Sndbox Summer Camp Writing Task 2: The Spirits Behind My steemit story

in #sndboxquest6 years ago (edited)

Spirit lead me when my feet feels weak and weary, how I wished to walk (and run) on the waters

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(, spirit call me. With my eyes above the waves of wonder, who would take me deeper than my feet could dare to wonder? Who will call me?  When my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters, who will call me forth? Follow me closely to find out more about this human vessels encapsulated in celestial bodies: motivational spirit beings walking among mortals handing me a steemit story you wouldn’t hear for free, safe for my generosity. 

Oh! @anomadsoul! I adore you and your immense contributions which I have noticed while reading through your work and proceedings on since it got me engaged. It’s been inspirational all the way.

Life is most times as many know it, is not a bed full of roses, and history will always repeats itself but many will never learn. With each second that zooms by, we can arguably agree that we are impacted with experiences: some sour ones, some not too glamorous, others streaming with elegance, leaving us with a sweet or bitter  taste depending on how trends slide or circumvents around the succession of  events.

My name is Maxie Moses and I am an Electrical Engineer turned Architect with a flair for designs in both fields, I would like to state that, things were a bit cool and rosy for me as a freelance Architect. I was up to speed with designs and design processes 

and over the process of time; I had the chance to walk up the stairs of popularity in the architectural industry around my vicinity. Sure you can bet that my designs were good. I was called from here, from there and from everywhere. I was even hoping to go international. I am pretty sure you smiled at that, or didn’t you?

But in 2015 events in my country went from bad to sour leaving a bitter taste for the citizenry to swallow.

After the general elections Government eventually switched hands and then that birthed a rise of a monster as large as big as a blue whale with the venom of a viper. My beloved country has just taken a free fall, nose diving into the bowels of recession, this came with a Massive landslide of the economic situations in our nation, followed by  inflation rate sky-rocketing, smashing the bars of any mathematical forecast and economic predictions.That was when trouble struck in more ways than one,

The economic horizon went dark and gloomy, but there was more to come, as the end of this recent happening was not in sight. Design jobs stop showing up; the red flag was up in the sky for all to see. I struggled to remain a freelance Architect, so I picked up a nine to five (9am to 5pm) job in January 2016 as an architect in an architectural firm. Life was fair but as time went by and nights went by, things took a downward trend. We began to work extra hours (9am to 10pm), living in front of the PC (personal computer), feeling stressed and highly strained with distress.

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That was when ponzi schemes showed up strong: it made a bold  handwriting on the walls of country, making large prints on the minds of many as the route out the desert of poverty and penury. I had few choices to exhaust, in the process I reached out my hand staining my fingers in the hot running oily fluid of ponzi. With my involvement in the scheme there was a surge; trends changed turning the tide around for the better.  

For once there was excitement here for me;


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I was given a good reason to resign my job on a platter of gold. And life was so sleek, but there was more to come. Interest was streaming in, stemming from capital investment. Reinvestment were doubled but financial forecasters gave there warning signals making writings on the wall, but many will not understand or over-stand (…please excuse my French) the handwriting on the wall until their back is up against that wall. Before long it naturally became an addiction and the urge to have the addiction fed grew tall. With time passing by, I invested all my life saving in exchange for a blockbuster in returns, wishing to break the bank with a sledge that was handed to me by ponzi. What a shame? The green field of my greed left me with a truck load of grief over the process of time, I lost both my financial and emotional investment. How sickening? I felt sick to my stomach that I couldn’t eat or sleep; at a point my blood ran deep leaving me heartbroken and badly bitter. A wise man once said “how often many come here with everything and leave with nothing”.

I had no choice but to prove I could make a right decision, I had to pick myself off. I remembered I had a talent, a talent many would wish or kill for. I started advertising my design skill again. I expected a call from one prospective client to the next, living by uncertainties was the drill. Funny enough one call came and afterwards the other followed. But the funds were not enough to meet up the rates hiked by the inflation, soon the funds obtain were history. My dear steemian friend, the history and memories of my recent past is something you really don’t want me to tell you. 

As the recession deepens, living became excruciating difficult. I and many only prayed for a miracle hoping God might be hearing. 

Gradually design engagements started strolling in bits with time; I began to see rays of hope in store. Then gambling into Crude Oil business became a route that was to be used and you know how the fabric of my being is wired. I believe I am designed to succeed even in the face of any mysterious risk. Damn! how naive of me to think in that light. This venture was a calculated risk, an accident waiting to happen, the question wasn’t if but when and how the accident would happen. Before long I lost yet again this time massively as I did with ponzi. Then I sat back and pondered, paradoxically giving myself a round of applause, and a standing ovation for wasting all my life saving to predictable losses a blind man can forecast.

How foolish was it for me to learn from such a sour experience. My mind was highly volatile in judgment; you should have seen how bad I wanted to make it. How dead sick can one get with thoughts like this? At this point where I was, I couldn’t think or breathe and the only thing I felt was a rising temperature surge burning out my brain cells. I knew it was time to drag myself off the dust of regrets and remorse. 

Out of the clear blue I remember that I had another skill aside my design abilities that I have been teasing and kicking around for fun sake. It was my accelerated fluidity with words. Writing has been my thing for as long as I can remember. 

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In fact I have been writing on my own, since I was but a kid I swear to you, I have been like Michael Jackson. 

I started reading and writing a few pieces when I was free from the chains and shackles of designs, reinventing and renovating my battered mind in the process. But little did I know that there was more in store. Well sited in the pain of my penury, a friend of mine @sbamsoneu tagged along: a friend who I have both broke bread and backs with, bleeding together in every step of the process from in Ponzi, to illegal crude oil sales, from large stakes in sport gambling and now birthing the idea of to me. Straight up I had him told with the tone of the roar of a lion that if it is an online platform that offers the opportunity, then I (@maxiemoses-eu) don’t give a hoot about the process or its proceedings. Blame me if you will, but you should have know that most of my losses were due to internet fraud but little did I know at the time that is on blockchain and that blockchain is doing to internet fraud what the internet did to the media. How sweet the sound when I was told this? After much pumping of sugar coated words into my mentality by best pal @sbamsoneu, I reluctantly signup to the process.That is where a brand new story was birthed.

My story............

Where do I start from? How do I begin this? How do I swing this in English language? 

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I wish I was a bit more  lyrically talented than I perceive myself to be so I can paint you a bit more vivid picture of my steemit story but I will apply my hands on my best lyrical painting brush to paint you the portrait of the spirit behind my story and the story itself. 

@sbamsoneu got me signed up to after he got himself sign up as well from a floating piece of information he got online. Knowing he was on the platform, gave me the basis to joined regardless of the all the facts and dividend it promised that was liken by another friend of ours, as a manifesto speech of the political elite in my country, who make promises they wish not keep.

When I join, Untalented, was the best word to describe me when it comes to happening around the ecosystem, but in recent times my drive and tenacity has built me a bridge through the process pushing me through the proceedings. With the right and left part of brain fully developed into grown men, I was ready to take on what this path have to offer, if what it took was quality content creation. But there was a dragon standing in the pathway, that every average new comer to the ecosystem must go into the ring with, yes you are correct. I thought I heard you say visibility? 

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Truly speaking, you know I cannot lie or hide this; the steam that propelled me to join this ecosystem at the initial stage was the monetization policy of the platform. Truth be told to the deaf man, money was the motivation. Applying my hand to the processes of steemit can be likened to the process of learning a new trade. It really never will be as easy as it seems from the outer view until you nose dive into the muddy waters of process like a sky diver. This everyone knows is agreeably true.

Drowning in thee sea of the process exposes the fiber and fabric of the proceedings, making many sick or a bit disappointed like I got in my early stages in the process. But been mentored by a newbie like myself, was one of the most frustrating trends that followed my progression in the ecosystem. I made a few posts which in my best opinion, I considered measurable with high standards but, most didn’t see the light of visibility or an upvote not to say the least. From one piece of writing to another, there seemed to be a brick wall in front of my progress that was as rigid as heavy duty steel. Spinning past it, was like booking a first class ticket on a paper plane, (it was never going to fly).  

With the upvote not coming and my progress stalled like a horse running in circles, I had a huge option standing in face, bowing out was not such of an ill decision to decide, (but my dear friend your destiny is yours decision to decide), I sold my chance to succeed and excel on a platform that promised success in succession, falling short. I gave up and left off, back to my design hustle 

not until @sbamsoneu showed up yet again beaming with a huge ray of ecstasy putting his huge benefit from monetization on the table. He went a bit further to show me how he had cultivated a strong friendship base on My interest was birthed again and reinvented, in the process growing like grass. How much do you think I owe the guy @sbamsoneu?.  I had to visit my blog again; it was all dark and dusty, I had to kick off from where I left off, but the status quo stayed the same. But this time, I had to prove I made the right decision to work thing out. But straying away was such an excellent option. I only stayed because @sbamsoneu wanted me to. 

One morning I woke up to a called from @sbamsoneu who told me of a contest conducted by @anomadsoul, in December 2017, @sbamsoneu further encouraged me to participate that this guy @anomadsoul, takes the time out to read every piece of writing made in response to his request (contest) and he has a good curator trail with a massive opening in visibility. His words were all sugar coated and tasted like honey comb when it struck my ears. I eventually participated and submitted my entry to the contest at the dying moment of the time specified.

That was where my rising started; it was time to make a mark. Making it big on steemit was the dream.

 To my greatest surprise I woke one morning to observe that upvotes have strolled shooting up 8SBD and a bit further to 13SBD. I was shocked to my spin with the fire of excitement. How would I have believed that an untalented steemian like me will get such a huge upvote flow out of the clear blue? But I am quick to say expressively that you might think or wish to say: this time @maxiemose-eu must have made quality content, oh please. 

You know I am not around please look for @anomadsoul, and  @sbamsoneu. and  thank them. 

Funny enough one evening I just fell asleep but was awaken by a call from @sbamsoneu yet again, he graciously informed me of my success in the contest. I had picked up the second place, a position that tagged 15SBD with it. I could not believe him for his words, I had to make a quick check; as much as you would laugh it off it was largely true.

 For once there was beauty here on ( for me, for once there was magic here ( for me. 

The spirit of ( flew in handing me a prize that came as a fluke. 

I was further introduced to @stach my @sbamsoneu, he took me to the @stach hub in our city (Port Harcourt) you won’t believe what I saw their, the hub was massive in my best perception. I followed @stach on steemit their contests are highly intriguing and I further picked up a few SBDs, this new tide turned the horizon around my visibility begin to clear out. I further partook of other contest around that season conducted by @anomadsoul, and the upvote was impressive for a first timer. One of such shot itself to the tone of 40SBD that for me was off the chain. I never saw it coming.

My relationship network began to spin on the wheels of steel. I met many guys I will never forget, a few out the many I will appreciate are @originalworks. I always participated in his contest. It blew open the doors my mind to blockchain, on one those contest I got the chance to meet @crypto.piotr,  a blockchain addict. He is another guy whose love for blockchain and AI is off the hook. My relationship with him made me do lots research on blockchain and AI so I could get up to speed with him. On one occasion he personally conducted his own mini contest that got many talking about AI supported on blockain. What’s more, his relational skills is first class compared to anything I have seen or met on any network, right now there is no single day I don’t receive or reply his mails. 

What more can I say of my steemit journey................. 

Right at this moment there is a slow but progressive trend in my proceedings quietly strolling

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 form nasty to classy facilitated by all this guys mentioned and more, I wish to consider as the motivational spirit behind my steemit story. 

I perceive you must have seen how sleek my writing abilities have progressed thanks to this ecosystem.  And now been part of @sndbox will aid my quest, as I wish to shine my light like @anomadsoul so a new comers to this ecosystem might follow, as many have been lost along the way by letting (ulgy experiences) on system tame them. You might think I don't know enough, but at least at this point where I am sited I know that, on this platform patience is a virtue

I thought steemit  was a fluke for lucky people. But now I am force to believe in the dream that a lot more reward would come over the process time. 

  • With my persistence engagement in this ecosystem, I have a bit more knowledgeable about almost everything and every field  from blockchain to artificial intelligence form crypto-currency to rocket science
  • I used to think I have a good grip of architecture and architectural design process as an architect until I visited the architectural tag on; I was flabbergasted even as an architect: with my design flexibility and versatility improving immensely and exponentially over time.
  • My minds power of assimilation has surge from rock bottom to a level of  electromagnetic assimilation of almost any subject, rocket science and robotics inclusive
  • There has been a massive improvement in my control of English language birthed by,  much reading and writing enable by my consistent activity on the
  • I have made lots of friends who are part of my extended family from Africa to Asia, from New Orleans to New Zealand, Poland to Portugal and so on.
  • has kept me at a 101% creativity level; at night I dream of quality content to create and during the day I sleep walk on thoughts and ideas to steem.

And sure you know, I am still in the process of learning how to steem the right way. 

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The bonus of joining @sndbox might come as a massive bonanza that might crest the first half of year, but if not believe me, it is not over until I win in the process of trying: I still have at least one more ace to play, so I am still gaming and pouring my hearts out on steemit. Why?

This is because: took an untalented steemian like me through ranks in a journey, from the scratch to make a mark on the long run. What an opportunity this is?

Men with naturally supernatural steemit experience came down to my dark ages on steemit to find me: giving me a steemit story I love to share for free.

Aren’t these men “the spirits behind my little steemit story”? You tell me.


That is hell of a long article :) took me a while to go through it.

Very well written and easy to read. Just ... so so long :)

Why wouldnt you justify text? It would look so much nicer.


yea it was quite long because the, contest required a minimum of about 2000 wo rds

And please I wish you could give me a break down on the process to justify the text please I missed th

That is indeed one of the kindest comments I came across. Thank you for supporting my little contest mate :)

Im really glad that I had a chance to get to know such a great guy here.

his relational skills is first class compared to anything I have seen or met on any network, right now there is no single day I don’t receive or reply his mails.

We all have our priorities. Keeping in touch with valuable members of steemit comunity is my reason why I do what I do.
We should be satisfied with our work as long as we all achieve our goals.

I thought steemit was a fluke for lucky people. But now I am force to believe in the dream that a lot more reward would come over the process time.

It's not easy to succeed here but you already have a great stat mate.

Sure you are correct
................its a bit difficult but we will push through the process together

Guess what I qualified for the finals coming up in May 2018
writing about my relationship with You handed me a new opportunity

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