Garter Snake Etiquette (Wait, did I just say Snake)? EEK!

in #snakes7 years ago

It cracks me up how many people are afraid of these little snakes. What is even more interesting, is how many people call them by the wrong name. The garter snakes have been called, garder, garden and gardener snakes (and probably worse things).

Did you know that Garter snakes are the state reptile in Massachusetts?

Common garter snakes, (Thamnophis Sirtalis), are venomous and can produce a neurotoxin. But, they are incapable of causing harm to humans. Their teeth are set in the back of the mouth, surrounded by large gums. That makes it to where they don't have the ability to deliver toxins to the human body.

Garter snakes tend to seek their habitat in/or around water sources. They can be found in forests, grasslands, fields, woodlands, and your lawn. They are carnivores, so they hunt for slugs, worms, lizards, rodents, and frog eggs. But they also have to be careful of predators, such as hawks, crows, raccoons, and other snakes.

The amazing thing, is how they communicate. They use their vomeronasal organ via pheromones. As they flick their tongue, it gathers chemical cues from around their environment. Those chemicals then send molecules to the sensory cells. That tells them which direction they need to go.

Garter snakes vary in color and size. Females can range anywhere from 30-36 inches, and males 16-24 inches. The colors can be black with tan stripes and a dark tan underside, light brown with tan stripes, or green with yellow or white stripes.


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