What would be the aspects to take into account if I want to be a good writer?

in #sndbox6 years ago

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Being a good writer is really important. Everyone writes. As long as you communicate daily or interact with people especially via the internet using various social media handles, then you are a writer. WHat differentiates an ordinary writer from a good writer is the ability to communicate effectively with the use of words so concise. 

A lot of factors determines a good writer and it sure differs for everyone. To one person, you may be a terrific writer, but to another, you are a terrible writer. Some of the aspects to consider if you want to be a good writer are:

  •  Clarity of Message: How clear is your message? If your message is clear and concise enough for anyone to understand, then you can be said to be a good writer. I see a lot of people write with no clear message, it is almost difficult to understand the message the writer is trying to pass across. 
  • Love for Writing: If you want to be a good writer and you do not love writing, then you may as well find something else other than writing. Writing is a thing of the heart. You could wake up in the middle of the night and start writing, it comes from within, you have to naturally love writing, if not, it will be a struggle for you.
  • Vocabulary: I shake my head when I see writers make common mistakes they shouldn't be making. If you want to be considered as a good writer, then your vocabulary needs to be in check.
  • Attention to Detail: In writing, you may likely find errors that could easily be skipped over. If you are not someone who pays attention to details, then writing is probably not for you. You need to be someone who pays adequate attention to details.
  • Storytellers: One defining quality of a good writer is in the story telling. Writers who are good story tellers are considered good writers because they can capture the heart of readers via story telling. If you are not so good in the narrative, you may need to learn how to do it well before being considered as a good writer.

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