SndBox Summer Camp - Steemit: Changes For A Better Life and Future VS Daily Needs and Easy Money

in #sndbox6 years ago (edited)

It is true that most of the time we need to see the fact that idealism and needs sometimes, and even most of the time, are not match at all. We are living in the world where we need money to fulfill our needs, but we also have our own visions that very difficult to achieve if we are not that strong. The needs of money could easily destroy all the visions that we have with all reasonable reasons that we could create as excuses. Though we all understand as well that we need to change a lot of things in this life, including our own perceptions and visions toward everything, but it does not mean that we all want or dare to make or at least contribute to all the changes.. Perhaps it is true that for some people to stay in the comfort zone is the most reasonable way to survive.


Could Steemit change this house into a better and descent house instantly?! Of course Not!

Steemit exists with a noble vision and mission which are to push a new movement of changes toward a better life and future, a new system of economic. To start a new history in this world after the end of the history (Francis Fukuyama) and the clash of civilization. We are now still living in those era, and Steemit with blockchain technology is trying to help us to move forward. We need to have something new and do not recycle the history again and again. We do not have to worry about what is going on today, it is a process to find the the right way, and algorithym with blockchain technology could be the answer. We all could participate by being creator content and curators in Steemit. Having a good, strong, and large community will not only about distribute the tokens but also to fastent our movement toward the changes of the world economic system.

Unfortunately, we can not expect that all people who join Steemit understand or care about this. Daily needs is important to fulfill while the sosio-economics and politics situation are not supporting at all. Inflation, unemployment, and instability make people confused and do not know what to do. Moreover then, there is no certainty when we all could have a better situation and conditions since the political situations are getting worse. Combined with confusing news in the media, especially social medias which controlled by certain people and community, have made people lost their hopes and idealism. No more visions, living in modern era but with primordial way of thinking.

No doubt, the competitions are exist everywhere, and since the common social medias are full of hatred and rudeness, no manner at all, then people are tend to get use to it. They bring all this negative behaviour to Steemit and think that it is ok to do it. Most even do no realize that this is wrong, since a lot of people do the same. What most people do and believe, even if its wrong, it will always be true. Steemit become “the place only to find money, easy money”, as for a lot of excuses and “reasonable” reasons, and negative competitions are continues. Economic pressures could erase all the idealism and make people forget about the main visions and missions. We can see how people are easy to get angry and react, especially when the Steem and SBD price are getting lower and lower.

For me, this is sadness. Who doesn’t want to have a better life and future and who doesn’t need money? But do we really have to sacrifice our life and future just for the shake of money? Do you guys really understand the vision and missions of Steemit? Don’t you care about your future at all?! Well, that’s the things that always come in my mind every all the time lately, and I do really want to shout very loud to make sure people listen and do understand. But, well, I realize that in all blockchain technology, we can not force anybody, we could only suggest, and let people do what they want to do and accept all the risk and consequences by themselves. We need to let all the changes accepted with sincerity as well, it is not easy to make people understand what will happened when we all move to decentralized system since we all are get used to centralized system. Though a lot of people do not like it and always criticized the corrupts and tyrants, but still, money and daily needs could make them forget and lost their idealism.

This is happening not only to minnows but also to the whales. I can see a lot of people are look at Steemit as a new business area that could make them get richer by applying the system of capitalism. While Steemit is endorsing the principle of socialism, of course these two are not match at all. This is really embarrassing according to my opinion, and this is the fact as well that education and money could not make this world much better, even worst. We need more than that, we need our heart, wills, and consistency to move forward, otherwise we will stuck and move backward, nothing will change.


This people work very hard every day but they never have enough. Money can help them, for sure, but not for too long, every day we need money. What we can do is to give them opportunity to have a better life and future by our minds, heart, willingness, sincerity, and our content in Steemit. Are we too ego to really care?!

“Game of Thrones” I saw in reality life as well as in Steemit, and actually none will become the winner if its still continue. We can not deny that we need foods, air, water, houses, and clothes to live, but we have to understand that we need to know that the purpose of our existence in this world is not only to eat and to drink, we all need to be someone who could benefit others, for the future. Even all the most delicious and expensive foods and drinks that we have will be thrown away, but what we do and create could stay forever if we want to. We should not hyperbolic these bad situations and conditions into justification to do negative things. We can not force people to understand if we, ourselves, do not want to understand and always ask for understanding. Nor we can blame others for all the hopeless hopes that we creates.

Again, it is so difficult to be consistent, especially when we all think that today is more important than tomorrow, and when money is become the purpose of life. Loosing confidence and confusion really makes this world need more people who are willing to patient enough to deal with reality and consistent to continue moving forward for a better life and future with Steemit.


Steemit FAQ

This is my opinion after I analyzed what is happening in this world and Steemit. Thank you for snd for creating this challenges, this is very useful to remind all Steemian what we are all doing in Steemit.

Join Sndbox Summer Camp: Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology Quest:


Bandung, March 8th, 2018

Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis


Mantap postingannya, salam hangat selalu

terima kasih dan semoga berguna bermanfaat.

Postingan yg mantap dan bagus...

Salam sukses selalu

semoga berguna dan bermanfaat.

Karya tulis yg bagus bisa menjadi contoh buat kita semua

amin, semoga memberikan manfaat ya...

Mantap x lah, sampe ada permainan perebutan tahta (game of thrones). Untuk hidup saja kita harus berjuang dan bertarung, untuk membuktikan bahwa kita manusia paripurna. Hanya yang lewat ie sikureueng saja yang bakal selamat.

hahaha... biar ada bumbu film dikit, agar unsur hiperbola itu bisa juga menjadi bagian untuk lebih menjelaskan...

makasih adikku sayang...

Masama kkqu @mariska.lubis sayang

Terima kasih dan semoga berguna bermanfaat.

Basicly, steemit is future social media. It seem can take place as fb, ig etc

Steemit is a redefined social media that have a vision and mission for the future.

Yap... Excactly, no doubt

Panjaaaaaaaaang.....hahaha. Habis ikut 100 hari, jadi puyeng aku bacanya, teh mariska.lubis 😅

Semoga menang 😊

Hahaha... amin, terima kasih doanya!

mbak @ mariska.lubis make a donation event just to help build this house. I am sure it will be there that donate SBD for its participation. success always make mbak.

rumah ini akan dibantu oleh TNI untuk diperbaiki... alhamdulillah...

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