Sndbox Summer Camp Writing Task 1: My Hazy Flight through the Distant Jorney of Writing

in #sndboxquest6 years ago (edited)

A wise man once said the journey of a thousand mile begins with a step.

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 In the recent past I discovered that taking new turns in my career path wasn’t as scary as it used to be in the past. It will surprise you know I have twisted and turn from one career to the next (from electrical engineering to architecture). And for me starting isn’t really much of a problem but continuing in the process come with a dragon I have had to contend with, every now and often. As an engineer turned Architect, 

my mind power have grown exponentially. And playing with words that birth large picture portraits isn’t much of a big deal for me. In fact I can boldly say:

I have been writing on my own, since I was just a kid, I can’t lie to you, I have been like Michael Jackson.

But in the later part of 2013 it hit me like the stroke of a lightning bolt, when I was introduced to a couple of friends. These new friends of mine were long distant runners who always persevered through the pain of marathon racing, sticking to the script of the process, never skipping scenes, this further popped up a big question in my mind. Why would I allow a lapse in concentration to extinguish my flare for writing and playing around with words? I considered pushing through the process as the best option to exhaust after the retrospect.

In 2014 I left the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) with the fertile thought of nose diving into the process. 

So I started searching for resource online  that might turn me into a prolific writer, I got a few writings done, but I got easily side-attracted by the process of designing as an architect that I was. I had to make end meet. 

I struggled with the ordeal of creating a balance between architectural designs and writing expressively. I had nothing in my head whatsoever to birth the balance like, a baby born dead.

In 2015 I stumble into writing short pieces with topic like 

  • It’s not fair in fifty words
  • The feast of love and romance
  • Fluke gives everyone an Opportunity.

 The first and second was really nice in my best opinion and the third never really got to see the light of the sun. How I hate to say.

In 2016 I picked up an employment opportunity in an architectural firm as an Architectural assistant, 

you should have seen how stressed this job got me over the process of time. With the strain of meeting deadlines almost every now and always, I lost my path and strayed away from my quest to grow through the ranks of writing proficiently. The proceedings around that season of my life left me the choice of pushing down the sour taste down my sore throat. Down the line, a point was attained where I couldn’t bear the burden of falling short or off the mark I have set for myself. You should have seen how bad it felt at the time, making me mad and sad.

It was clear that I had to chase my dreams, but I needed a platform to leverage on. But living in the third world you have to fight your way to top and prepare to fall later. Ponzi birthed a platform to gather the required resource (pushing me to the top of financial pinnacle and leaving me to a free-fall of gravity) that story is something I really don’t want me to tell you, may be I will in my next story following this. In the long run I lost badly sinking neck deep in the sewage of sick penury

But at this point I started taking online courses on writing on 

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only to be introduced to by @sbamsoneu a friend of mine whose loss on ponzi was also naturally supernatural due to his large investment in the scheme. I was made to understand (and over-stand……please excuse my French) that was the exert ecosystem for any and every writer with a stroke of fluidity in his/her spin, though many will laugh it off but it’s agreeably true.

I signed up and started baking and making writings, but truth be told the monetization at time was a bit more intriguing for me, as far as terrific goes. But many on this platform would have noticed that it isn’t easy to come on strong and hit the ground running. First thing first you have to be sure of the quality of your content (for me now, delivering quality content is my sole aim). How good is your content, becomes a big question? Birthing half bake quality might turn out to ruin your reputation in the long run. It will interest many to know that the process of improvement will never hit the climax: It is more like a journey than it is a destination.

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 It basically takes a hike with every post or piece of writing, especially when you keep at it consistently, by choosing a writing style that best fits your frame.  

For me over time I have interchangeably twisted and turned through the process of descriptive and narrative writing, 

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but in the process of time invested in writing, I have favored the process of narrative writing telling my story vividly and applying the mind frame of my audience hindsight imaginatively through my personal experience. In the process appealing to their five senses on every discourse. Narrative writing best fits my frame as it breathes life into pieces of writing. Readers unconsciously go through the process of large scale visualization and imaginative thinking in the process of reading. This in turn holds the target audience spell bound to the end, painting a perfect picture portrait in their hindsight. The process incorporates the use of proverbs, metaphors, simile, decorative writing etc 

But as far as terrific goes content quality is extremely important on, but there is more: I have been here long enough to understand that to become outstanding on the platform, interpersonal relationship should be your foundational base. That’s the more reason there are different communities on the network. I dare to ask, what’s good about having a quality piece of writing without a good visibility or audience to consume your delivery? To me it’s sickening, the thought of it, is frightening like lightening. 

That’s where joining @sndbox births the dream

A wise-man once said “our community makes us tall”. Sometime ago reading an article on, I saw how @sndbox was almost looked like a closed community where the benefits of making it big was afforded solely to members. But the process of gaining membership felt like booking a flight on a paper plane. How on earth would I have gotten @anomadsoul  to recommend me when he barely knows me? But leveraging on this opportunity afforded by @guyfawkes4-20 and @anomadsoul  to join @sndbox will help me

  • Develop further the quality of my content creation to become more relevant.
  • Gain visibility and a loyal following and support.
  • Provide a link to meet amazing steemian that will push me beyond the bars of creativity.

Funny enough I think I need few more resourceful steemians at a distance of a heartbeat and @sandbox is spot for such resourceful get together.

What’s more……………

Been part of  @sndbox will give me a footing to help other new comers like me, who are finding it difficult to hit the ground running. I most definitely have learned and will follow in the footsteps prints of @anomadsoul, as my remaining on today was largely influenced by his actions. Partaking in his contest in December made me feel relevant on the platform. He took the time out to read and upvote almost every post, paying attention to the content quality created. That for me is going to be the path I will follow and maybe when the time comes he will let me know his methods. Not forgetting how @stach another community I perceive is affiliated to @sndbox is also pushing the bars beyond the sky.

In a nutshell at the stage where has gotten me, it’s so loud inside my head with words that I should have (said or) wrote, and I always drown in regrets that I can’t take back words I never wrote (steemed). 


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