Sndbox Summer Camp Writing - Task 2

in #sndboxquest6 years ago (edited)


I'm going to tell you a story that happened to me, my name is Sofia and a few months ago some friends told me about Steemit, they told me that it was a platform similar to facebook but the difference was that they paid you for publishing, I decided to register and I started writing and I realized that it was true, there I met many people and among them @anomadsoul, he always made contests and I participated in several occasions, then I get one that talked about sndbox summer camp, the prize was a place in that camp, in which we were going to travel to a place that until now was not defined by the lapse of a month to camp, I participated and was among one of the best, I could not believe that I had won, I was very anxious to go.

After a few days he contacted me to request some requirements and tell me the day we were going to travel, I was very excited, I began to pack everything I thought I might need and wait for the time to leave.

And the big day arrived, we met at the airport, there were about 80 people and none of us knew where we were going, it was a surprise, they asked for our passports and we boarded the plane, they were 8 hours away, until finally we arrived , we were at the airport in Japan, there we were greeted by some people and they took us on buses to the forest of suicides, which was the place where we were going to camp. When we arrived at the place, I noticed many people surprised and made comments on another language that I did not understand, since there were very few of us who spoke Spanish.


We arrived at night, I could not see the place well, they told me what my camping tent was and with whom I would share it, I between settle my things and I went to sleep since I was very tired, the next day we got up very early to take us to know the site.


It was a very large and beautiful forest, the trees were very tall and there were many strange animals, we divided into several groups depending on the language you spoke, in my group was @anomadsoul, he told us about the history of the forest and between jokes and other We had a very pleasant time, until the lunch hour arrived and we returned to the camp.


They gathered us all to delegate certain functions and talk about the itinerary of the camp, who were the people in charge, how we were going to do to adapt to the site and that one of the requirements was to give one of them the cell phones and the laptop because this was I tried to get away from the routine, leave technology behind, the big city and get a little closer to nature, which would be returned once the summer was over, we were totally cut off, but it seemed a bit relaxing to forget about all for a few days, the bus that brought us was taking all the phones and would find us again in a month as was elbowed.

We played recreational games and several competitions, the winner gave him a prize to motivate the group, at night we gathered around a campfire, where we told stories and jokes, we laughed at all the witticisms of the elders, we took turns cooking They sometimes gave us reading and writing workshops, in the mornings we went to swim, everything was excellent, the group had fit perfectly and the environment helped a lot, but everything changed, very strange things started happening, there were people who came screaming out of the tents because they said that someone was watching them, they felt the presence of something unknown at first we thought they were animals but then we realized that it was not like that, we were bojo the presence of something natural, there were others who said they felt someone touching them when they were sleeping and when they opened their eyes there was nobody, they whispered things in their ears and we all had nightmares at night, things became tense.


We were very scared and someone from the group told us what the real name of the forest was, it is said that for a long time people have used that place to end their lives, that many have committed suicide in that forest and that is why they had Given that name.

We were all very surprised by what they had just told us, it was the most horrible story they had told us and the worst thing is that we were in that horrible place, we could not believe that nobody knew that story, we had 7 days there and we were worried that we were totally incommunicado.

Suddenly people started to get depressed and they felt bad for no apparent reason, there were others who acted as if they were not, it was as if they were possessed by some evil spirit, we all wanted to leave the camp, but we were deep in the forest and trying to return to the main road we ran the risk of getting lost, we had no choice but to wait the day we returned, the days went by and people behaved worse and worse the atmosphere became very tense, there were some who did not They slept for fear of something happening to them.


The spirits of the dead went away manifesting little by little, it looked like a horror movie, everything was in chaos and it was getting worse, when we realized that there were already two people from the group that had disappeared, we started looking for them but we did not find them , we did not know what had happened to them, we were all very worried, we did not know what to do, we were terrified, at nightfall we heard laments and screams tormented us thinking that maybe they were our companions, there is someone who said that those laments were all the souls of people who had committed suicide in the forest, and who were looking to quench their thirst because they had never been happy and the way to do it was by taking other souls.


These days seemed endless, there were still two weeks to go and it seemed like an eternity, this wait was horrible we did not know what was going to happen, the uncertainty invaded us daily, today 3 companions had disappeared, just thinking that the screams of the night I used to be mad at them, this seemed to me the worst macabre game I was in, there were some who left for help 6 days ago and have not returned, we did not know whether to leave or try to survive there and wait for us they came to look for, the coexistence was more and more impossible, of 80 people that we were leaving 58 people, and there were still 6 days left for our return.

I was very worried about María she was my companion in the store and for days I kept crying, I did not want to eat and I was sick, I had talked to her several times to get out of the tent, but she did not want to, she was very sad , I did not understand what was happening to him, until he told me he was thinking about committing suicide, that something in the place made him want that, when he heard that confession all the beautiful parts of my body stood up and I could understand that it was the place that I had this way, that there was something that made us think and say things we did not want, that our worst enemy was fear and that we had to leave that forest immediately.


The night was going to fall and I called a meeting to all of us who were staying in the camp, I talked to them about what I thought of that place and I told them that if we wanted to get out of there we had to be united and that we could not wait for a more minutes to go, that those who agreed with me packed the most primordial to leave in the morning, many opposed, but I told them that we had nothing to lose and if we left we hoped to get out of there alive, that those who wanted to stay I was not going to oppose, but that I thought that the one who risked did not lose or win.


I woke up very early, when I went to wake my partner she did not react, I worried about seeing the pale color of her face and I took the sheet off my face did not leave my astonishment she was lying in a pool of blood and in one of her hands had a knife I remembered in fractions of a second what she had told me that she wanted to commit suicide, I never thought she would carry out those desires, I quickly took her in my arms and started screaming for help, everyone came to my call , she was still alive but her pulse was very weak, we covered her wounds with pieces of fabric that we managed to extract from a clothes and we lifted her out of bed, the few who were hesitant to leave to see that scene did not hesitate .


We picked up what little we could and we left quickly, the road was very long, it seemed that we were walking in a circle, we walked for two days and we could not find the road that went to the town, we were all worried since obviously we were lost, at nightfall We decided to take refuge under a splash and my friend did not feel his pulse and when he touched it was freezing, there was nothing else to do was already dead, we decided to leave it hidden under some branches so that the animals would not eat it and so we could send for her when we arrived in the village, we all felt very bad for what happened, it was as if I could not leave that forest, a horrible darkness covered us and prevented us visibility, everything became very cold, frightened people decided to run, since they sensed that something bad was happening and they were not wrong, they began to hear screams of pain, it was as if a massacre was happening and I was terrified I walked through some bushes and began to pray I closed my eyes to see nothing of what was happening and plugged my ears to hear nothing, at dawn the fog stopped and the sun came out, I decided to see what had happened and I did not find anyone There was no trace of anything, it was as if they had never existed or had been swallowed by the earth.


I walked for days, I had run out of water and food, until there was a moment that I could not stand it anymore and I fell on the floor of the forest faint, I was awakened by the sound of my phone, a call was coming in, I could not believe it, I was in my room, lying on my bed, when I answered the phone was @anomadsoul, telling me that I needed some requirements for the trip of the camp, once I realized that everything was a dreadful dream, I sent it to them and we agreed the date of departure, the day came and everything went according to plan, but there was a time when everything seemed familiar, as if I had already lived it was a kind of deja bu, I began to worry and try to remember the dream that I had had a surprise when arriving at the airport and the same girl from my dream asked me for my passport. At that moment I realized that everything was repeating itself, that what I had experienced was a premonition, I decided not to go talk with everything l team and I apologize, I told them that I had an inconvenience and that I regretted not being able to board the plane with them, that maybe on another occasion I accompanied them and I left the place, the truth I was afraid to go, I did not know if tell others since I did not want to scare them, I still do not know if I did well or not, what I do know is that I did not want to go.


Very good.



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