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RE: Mosaic creation - a challenging yet gratifying journey

in #sndbox7 years ago

Looks fabulous! As I was admiring the frogs, flowers, trees, and lizards, I started to imagine how cool a steemit logo would look in turquoise blue or green, or even QR codes done the same way. Not sure my pokey HK flat's the right place for such an endeavour though ;)


Try it. I dare you. Then submit the photo of your landlord's face when he sees it. #portraitphotography future winner!

Haha - But will the look on his face be from the restructural disaster or the artistic abomination? 🤔

My guess is a bit of both? But you never know... there's a small chance of him being pleasantly surprised. Worth taking the risk 😜

Hehe - Yes, the risk to reward ratio would be glorious, with the added bonus of seeing a landlord's 😱 on a blockchain for eternity!

But saying all awesome would it be to have an enornmous steemit qr code visable from up high (even space)? Kinda like this fantastic green qr some people did in China with hedges 🤗


Know any free-thinking libertarian vineyard owners in your region?....hint hint 😜

That is unbelievably cool! I just stared at it for 5 minutes.
Vineyards from up top would definitely not have the same effect, but there are quite a few castle owners who have nothing better to do with their acres of land.
I'd hate to be the gardener though... I can just imagine the conversations: "little more to the left", "no right", "up, move up, UUUUP!", "Oh crap"

But OMG!!! What a PR coup it would be for steemit :) You heard it here first! ;) Could easily do it with thousands of bricks.

Haha! Don't know about "easily" but definitely do-able. You're onto something here Scotty :)

Well, easier than clipping hedgerows, attaching fake plastic green where too much was clipped etc :) Sure not easy per say, but like you said do-able. Recruit enough steemians and it's game on! p.s I'll be in France in May;)

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