My Contributions Might Not Be Flashy, but The Collaborative Analysis Turned Out Classy (The Alexandria Library Project)

in #sndboxquest6 years ago (edited)

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As a steemian in my formative years, walking up and down like a see-saw, @anomadsoul have been flexing the finger I have been holding while walking through the dark street of my steemit experience.

In less than no time I discovered that he was soaring on the wings of @sandbox. Thinking in between lines about been a part of a perfectly framed community, that might add fluidity to my participation of steemit, @sandbox felt good but you have to be recommended.

So with this opportunity birthed by @anomadsoul and @GuyFawkes4-20: excitement was here for me, with the dream ice dancing on my ever busy thinking mind framed in the core of my mentality.

As one of the successful candidates from the writing contest, I was invited by @anomadsoul to join the boot camp for a nose dive into the process. In the process of time, I got introduced to many other from different streams prospecting with most probably their left eye on the juicy fluid of joining @sanbox.

Then I knew it was time to make a decision to proceed with the choice of joining, The Alexandria Library Project (TALP) out of other streams of projects on the table.

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Been at The Alexandria Library Project hub, I and the other members are poised to make it work by making suggestion and contributive ideas to make the project stand tall like a mountain on steemit. This contribution slides on the idea of birthed by @jhnmunoz.

The purpose of creating the Alexandria library project is to create a community that rewards it unnoticed, undervalued steemians that creates steemit life-long informational, educational and mental recreational needs to all that might slide across its innovation.

The Alexandria library project is projected on the prospects of becoming a warehouse that provides a decentralized library on steemit that is segmented into different sections (these includes philosophy, science, history and literature)
At the Alexandria library we projects prospects of creating:

  • And Empowering unnoticed steemians with quality content with rewards incentives
  • A strong relational community footed on steemit educational advancement;
  • And creating a library ware house on steemit, similar to the ancient Alexandria library of Egypt. (Segmented into section of philosophy, science, history and literature).

It is by now an open secret we are the least when it comes to numeric strength as a team and with this comes a greater burden that placed us at a disadvantaged position; but also a blessing in disguise, came this disadvantage where everyone is mandated with an obligation to make a contribution. We are a team of about five persons that have been framed into a strong cohesive force.

Stunningly as it sound we cut across different continents:

  • @jhnmunoz- Project Development, Venezuela/Peru

And everyone in the group has applied his/her hands in the process of decision making to come up with a blue print for the Alexandria library Project. This we tried to achieve through the process of brainstorming and gathering contributive ideas from the different team members in a forum birthed by @jhnmunoz, flooded by analytic discussion and assessment of different team members’ ideas that got the wheels of steel spinning.

But standing in good stead with hypnotic thinking over the process of the drafting, my contribution might not be considered flashy, but the collaborative analysis turned out classy. I came up strong with several thought lines some streaming with prominent ideas, some classy and others highly debated by the team.

These ideas are illustratively expressed in the theses as we slide.

First off, we got up to speed with the process of introduction and getting to know ourselves. Then we got off with the process of discussion where I submitted that since most of us are new to the idea birthed, a proper research on the ancient Alexandria library be made to help us really understand what it felt like in the Alexandria library ancient of Egyptian empire. With that proposed @ihansunrise gave the team a link to assess the much sorted information which was largely massive, appealing and imformative.

Next off, with decent words from @jhnmunoz motivating us to swing our thoughts out, I proposed that the Alexandria library should first and foremost have it own official steemit account that will primarily be responsible for curation of quality content from unvalued steemian; and contest organization held at intervals.

With this in view @jhnmunoz helped with the process of activation of a new account which was facilitated by a fee of 6.1steem which is to be shared by the team member. A figure of 1.22steem was agreed to be donated, following the donation the account was created as well.

While in the process of improvising, I proposed that the different sections of the library are assigned a different tag to improve the process curation and have a properly arranged layout something similar to a modern day library where books are arranged and separated according to the different subject matter.

So with this I proposed a premise where for a piece of writing to be posted, should use the


and any other sub tag





depending on the content created. This will enable easy visibility and curation.

Another ideas that birthed a heated argument was the minimum number of word for an individual post on any topic. I favored a frame of about 400 to 500 words, considering that the longer the text the more boring it becomes. This becomes inevitable, especially when the writer favors a strictly formal model of writing.

But over the process of the heated debate we all agreed that a good writer should be able to slide around great quality content at around 500 words or more.

Next off @ihansunrise talked about holding contest. I envisage that when it comes to contest, it should done on a regular basis to create a consistent following, where those following will have to resteem the main post creating a wider visibility on steemit. But this comes with other issues which slides around funding the contest, but @anomadsoul offered to help with a piece of advice.

@anomadsoul said that we will be funding with funds gotten from our post curations. He further promised that he and @sndbox will on that process of curation (of our post to help raise the funds involved). How sweet the sound of that?

Further along the line @ihansunrise decided to help out with birthing the rules for the contest. I further offered to be deeply involved in the process of reading and curating content submitted as a follow up on the contest. Over the discussion table, I decided to do a piece writing on an overview of the ancient library of the Egyptian empire which you can see here.

The collaborative work of this team, have shot itself to the sky with classy contributions shredded out at the dinner table of ananlysis.

In the process came a question popping in my mind, I had to ask @anomadsoul, which tag do we use to post our piece of writing, his response was so open ended,

“However you want”.
He went further to say that he will open another channel for link dropping on the server, that he has done as we speak.

I continued to read and research the Egyptian Alexandria library of old times and I saw that as part of the library were lecture rooms for teaching, learning and analytical debates between scholars and students. Thinking in retrospect, I thought that might lead us to creating a discord server with different channels that support the different fields (topics).

This will be an auditorium where hot analysis might be relayed on different subject matters surrounding the different topics supported by the decentralized library. This @jhnmunoz concurred to, and further accepted to birth the idea to life by creating the server on discord.

With the process of designing the logo @jhnmunoz decided to help out, making a sum total of five logos, with each uniquely different. This fundamentally made the process of making a clear cut choice out the options extremely difficult. But I decided to go with the Logo @jhnmunoz favored but the other members of the team had a different view which then motivated @jhnmunoz to decide to go back to the drawing board in search for a design concept that in-cooperates the idea of everyone.

At this boot camp ideas have been streaming like a flood,

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giving heighten elevations when it comes to motivation, on how to take this idea on a flight to realization, with a bunch of personnel that you can go to the bank with.

What a team this is where everyone’s has a voice and everyone's hand owns a plough, cultivating in the process a structured decentralized library (The Alexandria Library Project) where every (unnoticed) quality content creator is a winner? You tell me.


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