Sndbox Summer Camp: QUEST #1 PART 1A

in #sndboxquest7 years ago



First of all I want to appreciate @anomadsoul & @guyfawkes4-20 for their initiative to get new member for SNDbox. Being a member of SNDbox is a dream to many and being presented with an opportunity to be one of its member is something I wound never miss. I see this initiative as a privilege because since the time I learnt about SNDbox from @anomadsoul's blog I have been looking for way to get in. But I found out that it's not an easy process because the community is one comprising of elite mind and you only get in by recommendation. So I sincerely want to thank this two amazing people for creating a chance to give people like me membership tickets to this community



I am Ibemorah Chubby. A Nigerian and a medical student. I joined this platform on the advice of a friend @bhoa in the last month of 2017. At that time I had no money on me. Not even a phone to steem with(which I still have not gotten but hopefully I will get one). Steeming have been difficult for me and I almost gave up on it because it is time consuming and the nature of my study demand majority of my time. With time I was able to handle the two areas. Steeming and study.
Since I joined this community, financially I have been able to make some money which I am able to sustain myself with. Writing skills which usually use to be a stressful thing in the past now became easier(usually I would scatter my ideas in my write ups and there is no coherence in most of my previous works before I joined steemit) but ever since I joined, I was able to learn from great authors and now I write better.
I am new to blogging and all but through the steemit community, I have learnt a great eal about blogging.
Honestly speaking steemit has improved my writing skills.
In term of communication, my communication with people have improved. I have learned to "connect" with people when having a conversation with them and its all thanks to steemit.

My journey on steemit

With great power comes great responsblity.

I must say that it's a privilege to be on this platform. I have got to meet and communicate with great minds, people who inspired me positively and re-oriented the way I view life and the world as a whole. Steemit has empowered me both mentally and physically that I now have new goal.
I am a medical students with great innovative ideas but is limited by capital funds. Before now, (before I joined steemit) I was a poultry farmer. This business is very lucrative but capital intensive. I ran out of money to run the business and started running into losses. I decided to liquidate it and invest the money into a business that would generate higher incomes to start a fresh. Eventually, the business crash; (actually it's was an online ponzi scheme ''MMM''). I lost so much and was devastated mentally and physically. I almost gave up everything in life until my friend @bhoa introduced me to steemit. I ran through so many write ups(some encouraging, inspirational, funny and more) helped me recover plus the added bonus of earning for making quality post. I have decided to save my earnings from every post I make on steemit to first buy a laptop and then raise up income to start my poultry farming again. This time I have decided to save enough capital that will suffice to maintain a large scale farm. These is my vision and surprisingly it is in line with @ned steemit it vision for the next 5 years


PS: This is part 1 of the first quest. I decided to make two post on this quest because I don't normally blog about any of the 3 domains on steemit. But I have had an experience with food before steemit that I would love to share. Hence the reason for the 2 post.


You have been scouted by @promo-mentors. We are always on the look out for promising authors.

I would like to invite you to our discord group

When you are there send me a message if you get lost! (My Discord name is the same as the one here)

Thank you very much for the invite.

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