Travel to Singapore : Don’t mess up with Singapore immigration check . #sndboxquest #1

in #sndboxquest7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemian,


The year 2015 was the last year for me to stay in Malaysia as a student. I started my master's degree in engineering since 2013 at the National University of Malaysia (UKM), precisely in November I completed my viva voce successfully, this is the fruit of the struggle that I have done so far. During my study in Malaysia, I have visited many places. Singapore is the country I visit most often, because this Country always gives a different story to of my traveling to this international port country, this trip is the story of my third trip to Singapore.


This Photo is taken after my viva voce

During my study time I have a side job as travel driver for Indonesian people who come to visit Malaysia, beside my main job as professor assistant. This thing I do not only for obtaining the side income but I want to gain experience while being in Malaysia by meeting a different characteristic of people. Although the income is not much if it is compare to my salary as professor research assistant, by having a student visa I feel free to travel everywhere by car.

The card that I always bring on my traveling trip in Malaysia and Singapore

In the beginning of December 2015 I and my housemate get an offer to be a tour guide for study team for Singapore Asean Para games from West Java government for three days. This offer we got from our college mate whom already finished his study in Malaysia we call him Kang Teten. And now he has a good position in West java government as governor’s assistant. He offers us as a tour guide team and provide a van car for the guest, the car is we rent in Malaysia because the prince of rental in Singapore is too expensive if it is compared to the Malaysia rental car price, it is three times cheaper.


As a student this is the opportunity that will not come twice, so we are deciding to grab the chance due to the benefits that we will get beside being a tour guide, we can have time for traveling to Singapore and for sure we can gain the income from this project. At that time we consisted of five person Nurul, Fahmi, Eka, Ihsan and me, we decide to divide into two groups, Nurul and Fahmi are being in another group and they will travel on the next day. This is due to the team from West Java province also dividing into two groups.


The car that we drive when traveling as a tour guide in Singapore

Ihsan, Eka and I was in the same group we have to travel earlier, after preparing the stuff we decide to travel in the late of the evening, because during that time the traffic is not too crowded and we hope we can reach Singapore in time. We decide to fulfill our fuel at the station near to our residence, when we arrive at the fuel station I went to the payment counter and pay.After fulfill the fuel we continue our journey to Singapore, the highway is not so crowded so we can speeding. In one hour we reach Aer Keroh Rest and relax place, Ihsan ask me to drive after we have some rest here. We decide to have a coffee at the café for half hours. I go to the cashier for paying the bill and Ihsan go to start the engine car. From far I was curious what is wrong with our car the car is can’t be started. I suddenly went to the car and ask Ihsan why the engine is can’t be started, because we just fulfill our fuel full. Ihsan ask me the fuel bill he wants to check what kind of fuel that he fulfill at the fuel station he was very shocked when seeing the bill on the bill written that we just fulfill the petrol, and actually this car must be fulfill by diesel.


The petrol station located on Bangi section 14

At that time we were very worried, and I suddenly call Nurul to tell him what was happen the car, he was very shocked how can Ihsan very careless, he always drives that car. I ask Nurul to call the foreman that near to our house for asking him to help solve our problem, unfortunately the time was too late, he refused to help us to fix our car, but he said the car is will not be damaged which need to do is to empty the tank by opening the tank. He suggest as to call customer care of highway for asking help to tow the car to the nearest car workshop. I decide to call the customer care and in twenty minutes the officer arrives and ask what is the help they can do for us, I said we need the towing car for reaching the nearest workshop, then the officer start calling the workshop but unfortunately all workshop refuse to come because it is too late, they offer us the option to wait until six o’clock the will send the towing car to tow our car. We agreed to their option because we have no any option to solve the problem. We have to rest at the rest area until 6 o’clock.


The towing car that take our car to the workshop

At the six o’clock the towing car has arrived and the foreman towing our car and bring it to the workshop. He takes us to the workshop at Aer Keroh, Malaka. They give us the best service with cheap price in one hour the car is can be started again. We are heading to the nearest fuel station and fulfill and this time we don’t want to be careless anymore. We called Kang Teten to let him know about the situation that we faced in our journey. He said if the car is settling he asks us to be in Singapore as soon as possible. This time Ihsan drove the car and arrive at the Singapore border at 12 o’clock, the lesson that I got from this journey is I have to ensure the fuel and the car condition if I decide to travel by car to a long distance place.


Singapore Border heading to Immigration Check

Reaching the Singapore immigration check is a long way to arrive due to so many people that come to visit this country by car, the queue is very long we can spend one hour to the immigration check for passport checking and the arrival document purpose check. When we arrived at the counter the immigration ask us what is our purpose to go to Singapore we replied we want to see the Singapore Para games, then the officer look at my passport and she asked me when the last time I visited Singapore, I said to her I was visiting Singapore last year. Then suddenly she asks me to enter the office for a further immigration check. At that time I felt a bit shocked what is wrong with my document, Ihsan suddenly park the car and we enter the office I give my passport to the immigration officer and ask him what is wrong with my passport I have a valid Malaysia Student visa and my passport also still valid. He just answers me with two words, please be quiet and sit down. At that time I was feeling very afraid if the officer decides to deport me what should I do.


Fortunately, after waiting for 5 minutes the officer gives me back my passport and he allows me to continue my journey to the Singapore without giving any explanation. In the car I was thinking why I have to enter the immigration office for further check, I was remembering the last time I visited Singapore, I didn’t bring the arrival purpose document so I have to enter the office for getting interviewsfrom the immigration officer and I have to do a fingerprint scanning checks. The officer warns us next time if we want to come to Singapore we have obeyed the rule by completing our passport with arrival document purpose. In this journey once again, I obtain a valuable lesson, don’t mess up with the immigration rule of the country if you don’t want to be deported. Singapore is a country with strict rule they won’t be tolerated for any careless action regarding the traveling document that we have to obey.


In performing the travelling to another country the most important thing that we have to complete is the document such as passport, visa, and the arrival immigration document. Don’t forget to search the contact of the embassy of the destination country, something unexpected can happen, by having embassy contact we can obtain help from the authorized board in the critical situation. If traveling by car we have to ensure to maintain our car condition to keep aware and travel safely. Make a travel tip note and share it, because by sharing the tips it is might be useful for another traveler.Share is a care action that can help others.


The traveling tips compilation that I post in my Instagram before I join Steemit

Noted :

The picture that I attached in this post is I take from my own Facebook pages, internet resources and the Instagram of Ihsan and Eka, because I have lost all my photo due to hard disk crash. and this is to give a comprehend explanation through the picture.

image Source

Best Regard



Saya tertarik untuk mencoba trip Asia Tenggara pada akhir tahun ini, sepertinya Singapura - Malaysia - Thailand - Vietnam - philipines bakalan seru ini, ada guide Asia Tenggara disini, jadi tidak khawatir di deportasi.. Ha ha ha ha.. Awesome tutorial in abroad trip dude ;D

Wow perjalanan yang sangat menyenangkan bro @faizarfatria. Suatu saat bila steem Dollar and Steem cukup di wallet steemit saya.. saya akan mencobanya untuk berkeling seperti yang anda lakukan..

Anda Harus mencobanya @my451r

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