to everything. You're like a fish out of water, feeling so awkward because you're in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people. Best of all, there's nothing familiar about you during the travel.

It's the most liberating because you're free of judgments. You practically don't care about how people think about you and you just do it. And you'll realize something very important in the end, which I did.

It's a life-changing experience because you'll 100% challenged by all odds against you and it's your choice to win or to lose. When you choose to win against all odds, you're practically a different, transformed person (better or worse depending on the situation). When you choose to lose, you've given up and let life push you around. You're wasting your time there.

So, come onboard and travel back in time as Tifa to 2011, when I experienced my first solo-travel in China. Close your eyes ...

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Open your eyes.

You felt a strange feeling on your back. "Hmm, what's this?" You extended your right arm but your arm is not moving like you wanted. You opened your eyes and saw a crowd of people standing behind a steel fence. You turned around and saw a signboard "到达大厅
Arrival Hall". "What?? Where am I?"

Hello, there. Welcome to Tifa's First Solo-travel Story. You're now inside me and you will see how she has lived through her first solo-travel. You will not be able to control any of her movements, you can only see and feel. I will now show you my story.

This story is told from your perspective. "She/Her" means Tifa and "I" means you, "We" means Tifa and You.

"I am at an Arrival Hall that looks like an airport. But which Airport I'm at?" She started walking, looking around. Seems like she's looking for someone. "Huh, where's the guy that's supposed to pick me up?" I startled when a voice suddenly pops up in my head! I feel my heart beating faster and faster, and I'm sweating more and more. I am walking around aimlessly, searching for someone. "Let me just pull out my phone and message the project manager. What if there's no one to pick me up!?"
I can feel she's really nervous and scared because she's stranded in an unknown place and there's no one to help her, except the "project manager". For 3 hours, she has sent hundreds of messages but not one is replied. "Sigh, I'm tired..." She started looking around and walk towards an empty seat. She breathes a huge sigh of disappointment.

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Ding! A reply! She gets a reply!!! "Ah! A reply, finally! Huh? I'm sorry, the guy who's supposed to pick you up was lost. Can you go to this XYZ place and wait for him over there? Are you kidding me? You promised to pick me up here!" She's kinda angry but there's nothing she can do. She has to go to that place else she has to stay overnight in the airport. "Okay, Tifa. You can do it! This is nothing for you! You can do it!" I can hear Tifa cheering herself up. Because she's the only person that can save herself, no one else.

Tifa looks at the directions once more before she locks her phone. I think she's looking for "Bus Station". She asked a couple of people before she manages to get there. Thankfully, she's able to speak Chinese or else, I don't know how she'll communicate. The people here don't seem to understand English because it's not a popular tourist spot in China. I saw a signboard somewhere saying "Welcome to Wuhan". I guess that's the name of the city. Tifa is still walking around looking for the bus station.

She walks out of the airport, and turned left, towards the taxi stand. Behind the taxi stand, is the bus station! Yay! We've found it! "A bus! That's the bus station! So I gotta board bus number 890 and get off at the 10th stop." There's a bus stopping and Tifa walks to the front side to see the bus number. Ah! 890! Tifa approached the bus conductor and paid the bus fee. Suddenly, the bus conductor asked her if she's from Vietnam or Korea. Tifa said No and boarded the bus. She's trying to stay low as much as possible but it's futile because her huge backpack stands out. For some reasons, I can understand Chinese and I know what Tifa is thinking, and what she's feeling. It's like we've become one body with 2 minds.

The bus moved before I realized it. At this time, she's not excited at all. Fear is growing in her. "What if no one picks me up? What if they have abandoned me? Who can I ask for help? I don't have enough money to buy another flight ticket!" I can feel how scared she is, how alone she feels because there's literally no one she can ask for help. The only person she can depend on is the "project manager" which could be an illusion. Yet, she keeps on clinging to the small hope that everything will fine, that she will be safe and sound.

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Slowly, I feel my consciousness is fading...

"8, 9, 10! It's the 10th stop. It's this place!" Tifa picked herself up and get off the bus. We are in the middle of a bustling city, with tons of cars and bikes around. I can hear non-stop honking sounds, people chattering and the air! Oh my god! The air feels so stuffy and smelly. However, all these couldn't distract Tifa from searching the "pick-up guy". Again, nowhere to be found. I can feel like she's gonna cry anytime. "Why again.. Where is he? Am I at the right place?" She pulled out her phone and saw the battery icon shows 0% and shuts down. A surge of hopelessness crashes all strength inside Tifa. "Why now..." She felt all of her strength was sapped away by hopelessness.

But she didn't give up. "No way I'm letting this happening to me. I will get out of this. Hmm, is there a way for me to call Felix?" She's turning her head around, eyes open wide and walking hastily along the shops. She entered a medicine-looking shop and asked the shopkeeper to borrow her his telephone. She dials and waits, hoping someone picks up from the other side. To her dismay, no one picked up. She tried again and again, and again and no luck. Tifa hangs up the phone and thanks to the shopkeeper.

It is 10:00 pm already. Shops are closing and more dangerous people seem to appear. Suddenly, there's a middle-aged man on a bike stops right beside us. Tifa jumps a little! "Do you want to go somewhere? I can drive you there." Tifa instantly knows it's a 150% scam and she rejects him immediately then walks closer to the shops with lights. "It's already late... Maybe I'll just find a decent hotel nearby." We walk for about 10 minutes and see a tall building written "Wuhan Hotel" plus some unknown Chinese characters. The hotel looks pretty decent enough and the staff knows English which is perfect! She takes the elevator to 14th floor, enters her room and lies flat on the soft, fluffy bed. "Ahhhh Bedddd...." I'm glad that she has a place to settle, even though her project manager still hasn't reply her yet. A short while later, Tifa gets up, turns on her laptop and connects to the Wi-Fi.

The first thing she does is, Facebook call Felix.

Felix: Hello, Tifa! Where are you??
Seems this "Felix" is pretty worried about her.
Tifa: "I'm at Wuhan Hotel. What happened? Why there isn't anyone!?!?"
Felix: "I'm really sorry Tifa. The guy can't make it and I can't contact you. I'm so worried about you!"
Tifa: My phone went out of battery. I tried calling you just now but you didn't pick up. It's okay, now that you know where I am. Can you pick me up?
Felix: Of course I can Tifa, but now is impossible because the buses have stopped operating. Can I pick you up tomorrow morning at 9:00 am?
Tifa: I understand Felix, I will wait for you at 9:00 am.

"I will be fine. Felix will be here, right on my doorstep and he will bring me to the correct place. For now, let's just rest. It's been a very long day..." Yes, it's been a very long day for me too. Tifa must be more tired than I am. The cold shower is so relaxing and the bed just melted me and Tifa ...

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The next morning

Ring! Ring! Ring!
Yawnnnn "Who's that?" The doorbell woke us up and Tifa opened the door. Who we see is a skinny Chinese guy with a backpack, a Polo T-shirt, and blue jeans.

Felix: Hi, I'm Felix. Are you Tifa?
Tifa: Ah Felix, you're here! Sorry, I'll be ready in 5 minutes!
Felix: Okay, I'll wait outside.

Oh yay! Felix is here! Both of us are so happy, she quickly brushed her teeth, packed all of her stuff and literally, she's ready in 5 minutes! Tifa is so, so happy that her escort is finally here. What a day we have gone through. So this is what it really feels. Being alone in an unfamiliar place and your help is nowhere contactable is really scary. You don't know what will happen and negative thoughts are clouding your mind.

"What if I get robbed?"
"What if I was abandoned?"
"What if I need to go back? How am I supposed to explain to my parents who sponsored me?"

However, Tifa remained strong and believed in herself. She believes she can rescue herself and get out of these dangerous situations. Because of that, she has prevailed over her own fear. Instead of focusing on uncertainties and fear, she finds a solution every single time. "Where is the bus station? How can I reach Felix? Where can I settle for the night?" She focuses on solutions and other ways to get by.

Now you have experienced the first part of Tifa's most impactful moments in her solo travel. Now I will bring you to the next one. This is short but shows clearly her weaknesses.

Things are blurry, my mind feels heavy ...
My consciousness starts to fade away ...

I hear chattering sounds. I open my eyes and saw different groups of people, chatting around me. There are white, black, brown and yellow skinned people. They're all from different countries, I think. And I'm in Tifa's mind again. Now she's anxious for a totally different reason. She's the only person without someone to talk to. Perhaps she was isolated? What happened before this? "Ahhh, what am I supposed to do? I'm scared to talk to these people... My English is not that good. And I can't understand their accent. What if they don't want to talk to me anymore?" Ah, she's scared because it's her first time talking to a foreigner. Even though she speaks English but she speaks Malaysian English all the time. Her accent is totally different! What is she going to do? "Hmmm, I need to talk to someone, else my time will be for naught" She steels herself, kills all of her self-judgment and go for it. She smiled and introduced herself. In that group was a Polish girl, a Maltese big guy, a Taiwanese girl, and an American girl. They started to ask her questions and Tifa happily answered back. Looks like she managed to communicate and blend in. But hey, her English wasn't bad at all. She's got an Asian accent but I can understand her perfectly.

Right, my English is very good actually. I've just undermined my capabilities.

This voice was you, Tifa? All these while you've been talking to me??

Of course. I'm the one who brought you into my story. Only with my permission, you'll be able to enter my subconscious mind.

Oh, I was in your subconscious mind?

Yes, you are. And you'll find out more until the end. Because the ending has the most suspense. So stay and I will bring you to the next impactful moment. Are you ready?

Yes, I am! I can't wait to see more of Tifa!

Good attitude you have there. Okay, let's go!

I see everything in my sight swirls and I feel nauseous. Ughh, I feel like throwing up.

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Poof, I see a totally new place now. I am standing in front of 10 - 15 Chinese students. They look very young, like 5 to 10 years old. "This is C.A.R - CAR. Follow me C.A.R CAR." The students repeated after Teacher Tifa. Ah, this is a classroom, and Tifa is teaching English. Yeah, I remember she's here in China in order to teach English. "This is GIRL - G.I.R.L. Follow me." There's another Chinese girl standing beside Tifa, around the same age as her. She's speaking something Chinese which I can't comprehend, then the students nodded. I know it! She's the translator. Tifa asks a question "What is your name?" and points one of the students. The student stands up and said, "My name is Xiao Ming." Everyone claps. Teacher Tifa said "Good Xiao Ming!". Xiao Ming smiles and sits down. Teacher Tifa continued the class. What's really different from the first 2 moments are, I can feel she's really happy. Deep in her core, I can feel a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment which I've never felt before, even in my life. It's like "I have values that I can contribute to a purpose bigger than myself. I am good enough." Why? Why is it that I've never felt like this before? What was missing?

You're at the first stage now. It's a good start that you're asking yourself those questions.

What do you mean? I'm no longer surprised at the sudden appearance of Tifa's voice.

What was missing in your life that you don't feel satisfied or fulfilled? That's a very important question that you must ask yourself at some point in your life.

I know what you mean.

Great, and I don't want to dig any deeper because I know you will after you've seen a few more.

Bring me there right now.

Roger that, boss :)

Everything grows darker and darker. It's pitch black. I can't see anything at all! Where am I?

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"What am I supposed to do now? The project is canceled and I have 3 choices. Go home, Sightseeing or Go to another project in another city. All of my new friends are going for sightseeing but I don't have enough money to travel another 4 weeks! Should I go home? It's just been 2 weeks though."

What? The project got canceled? What happened?? Why is it canceled? There's no point asking because the Tifa right now couldn't communicate with me. But what is this feeling of torn apart? I feel suffocated. I feel so confused right now. I didn't know what to do!! Is this what Tifa is feeling right now? She's in such a dilemma. The volunteers who traveled with her chose to sightsee and Tifa had to make a very tough choice. Go home. Sightseeing. Or Go to another project. However, her subconscious mind has an answer already, and I already know her decision.

Why am I here in the first place?

"I.. I... I am here because I want to make a difference in someone else's life. That's why I signed up for this program!"

Walk alone if you must, Tifa

"The reason I hesitate is that I am afraid of venturing into a totally new environment again. Just when I get comfortable, and now I have to get uncomfortable again. But this is a path that I must take. My purpose here is to make a difference, not to travel and sightsee. I can do that later but this program is once-in-a-lifetime. I will not waste my father's money."

The thought of her straying away from her purpose and wasting her father's money is the decision point. She's here to fulfill her purpose, simple as that. In the end, she parted ways with her newly formed friends and embarked a new adventure to another city, another group of volunteers.

This moment is one of the biggest turning points in my life. I didn't know the purpose is such a strong guidance and commitment to me until life brought me this moment. What I don't know then, and I know now is I am driven by purpose. Purpose motivates me and keeps me strong.

That makes sense! How can Tifa remain strong when she's stranded in the airport, in the city and isolated in the beginning? I now know her source of strength and motivation. It's her purposes. When she's stranded, all she could think of is "Getting to the right place" and "Just do it!" She pictured herself doing exactly what her purpose is all about. She can see she's at the right place. She can see herself talking to a group of strangers. Is there something else hidden?

Maybe yes, maybe no. I am still finding out about myself. One of the reasons I showed you my story is to figure out something. I will not tell you yet, but maybe you can help me.

What is it? How can I help you!?!


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Suddenly, I feel a strong force pulling me from behind!! Ugh, I hit my head but not mine, it's Tifa's. I'm inside her subconscious mind again. This time, I see 5,6,9,10 new faces! They're all sitting at a round table and in the middle is filled with Chinese food! "Wow, this is delicious, right Ezra?" A girl sitting beside her replied, "Yes, especially this chicken, it's amazing!" Tifa looked at the other side and asked: "Hey, Yati can you pass me that sauce?" An Islamic girl nodded and passed her a dark-looking sauce. So this is the new group of volunteers in Tifa's new project! Tifa seems like has blended well and made some close friends. I'm so happy for her.

All of a sudden, the entire scene changed, like a movie.

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I'm standing in front of a group of students, around 8 - 10 of them, aged in between 3 - 8 years old. Pretty young for an English class. But this is not an English class, Tifa was talking about Malaysia using a computer presentation. "Malaysia is a country in Asia, located in between Thailand and Singapore. It has ..." The same thing, she's accompanied by a Chinese translator. But this time, there are 2 volunteers with her. The guy is from Russia and the girl is from Turkey. Woah, pretty diverse. As Tifa is presenting her country, I can feel that she is proud of being a Malaysian. Why? Because when she told she can speak 4 languages, everyone is shocked! When she told there are tons of food in Malaysia, everyone feels jealous. When she finds out how other countries like China, Russia, and Turkey are like, she feels grateful to be born in Malaysia. The sense of patriotism grows when you know more and appreciate.

Yes, when you know other countries are in a worse state, somehow you just love your country more, even though I've met a lot of Malaysians that don't like our country. But it's okay because we went through different experiences that led us to believe Malaysia is a good or bad country. But ultimately, a home is a home.

I think I understand what you're saying. No matter how bad your country is, it's still your home.

But not for all. For me, it is.
Okay, our time grows short. It's time for me to show you the final part of my story. For me, it's even scarier than the first part.

Okay, bring it on!
A flash of light blinds my eyes. My eyes hurt!
A few seconds later, the blinding flash of light is gone and I starts to open my eyes slowly.

Taken by me

I realized my eyes are watery. Tifa is crying? Is she hugging someone? "I'll miss all of you T_T" Awww, she's leaving already? But hey Tifa, the flight is in 30 minutes and you're still at the departure hall? You must run to the gates right now! "I really don't want to leave!" Tifa is shouting in her heart. Ugh, tt's that torn apart feeling again. Tifa, are you serious? You're gonna abandon your flight!? I know you're not gonna do it. Tifa looks at her watch and shrieks "Oh shit! I'm super duper late! I gotta go now, I'll see you somewhere somehow someday". Tifa walks backward and waves at her friends until she lost sight of them. Then she turned around and sprint at full speed! She sees a buggy tried to pick her up, but you gotta pay them. At the time, she's out of Yuan, completely! She's broke. She keeps running. It is 5 minutes before departure. When she reaches the departure gate, there's no one there and the door is locked. The plane is nowhere to be seen.

"Did the plane left? Really???"

She keeps running around, asking the staff where's that plane to Malaysia!? No one knew where it is.

"Are you serious, I missed the flight?? I don't have a single cent right now! Should I go back and ask them to help me?"

Instinctively, she walks towards the departure hall. Maybe she's really going back asking for help. Suddenly she stops. She looked at her right side and saw the plane schedule screen.

MH1760 - Bound for Malaysia - Delayed.

Tifa released a huge sigh of relief from the deepest breathe she ever had. Thank god it's delayed 1 hour! For the first time, I feel so happy the flight is delayed!!! "Thank god, thank god it's delayed. I can go back home now!!!" I can sense that Tifa cried a little, tears of joy you would say.

Hahaha, did that get you? Did you really think I'm gonna miss that flight and spend a few more thousand to buy another flight ticket! I didn't know why I would stop and look at the schedule screen. I honestly think I have missed the flight and going back to ask for help is the right choice. But I guess my heart led me to the screen.

Yes, I'm really amazed at the twist of events. Didn't expect the flight is delayed. I'm glad you're able to catch the flight and go back home.

Hehehe, thank you. So now that you've experienced my first solo-travel, would you go for at least once?

Hell YEAH!

The End.

My first solo-travel is one of the most epic moments in my life. I have discovered so much about myself, and by the time I'm back, I grew, physically, mentally and emotionally. From this travel alone, I have learned the most important lessons in my life,

  1. Purpose drives and motivates me.
  2. If I believe in myself, I am unstoppable.
  3. I love my country, Malaysia.

@tifaong writes simple and positive practices and ideas that you can learn (or re-learn) and apply in your life immediately. She covers life lessons, self-help, relationships, and motivational contents. Her mission is to spread positivity so that we can live a happier, fulfilling life.

Click the banner to check out her profile 😁

She is also a proud member of,




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First time I hear this story eh! Show me more about it! Your story really show people in first person point of view. :D

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