WINNER - Announcing The Winner Of Last Weeks 5000 Pocket Token Giveaway.

in #smt7 years ago

In last weeks Comment Funrun post the topic of discussion was:

(What would be the main purpose for it, where all would you like it to be utilized?)

To make it a little more interesting I offered a 5000 Pocket Token prize for the comment that gets the most relevant comments in its thread. (not counting mine as per the T&C of the Funrun)
Wouldn't you know it, they all had the same number of comments!

So I was left with the task of going through all the comments, that is, all the replies to the post and had to decide what comment was in my opinion the most detailed with thought and heart invested.

So .... not to drag this out......

The winning comment is.........
by @moeknows

"This is a cool idea.

I've actually given this idea much thought. I want to create a currency that would serve as a sort of identification system in which it would serve as evidence that someone belonged to a certain group. I'm not sure how it could be done, but it would have to have certain characteristics like:

-Each coin would have to be indivisible
-Each coin would have to have its own serial number
-it would have to be capable have to be capable of restricting transference of coins like maybe 2 transfers.
-must be able to be assigned a public/private key pair and/or a passphrase. At the time of transfer.

The idea is that an organization could purchase a number of these coins and transfer them to members of the organization. Those members could then show evidence of membership by producing the serial number and the passphrase. It wouldn't be true authentication, but could potentially be tied to physical coins displaying the organization's emblem along with the serial number."

(Link: )

The pocketsend shall be in the comments here on this post.

This weeks topic is:

For example:
"Minnow Support groups" are focused on supporting Minnows,
"Writers groups" are for writers.
What community group would you open and Why?"

(Link: )

Have a read, share your thoughts and get in on it!

Remember, You have to be in it, to win it!

Once again congratulations to @moeknows

Well done, your reply to the post topic was by far the most detailed and it is clear that you have BIG ideas for the future.... GOOD LUCK!

Look forwards to everyone pitching in on this weeks Comment Funrun Topic.

Thanks to everyone who has participated so far!

Yours gratefully



Awesome! Thanks so much. I was excited to get the first 50, but 5000 makes me really happy. I didn't hear about POCKET tokens until after the initial give away period and was sad that i missed that opportunity.

pocketsend:1001@moeknows, It may not be much, however I do believe in rewarding people for their efforts. THANKS AGAIN FOR PARTICIPATING IN MY COMMENT FUNRUN!

Successful Send of 1001
Sending Account: jackmiller
Receiving Account: moeknows
New sending account balance: 711737
New receiving account balance: 6050
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: de1d8a7548404c7abd907ce45b41f782a40d63ec
Thanks for using POCKET! I am a confirmer bot for fun, view my source confirmer code here. Don't know what a POCKET Token is? Here is a link to the official announcement post.

pocketsend:50000@jackmiller, here's a gift to say "thanks" for being one of the top posters about Pocket! This is a share of the tokens I bought on Bitshares a couple weeks ago with an author reward.

Successful Send of 50000
Sending Account: biophil
Receiving Account: jackmiller
New sending account balance: 1109902
New receiving account balance: 765082
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 9feb4f7e4074230c51d4274a2f39f29e622fe466
Thanks for using POCKET! I am a confirmer bot for fun, view my source confirmer code here. Don't know what a POCKET Token is? Here is a link to the official announcement post.

Thanks mate, I will invest it into marketing Pocket Tokens here on Steemit.


pocketsend:5001@moeknows, Thanks for participating in THE 101 COMMENT FUNRUN! + RAFFLE + GIVEAWAY! & Congratulations, or should I say WELL DONE!

Successful Send of 5001
Sending Account: jackmiller
Receiving Account: moeknows
New sending account balance: 712738
New receiving account balance: 5050
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 44e7e51c617d3ffbefb3d8219cde5a4cf07d6dca
Thanks for using POCKET! I am a confirmer bot for fun, view my source confirmer code here. Don't know what a POCKET Token is? Here is a link to the official announcement post.

great information you blog my friend @jackmiller

Congrats to @moeknows. That's a great idea and glad to see you got a reward for your contribution.

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