in #snbox-alpha6 years ago (edited)
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"It’s not about sex, but about matters that affect one’s personal safety, hygiene and well-being."

As a conservative country, the Philippines is yet to discussed the possibility of applying sex education in schools. As we all know our system of education is so much inspired on the Western ideologies specifically based on Europe and the United States, and it is not new to everyone's ear that the education tops among the government focus and project with a great budget allocation to it.

What is Sex Education?
There has been a lot of definition on Sex education but to simplify things according to Science Daily -Sex education is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual behavior.

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To a whole new level, the proposed new curriculum planning to add Sex education has recently became a huge topic with the possibility of sex education applied to both elementary and high school level evoked varying opinions, huge deals of arguments and debates in Philippine senate. Many people from all walks of like had voice-out their support , dismay and concern of the possibility of implementing Sex education in the country. Philippines is a Christian country, the leading Christian dominant in the whole Southeast Asia and this topic might just be a topic of explosion to the citizens.It is a great issue in the Philippines because some say that students in high schools are to young to know about sex education and not yet ready for it. Despite this heated arguments do you think it is time sex Education should be implemented in the country?

There has been a lot of talk on this one and to rationalize things for the Pros arguments Sex education will help the country in many ways. One of them is to lessen the teenage Pregnancy of the Country!
I am one of the pro that it is very timely and relevant to have sex-education in our country now.

Why Should We Implement Sex Education?
For the Pros the following are their arguments on why should we approved this new curriculum to the education system:

* Sex education will lessen the teenage pregnancy of the country

This is video that i saw from Youtube on the problem of teenage pregnancy of the country. They say that the youths are the future of the country but now it doesn't sound like it is. according to the Philippine Statistic Authority the country is the leading nation in Southeast Asia with the highest case of teenage pregnancy. Specifically saying that 1 out every 10 teenagers fro 14-19 are already a mother or has given birth.

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This is quite alarming. With these they are so much vulnerable. Most of this unexpected pregnancy drop-out from school and they might deal with financial problem and the most scary one is they are risking their health for their body is not yet fully developed. It is alarming how quick the rate of teenage pregnancy in the Philippines has risen since the last decade.
As of 2018 the latest statistic double as announced by May-i Fabros, Youth Commissioner of the Philippine Commission on Women, 600 live births a day are registered under teenage mothers. Imagine the big number of young Filipina women giving birth each day. But you know what was the scary part? Majority of these early pregnancy led to abortion and with a high statistic according to the Philippines Safe Abortion Advocacy Network (PINSAN), some 600,000 induced abortions are recorded in the Philippines each year. Could you imagine that?

The last thing that every parents want was their teenager child to have an unplanned pregnancy. Parents and teachers alike share that sentiment, right?Teenagers need help to develop their communication and sexual decision-making skills and with implementing Sex education the risk of possible early pregnancy will be realized.

Research also shows that in other country implementing Sex-education is EFFECTIVE!
This just proved that Government should take sex education, and stress taking sex and pregnancy seriously. Teens need to learn about personal responsibility and about contraception in which the curriculum could offer a lot. This high rate of teenage pregnancy is a tremendous problem of our society.Why tremendous ? it is because teenage pregnancy is a communal problem, a family problem, and a personal problem all rolled into one.

It will help and give ideas to young people to have a safe Sex

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Another essential thing to consider is that sex education will really protect the people especially the young ones not to engaged in an unsafe sex or sex without protection.
What is Safe Sex?
"Safer sex is all about protecting yourself and your partners from sexually transmitted infections. Safer sex helps you stay healthy and can even make sex better."If used correctly, condoms can dramatically reduce the risk of most sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancy, do you agree?
Another main social issues that the country is facing right now is the alarming cases of HIV transmitted disease in the sexually transmitted disease in the country.

The video by CNN report show the alarming cases of HIV positive in the for 2018. Many millennials have tried the free testing samples in hospitals and clinic and there were many 'positive' results.
According to the HIV/AIDS Registry of the Philippines of the Department of Health (DOH), 858 HIV cases were recorded in July and 1,104 cases in August. During the two-month period, 118 deaths were recorded and the case in the Philippines is still quite low compare to the other neighboring countries but the growing rate is rapid and scary to be honest.

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With Sex education teaching students to used contaceptives and protection this will surely helps the country to lessen the rising cases of HIV.

It Teaches People to be Responsible about Sex

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Clearly one of the biggest contribution of sex education is that it will enlighten a lot of people specially the young generation to take sex seriously. People will have wider perspective on this matter most especially the young generations Sex education will provide students knowledge and the right information.

We can pretty state that ignorance leads us to wrong assumptions that often result to mistakes and misjudgments.In addition to this the misconceptions will be rectified and corrected.The wrong practice and actions will be emphasized given the fact that they are empowered with accurate information and knowledge.

Given the knowledge they can make informed choices in life and not just on intercourse alone right? Plus they will know further that sexual activities come not only with pleasures but also responsibilities

I know that this is still a long way to go, But If Sex education will be realized sooner or later i will be happy, As a Millennials it is important that we look forward on the long term run. Be the Solution not the problem.

For my sources and Statistics

1.Jaymalin, M.(2017)1,962 new HIV cases in 2 months — DOH. Retrieved on May 02, 2018 from

2.Inquirer.Net (2017)DOH: 1,962 new cases of HIV recorded from July to August 2017.Retrieved on May 02, 2018 from

3.Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc.(2018)Safe Sex.Retrieved on May 02, 2018 from

4.Mendoza, D. (2017)600 Live births a day: Teenage pregnancy rising in the Philippines. Retrieved on May 02, 2018 from

5.Walker, T. (2016)The Philippines has highest teenage pregnancy rate in Southeast. retrieved on May 02, 2018 from Asia

6.Gutierrez,J. Presse, A.(2010)Sex education debate heats up in Philippines. retrieved on May 02, 2018 from

7.Andrade, J. (2016) Sex education not about sex–DepEd. Retrieved on may 02, 2018 from

1.The Guardian(2017)At 11 years old, they're getting pregnant': the women smashing Catholic taboos in the Philippines. Retrieved from

2.UNAIDS.AsiaPacific(2016)HIV threatens young gay men in the Philippines. Retrieved from



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kumusta zam398 ! :) yes, PH needs some education, and that is best. :)

im following u and upvoted now.

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