After hours, Shout-outs, the physical road and fears - My road to Steemfest

in #sndbox6 years ago (edited)
I know it´s been a while since I wrote about my personal #roadtosteemfest and I think it´s a bit unfair because you all are joining the tag every week, so its only right that I play catch up. Yeah, I cramming up 4 topics in one post - this is

probably silly from me cause I could make 4 posts about but meh, such is life.

Before starting, if you are going to Steemfest and would like to know a bit more about other atendess, don´t forget to check out the tag #roadtosteemfest, some cool Steemians - and other much more cooler - are using the tag to write about Steemfest related topics.

After hours

I´m probably giving this subject waay more thinking time than I should´ve but, considering how good it was last year in Lisbon, I think the after hours and free time topic is one of the most important ones because let´s face it: A lot of bonding, laughs, getting to know each other - the real you, not the business mask you´ll be wearing during the conferences - and especially, DMT´s (Deep meaningful conversations, not to be mixed with SMT´s) over wine or beer are something I´m really looking forward to.

I went through the speaker list and I must say there´s a fair share of people I´m not really interested in listening to - not because I think I can´t learn from them or because I undermine their talks but because of the subject they´ll be speaking - so I´m hoping they get an early slot in the speaking agenda and that way I can sleep a bit more without missing some of the talks I´m really looking forward to listen to.

I´m hoping I arrive to Poland on the 6th, perhaps the 5th. A friend of mine lives there and I already told him I´m going to be in his hometown so, he already has something prepared for us on the 5th. If you are going to be in Krakow in the 5th, let me know and we can meet up. On the 6th I´m pretty sure some of my sidekicks arrive and most likely we´ll host some kind of small party in the house we rented - that is, if Roeland doesn´t has anything prepared for the pre-meet-up like last year.

After that, I´m just going to roll with it and play it by ear. If someone wants to go out for a coffee, hit a bar or maybe even cause some mayhem in one of Krakow´s clubs, I´m game, just bear in mind that there´s no halfsies, if we go out, WE ARE GOING OUT.


This one is pretty hard because I´ve read each and every post made under the #roadtosteemfest tag and I´ve learned a lot from all of you. I try to tag some of you on every new topic announcement because I really like shout outs. Some people don´t like doing them but to be honest, I think it´s the best way to give some visibility to people you think deserves it and also because dude, who doesn´t like being mentioned every once in a while?

So yeah, I can´t wait to share some Tequinka - that is Tequila and Palinka - with @guyfawkes4-20; sharing another beer like the last 17 times we´ve met with @luzcypher; discussing the social conduct of reputable steemians with @tarazkp; hugging @abh12345 after 3 days of not showering; judge people in a corner with @eveuncovered; calling @fukako a cheerleader for the second year in a row; laughing non-stop with @coruscate; hitting a late night Polish vodka (is that a thing?) with @evecab; play some poker with @nanzo-scoop and @blocktrades just like last year; talk about hitchhiking with @celestal and about digital nomading with @raj808; discussing crushes late at night with @llfarms; piggyback riding with @soyrosa; practicing some spanish/deutsch with @pharesim and of course, see my fellow hitchhiker @martibis after a year from going from Brussels to Lisbon with him! By the way, I can't wait to meet you @nomadicsoul, I can't believe you are actually making it!

I can´t wait to meet my fellow ocd curators @jeanpi1908, @theaustrianguy (we have some hunting to do by the way), @gmuxx - it will be great to see you again for our third big meet up together, @travelgirl - we have soo much to discuss about everything!-

My spanish speaking family @gargon, @pgarcgo, @nely @tincho, let´s criticize everyone without them even knowing about it :P

The winners of the @blocktrades contests @louis88, @honeydue, @jayna and @coruscate, I can´t wait to congratulate you in person!

Of course, two of the Steemians I admire the most, @voronoi and @hansikhouse along with all the Sndbox gang like @leotrap, @bitrocker2020, @guyfawkes4-20

My bro´s from the Steem Creators gang, @steemcafe and @jongolson, can´t wait to share another beer and another late night, I hope this time you join us Jon!

The team Malaysia gang, can´t wait to see you again bro @bitrocker2020, I hope @awesomianist is joining us this year! Also, we´ve interacted before but never spoke in person, I hope we get to chat @kevinwong.

The @steembirds deserve a special mention, I can´t wait to hit the streets like last time with @dan-atstarlite and @jaybird!

The german bros I met last year @felixxx, @mammasitta and @twinner plus the ones i´ll meet for the first time like @rivalzzz, @louis88,@lizanomadsoul, @manncpt

Meeting people for the second time - for the second Steem Fest in a row is always amazing so, I know for a fact that, @connecteconomy, @liliana.duarte, @joythewanderer, @ramengirl (oh wow, only girls are coming this year?) @surfermarly, @heiditravels, @sjennon, @things (yep, apparently there´s only girls going this year)

This time there won´t be waves to surf but I know I´ll be meeting some people in the bowling alleys, be prepared to be destroyed by my team!

I know for a fact I missed tagging people and I´m not going to ask for forgiveness or for you to understand I made a mistake, instead, please comment here hey asshole, we shared a beer last week why the hell aren´t you mentioning me? or maybe Yo dude, we chat every monday what the fuck, shout me out! so I edit the freaking post.

Anyway, see y´all in less than two weeks you bunch of crazy people.

Yeah, this post turned out to be very long and I´ve only written about two out of the four subjects I meant to, but if I write more you are never going to read it all, in fact, I doubt you read it all as it is :P

I´m going to leave the title as it is because remember this is a freewrite and we are not supposed to delete anything, besides it´s good clickbait, but I´ll make another posts about the other two topics later :D


Quick last shout-out to @martibis, @karensuestudios and @accromott, I hope the last two make it this year!


Hi @anomadsoul, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @tarazk, @haniskhouse, @jonglolson, @manccpt, @connnecteconomy and @accromot don't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @tarazkp, @hansikhouse, @jongolson, @manncpt, @connecteconomy and @acromott ?

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LOL - Is this a record number of account typo's in one post? :D

ROFL I have to edit this crap! That's the downside of freewriting and not double checking :P

Good job checky doesn't do the whole post :P I didn't spot much else actually, you can be forgiven on names.

there must be some kind of prize for that, right? The worst name spelling in Steemit history? If there is: it's yours @anomadsould! Anyway, I am arriving in Krakow around 10.30 in the morning on the 5th. So, who knows...

No, I think I still hold the record for that, I am miss typo, lol. And checky is soooo fast, by the time you edit they are there

checky does seem fast!

Yes, lol... And I am typo queen

I have no excuse, my spelling is what lets me down :D

I usually edit a couple of times unless a freewrite, and usually take long to post, but start to move things around up and down and I stop seeing my mishaps until I read. It is a miracle grammarnazi has not found me, ssssh let us not summon it lol.
Meet you at steemfest, just found out you go, weee

haha grammarnazi :D

They haven't visited me yet actually, I must be doing something right.

Yes, see you at Steemfest, congratulations on winning a ticket!

I'll beat it soon lol @abh12345

It's not a competition! :D

Lol... He must be a few vodka bottles in alrdy

You have to give it to me, those were a lot of mentions out of pure memory, and some names are tricky! Hahaha no vodka for me right now, we'll save it for Poland :P

Bringing empty bottles to a party.... not cool at all! :D

Haha I had a good laugh about it too.

Hahah @checky is the real MVP of this comment section.

Oh my! LOLOL He sure wrote it with heart and memo! :D

Ha ha, that's just a sign of a writer possessed by the muse Eric. Typing so quickly that typos fly by before you notice. I get like that sometimes, ha ha, checky made me laugh though with its dissing ways ;-)

Not long now mate. Plenty of nomading talks in a few weeks! Also, I should be landing on the 6th just in time for the pre-fest party :-)


Hey man. I am also looking forward to meet you again.. but maybe you wanna change that its for the first time since you were my roomie in Mexico for 6 month hahah ;) Nice try bro. See ya soon

First time on Steem Fest!

Thats right :) I finally wrote a roadtosteemfest post! Looked some of the guys up. Its cool! Tomorrow I will have more time to comment. Nice done! :)

Ah, so the crew starts to gather ;)

Can’t wait to give you a big hug 😆 but hey you!
I am Austrian from #steemit-austria and that’s just a small country next to Germany 😂

I used to fly in via Bali for the 2 other fests.
This year it will be so much easier because we are driving via Vienna with @gexi @manncpt and @yumleadership, our @globalschool team

Bis bald!

I meant German speaking family! I mentioned as well the Spanish speaking dudes hahaha I'm sorry for not being so clear!! Ahahaha but it's easier to round us Steemians by language rather than country hahaha

Austrians are simply wannabe-Germans - using a language without having to invent one lol - enjoy folks! @anomadsoul @mammasitta

Just wait until I catch you in Krakowwww @uwelang

Not catchable 😎 - catch a younger one please, I am too old to handle so much energy 👽

Blah blah blah ! Are you really talking to me about age ? You must be kidding 😂🙈🙀

Rofl don't piss off @mammasitta

Hahahah nooooo wooooooriessssss

Alles OK 😁😉 im excited to see you soon

Looking forward to meet you again bro, it was a special time in Mexico and Cuba. I still have a dance video of you & @lizanomadsoul in Havana. ;)

Lol I want palinka with @guyfawkes4-20, too.

I've had hungarian palinka, so now I have to compare. Prove to me that yours is better =P

I'm pretty sure he'll bring enough for the three of us and perhaps some others that want to try their luck :D

I went through the speaker list and I must say there´s a fair share of people I´m not really interested in listening to - not because I think I can´t learn from them or because I undermine their talks but because of the subject they´ll be speaking - so I´m hoping they get an early slot in the speaking agenda and that way I can sleep a bit more without missing some of the talks I´m really looking forward to listen to.

Haha I'm with you on this! Hope we get lucky! See you in less than 2 weeks :D

We'll be those late arrivers hahaha! Less than two weeks!

Yeah. Sleep is good. I'm with you both on this one. ;)

Early party I hear.????? I'm in!!!!!!! I'll be arriving on the 6th in .. Gawd knows what time... Buzz me on discord where this secret party gonna be on the 6th 😆😆😆😆😆😆.. You'll see my jet lagged face and my friends there... If we have not turned into ice yet. Cheers buddy looking forward in catching up once more

Ahaha hell yeah man, I love that attitude, no-sleeping after the flight, directly to where the fun is at :P

Don't worry, we'll keep him fed with alcohol first during the flight! After that, straight to the party 🙈

Make sure to bring some traditional booze from Malaysia! Even if it's just a zip :D

I'm not entirely sure if we can bring that over 😂 I'll need to check the law for this..

Ha ha, Not sure if you'll be in luck Eric, I've seen most episodes of Booze Traveler there is no episodes set in Malaysia😉 Isn't it predominantly Muslim with pretty strict laws on alcohol etc? I didn't quite make it into Malaysia when I was traveling in Thailand years ago. I was working my way down to the border and was going to cross to check out the diving in your country when a girl from Sweden distracted me and I stayed in Krabi area until the end of my trip. Should have got my priorities right 😂

Hahaha is not too late for that, the traditional booze are at the East Malaysia 😛. We can talk more your plan at SF3 😉

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I will get the camera ready... 😉

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Oh my! Hahaha seems like you're dang excited and yes I can imagine what it would feel like. Sooooo many you'd see at the fest. I hope @karensuestudios and @acromott make it to the fest this year too! I hope you have loads of fun! :) Take lots of lots of photos and share them with us!!!!! <3

It would've been amazing to meet you with all that excitement and incredible vibe you have! I'll make sure to take a hell lot of pictures :)

You said you will start a nomad journey again anyways, why not Thailand / Asia??? :D hahhaa casual invitation but seriously! @teamsteem will also be here. Bring all the peeps to Asia with you - free a bowl of boat noodle for all, promise bwahaha <3

That's look like a challenge, I'll need to offer durians for all 🙈

Booking a flight to Malaysia soon. lololol

Hey man... where did you get this two posts in one idea from? Seems like a genius idea ;-)

Ahaha it's a thing for those who aren't disciplined enough to make one each week :P Ring a bell? Haha

Guilty as charged! You know what though... they say 'great minds think alike' 😂

See you in the 6th, we'll be arriving on the afternoon local time. Sad that we'll be missed out the 5th's party 😅

There will be plenty of time to make up for that missed 5th party :P See you in a few days man!

See you soon 🙌🏻

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