in #sndboxquest7 years ago (edited)


Hi Steemians,
So now I come to end to my journey for " Sndbox Summer camp Quest" , this my compliation post. It was a great journey for, most important thing that I learned while participating ion this contest are:

  1. It made me recollect all my travels of my life made me realize I am also a traveller. I donont put titles on myself or my work untill and unless have done something worth achieving them.
  2. I am always comfortable on back side of side of camera and never faced a camera. To be true I am very camera conscious but through this contest I overcame my shyness to great extent.
    It was a great idea to bring people out of comfort zone.
  3. Sometimes we have ideas but we delay it and are shy to share it with other people, so through duering this participation I shared my goals and ideas for future on steemit.
  4. Though step I partly prepaired my first "Introducemyself" post


As a traveler thing what fascinates most is to discover stories of people which tells about consequences of class division in world sorrounds me both known as well as unknown. So whenever I travel I try to communicate with people and document their daily life and talk as much as possible. This is way and taste of my travel. To know about a place first I would love to will visit it ghettos, slums and downtowns before going to famous placesor monuments of that place. This is my personal though, I think relaity exists their.
But this cannot be said about first two chapters of my life beacause This cannot be said about two early chapter of travel of my life because chapter one took place in my early childhood and second unknowingly, but in third chapter I found it (my motives and passions for travel) and currently in fourth chapter I am working on it.

Chapter 1:- Trips to my Mother School (only memories left alive)
This was begining of my travel when I started visiting my mother to her schools. That was first time I had my first interaction with tribal people of Bhil community. I came to know their tradition, way of living, fearlessness of children and their love for nature. Till today I have many memories about those schools. My favorite ones are how they taught me how to jump in a well; they made touch a monitor lizard.
Chapter 2: Round the river.
Me and my friend Sid did Narmada Yatra (travel) in which we traveled about 300 km in a period of 14 days travelling only along shore of the river without a single peny. Dependent completely on villages and villagers we crossed.
This was journey which taught me many things about majorly about caste system in rural India. Still in many villages in India people from higher castes reside in center villages while people of lower castes reside in outskirts of village. We were lost our paths many times during our journey, we bathe in river daily, sometimes we love river but at night were scared of it.

Chapter 3: Animal Market (Bazaars or Haat)
This journey of mine started in july of 2017 upto december of 2017. To understand the effect of beef ban in interior areas of Madya pradesh state of India. So with my Dslr canon 5 D Mark 3 and zoom recorder went to my home state and covered around 20 such weekly markets for about 3.5 months.
This was chapter of my life which made me understand my motive and tastes of travel. I came to know how even a small unplanned decision by ruling government can affect life, health or social status of ordinary beings. How majority suppress minority.

Chapter 4: Current Landing in Mankhurd slums.
I am recently working with a group named non-profit group called as Naujawan Bharat Sabha (NABHAS) as videomaker who cover their campaign and make small awareness videos for them. Member of this group are from different profession like doctors, scientists, actors, students from college to school and many other. Here I get to interact with labor class of Mumbai who have migrated from all over India to work in Mumbai. It is said "Mumbai is one of those dream cities of world which gives you employment and money but does not give you much space to live". But during this visit this myth also got distorted a large population of youth in these area (graduate and trained) are unemployed. People live in very harsh condition in space of 10 x 80 feet x feet. A full generation of teenagers are hanging are hanging over dungeon of drugs. But efforts of NABHAS are excellent and people really have trust on them now.

STEP 2: Video entry from "Cafe Famous" Versova village in Mumbai # SNDBOX SUMMER CAMP QUEST
Hi friend
This video I shot in "Cafe Famous" Versova village in Mumbai. This was first time I was facing a camera as I always like to be on backside of camera. But it was really good idea to bring all contestants out of their comfort zone.

I tried to answer following questions in this video: What is sndbox community for me?, What is importance and role of sndbox community ? Why I want to join sndbox community? and My future plans and goals.

Step 3: Analyzing Post

The post I choose to analyze is “Looking back at my apartment in Costa Rica” by my fellow steemian “@Martibis”.

Why I want to join Sndbox community?

Sndbox is a steem incubator for creatives and communities. But what is an incubator, It is basically a device that helps in growth and maintenance of cell so that it can take a desired form. Similarly a incubator like sndbox helps new steemians to sharpen their creative skills so that they can continuously create good content.

Creative skills of each person varies someone may be good in painting, some other in cooking or in History. But to prosper in them it is very important to with them continuously. Not only one has to also self evaluate oneself, take opinion of others and all this is lengthy process, it takes a lots and lots of time. So sometimes people tend to take short cuts that is main spoiler for creativity.

So now here comes the role of Sndbox, in sndbox community, a new steemian gets a lot of exposure and opportunity to interact with many fellow steemians. A group of experienced people who are always their to appreciate you at the same time when content is not up to mark then your criticized. This is more like a teacher student relationship. Which is most important two way process growth and development.

About future:
I am about to start creating V-blogs, A.V. and writing blogs on life of people residing in slums.
Once rainy season starts will again go back to animal market in near my home town to complete my documentary (I am planning to complete a feature documentary by end of this year) if I can crowd fund or find some producer.

Also me and my fellow steemian buddy @dpatcher are about to start a video channel exclusively for Dtube in which we will interview budding artist who may be painter , installation artists, filmmakers, mural artist etc. They may be from any background like from an institution, independent, tribal etc. The content of our channel will be designed in such a way that even person who have very little understanding of art can understand feelings, emotion and expression of an artist behind a particular artwork. We would love to create a platform for budding artist. Our venture would named as "An Art scooter".

At last I would thanks @sndbox community, @guyfawkes4-20, @voronoi, @hansikhouse and all other who brought such cool Summer Camp Quest for US to participate and provided an opportunity to try to become member of @sndbox community.


Innocent abroad

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