Dancing between the worlds... Sndbox Summer Camp Writing - Task I

in #sndboxquest6 years ago

I’ve decided to make my entry to Sndbox Summer Camp created by @sndbox, @anomadsoul and @guyfawkes4-20. After all, thanks to you all guys for giving us such a good opportunity! So let’s talk about our journeys in the world of writing!

I began to write when I was 11; it’s been a long time! (it’s like almost ten years ago), my mother is a professor, so I was always accustomed to writing and literature, and I knew it since ever: it wasn’t just due to my mother’s influence, this was my passion and I just couldn’t help falling in love with it, so I was clear about what I’d like to do, but I’d still have so many insecurities back then. Perhaps at first writing was just a little hobby, but now, this is far more than just a “little hobby”, this is part of me now, but let’s talk about the main question: how was my journey in the world of writing? This is actually a good question because I think I’ve got a lot to say when it comes to writing and my journey through that beautiful art!

As I just already told you all, at first, the writing was just a little hobby, I didn’t have the confidence I have now and I was so scared, just imagine it: I was 11, who’s prepared to write a novel when you’re just a puberty boy? Maybe a genius are always prepared, but I didn’t have any experience not even brilliantness, I had to put so much effort to this passion to improve as a writer and become one, the road certainly was really tough and long, but nothing worthy is easy and when you want something, then you must put effort and passion on it, and that’s how it was, I’ve always been someone perfectionist (something that’s both good and bad, good because I’ve never had any issue) and when I started in the world of writing, all my insecurities and fears were eating me up inside as if they were shark teeth, little by little I left all those complexes. I’m really proud of how I faced all those issues I had back then, I had to shake it off myself and then just strip me of all those absurd complexes, now I’m more mature and I feel more security when I’m about to write. Now I write about every little thing that comes to my mind and I really focus on doing my best every time I’m about to write about everything, for me it’s really important to make sure that my writing’s not lacking of coherence, content, quality or meaning, and if it’s like that, then I’m not doing it right. I have some standards and if I don’t achieve them, then the story won’t work like I’d like and I often start over and over again just to make sure that the story or writing is really good (at least for my subjective standards).

The first thing I wrote was a short-story that I titled “Emerald Moon”, it was entertaining to write it, but the text was poor and the plot was a mess, I didn’t notice it back then, but now I can see it so crystal clear! It was such a bad story full of clichés and incoherent situations made just to have some cheap effectiveness. But it’s not like everything was bad with that story, there were some good characters and interesting plot-twists (even if some of them were a bit absurd or ridiculous), the short-story wasn’t boring, but it was just to approve the literature class but when I asked my literature professor for some advice, everything just changed! What began just like a mediocre/average task just to approve one class turns to something more serious! My literature professor thought that that story wasn’t that bad as I currently think, she just praised me for daring myself to create such a complicated story (she just told me it was a bit complicated to understand some situations, maybe due to its strong fantasy touches), her words really encouraged me to write more chapters of that story, she also urged me to write more and more stories.

And then, when I was 15, the first vestiges of my sci-fi novel series “The Dance of the World” (This one I’m currently posting here, in Steemit) were born, they come from hours and hours thinking on how I could create an almost original and changeable universe that has its own laws and nomenclatures that rules an immersive world, you all can’t even imagine how hard it was for me, it wasn’t until my 20s that I could make those ideas come true! The first character that came to my mind was the exigent and professional virologist Lucille Leblanc, she’s such a good character and I love how I’m developing her personality and psychology, I think she’s one of the most complex creations I’ve ever made! Writing all her plotline and all her chapters have been one of the most interesting and wonderful experiences I’ve ever lived! But of course, there are other characters like Gill Cranston or Oksana and other unseen characters that I’m currently creating and developing for future chapters! “The Dance of the Worlds” is just the iceberg’s peak; I want to write much more and I think my stories and proposals would fit in @sndbox standards, I hope so!

It might sound to you all a bit odd, but I actually think that @sndbox was like something handmade just for my needs and my ambitions; I just figured it out when I read all those amazing entries for the past Quest (Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology. Damn it! I wish I had made my entry for this one too! I regret it a lot!), all the feedback of knowledge and productive information that all those dedicated users have given to us just reaffirmed me that Steemit still have all the potential to revolutionize the world (it actually has revolutionized the world, but I’m sure this’ll keep getting better). Communities like @sndbox are the ones that make Steemit greater, that’s just one of the many reasons why I want to be part of something that important like this, I assure you all that I’ll do my best if I won the final prize. One of my goals in @sndbox is to promote the platform in the best way I could do, this platform has to become the #1 and even if I don’t win the final prize, I’ll keep doing my best to promote this platform in all the ways I could, because everyone has to know this website, this platform represents something invaluable: one of the few ways to solve terrible problems like poverty or hunger (I’ve seen how this platform has helped so many people from Africa or even my poor country, Venezuela that has been too harmed by the hunger’s scourge, the poverty, terrible politics, and last but not less important: bad and yellowish propaganda). I think the world needs more productive information that useless ones or “fake news”, since I’m reading this website, I have seen and read so many things: good and bad ones, but there’s something that’s completely sure: here you will read many, like thousands of quality content and even more if you look the posts that prestigious communities like @sndbox or @curie curates daily (those posts they curate are exceptional and I’m not exaggerating one bit when I say that). So, members of @sndbox, I want to let you all know that I’ll put all my effort to make this community even greater than it already is.

When it comes to describing my style of writing, it’s a bit difficult, because I think it is a bit eclectic and it just becomes more and more descriptive, yes! I’m so descriptive and I think it is due to the influence of famous writers like George R. R. Martin, Diana Gabaldon or Neil Gaiman (as some of you can notice, I’m a big fan of sci-fi and fantasy genre), those all writers have influenced me a lot with all its detailed universes and characters! I love the descriptive route and that’s the reason why I’m using that particular style of writing, I just love to describe every little thing that surrounds the ambient or land that the character is walking to, from the weather, the flora and fauna, the taste of the food, the smells, the clothes they wearing, his/her features, etc. I love to describe the personalities, the feelings and emotions, and of course: the psychological profiles of every one of my characters, it doesn’t matter if they’re not main characters, I love to describe them as if they were whole universes that I want to discover! And not to mention how I love to describe dramatic and epic situations! Maybe that’s the reason why I adore sci-fi and fantasy genre because they often have so many dramatic and epic moments!

Well, I guess this was all for this time. I hope you’ve all liked this one. Greetings from this so-little Venezuelan writer!

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