SndBox Summer Camp Final Quest : CELF - Steem Powered Art and Culture (Individual)

in #sndbox6 years ago

Eleven days ago, @guyfawkes4-20 announced the Sndbox Summer Camp - Final Quest rules ( I think this post was the most awaited post for all who already won the previous challenges and really want to be part of Sndbox Summer Camp Team as I do. I won SndBox Summer Camp Philosophy Quest, and no doubt i am very excited with this final quest.

I choose to join CELF- Steem art and Culture since I like anything related to the art and culture. I am lucky as well, I picked the right team, all are very creative, have great ideas, and willing to work together as a team. We have no problem at all to talk and to discuss, we all aware that CELF projects has a great future.

CELF's team project:

@joedukeg – Project Development, Venezuela
@mariska.lubis – Philosophy Quest, Indonesia
@irma27 – Art Quest, Indonesia
@rasamuel – Writing Quest
@fivefiveeleven – Travel, Uruguay

CELF is a curation initiative on Steem Blockchain founded by @joedukeg to facilitate adoption of the Steem Blockchain by the Latin America Community, and provide an ecosystem where artists and creatives have freedom to express their art, get better at their crafts, while getting the necessary rewards for their efforts and talents. The Steem Blockchain has so much potential has a hub where creatives thrive, giving its peculiar reward system and tremendous communal spirit. we at CELF simply aim to take full advantage of this to realize that dream.

This curation projects has been going well for a few months with existing Steemit account : @celfmagazine. After some discussions with the team, there are some changes that will be done to develop CELF, this steem powered and art magazines will cover global area, which means it will facilitate artists and creatives from all over the world. We are going to add another languanges, which are English and Indonesia for the first step, since we have English speaking team @rasamuel and Indonesian speaking team, I and @irma27. In the future I hope CELF could grow and add more languages, especially the most widely used languages in Steem Blockchain.

Article topics that will be upvoted;

  • Visual arts
  • Plastic arts
  • Literature
  • Performing arts
  • Music

To improve the classification of art content in Steem, we will promote the following tags:

Spanish: #arte, #artesvisuales, #artesplasticas, #artesescenicas, #literatura, #musica
English: #art, #visualarts, #plasticarts, #perforamingarts, #literature, #music
Indonesia: #art, #seni, #music, #musik, #literature, #visualarts, #performingarts, #plasticarts.

I suggest that CELF should have an artist guest interview weekly to introduce talented and future artist around the world. We will ask volunteers from CELf community to propose the person who will be interviewed and CELF curators will select the best proposals. After the selection, he/she could interview the guest and submit the interviews to CELF curators. CELF magazine will publish this interviews, 10% of the reward will be given to the interviewer and another 10% for the guest artist.

This interview will encourage to have a wider and stronger community that involve and participate with the project, as well as to promote CELF itself. Since CELF also have a plan to create its own website, with the community supports and participation, the artist and creatives could have a better chance to grow and being recognized. Inter-projects within Sndbox Summer Camp as suggested by @rassamuel as well, such as with Free TV, even will be much better. All could have a bigger chance to develop, especially if all of this project jump in to the the SMTs programs.

Another thing that perhaps can be done is to ask people to delegate Steem Power to CELF, this is very important to help the potential artists and creatives to get proper and better curation rewards. At the moment, CELF has additional support from @c-squared but I am sure the larger and stronger community we have, the more Steemian will be interested to delegates their Steem. Indeed it will be much better if we can get investors as well to develop CELF, but it nice to let a lot of Steemian to get involve with this project. They could donate to CELF, the amount is not that matter, even the smallest amount should be appreciated. This is about togetherness to create "a new history of art and culture" in the world with decentralized system, that leads toward a better world and future. Of course we have to do something in return, when they could see a good development of CELF, it will be the best return for all.

This is my submission for individual SndBox Summer Camp Final Quest, for more details about CELF, you can read the proposal in @celfmagazine.

I personally would like to say thank you to @sndbox , @voronoi , @hansikhouse , @anomadsoul , @guyfawkes4-20, @celfmagazine community, @joedukeg @irma27, @rasamuel, and @fivefiveeleven for the great works and dedications.

Bandung, June 8th, 2018

Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis


Congratulations @mariska.lubis and we will support you in this event. Hopefully sndbox teams will be success 🌹

thanks a lot ya bang... success for all..

Ikhtiar yang maju, Mariskaaaa!

amiiiinnn, maju terus!

Wah keren bangett ka

amin... terima kasih.

Masama kaka 😊

Sukses ya tehh

amin, terima kasih ya...

Sangat bagus kak, ide-ide yang kakak berikan selalu luar biasa 😍 sukses terus untuk CELF 💪👏

amin senang yah berada di team yang selalu semangat dan kreatif... CELF harus sukses dong...

Congratulations Mba @mariska.lubis be successfully

thanks a lot dear....

Akan selalu mengikuti perkembangan ini. Semoga Indonesia semakin dapat berbicara melalui seni dan budayanya ke dunia internasional.

Sukses dan sehat selalu @mariska.lubis

Salam KSI
Irman Syah | @mpugondrong

amin, ya ini yang memang menjadi salah satu tujuan juga agar kita bisa sama-sama bersama dari negara lain untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baik bagi dunia lewat seni dan budaya.


Semoga apa yang diniatkan diijabah oleh Penguasa Alam Semesta. Apalagi di bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkah ini.

Saya akan selalu berusaha untuk mengikuti dan memetik butir-butir wacana yang ditawarkan.

Salam KSI
Irman Syah | @mpugondrong

Hai Mba @mariska.lubis
Finally I am here setelah kelas online waktu itu nunggu approvalnya cukup lama hahahaa
Ternyata banyak acara seru yaa di Steem it ini

hallo juga, akhirnya yah... selamat bergabung dan bersenang-senang lewat karya di sini... banyak program dan juga kegiatan kok di sini... tinggal belajar saja dulu dan silaturahmi, perbanyak kawan dari mana-mana ya!

100% support this wonderful project...
Hope this will have good effects on us all Steemians...

Warmest regards...☕❤

thanks a lot... I do hope it will help all of us to grow and develop... literature will be one of our main topic...

selamat dan sukses untuk mba @mariska.lubis atas semua kelancaran kegiatan yang diadakan oleh Mba, saya salut dengan rasa sosial yang Mba miliki!

amin... terima kasih ya atas doa dan supportnya...

iya sama-sama Mba.....!

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