in #smoothies8 years ago (edited)


13th December already ! - only 11 more days until the madness of Christmas shopping is over....for this year. 

All that rushing around and trying to fit 24hrs into 12 hrs a day is virtually impossible and draining.  There comes a point in the day when you feel your batteries drain and all you want is to sit down and have a quick 5 minutes...translate that to 1/2hr kip.  

This quick smoothie is a perfect pick me up to give you a quick energy boost and to stop you reaching for that bar of chocolate that is not going to give you the same, longer energy rush.

Easy to prepare, and within 5 minutes you could be sipping down a natural sweet healthy drink that will ward of that tired feeling and  give you some extra energy for the next onslaught of Christmas chores!



*6 Medjool dates - pitted - if you cant get Medjool other dates are ok 

1/2 cup strawberries - fresh when possible - frozen if not

1 small mango

1 small banana

Chia Seeds 

Almond milk, Coconut Milk or Soya


Blend all the ingredients together - longer than usual to break down the dates

Pour into glass and sit down and ENJOY :)



One of 'NATURE'S SUPERFOODS' -Packed full of vitamins, minerals and fiber, the health benefits are remarkable.

Full of natural sweetness, they make a great alternative to sugar . They have a very 'wrinkly' skin which are deep brown in color with a flavor that can only be described as caramel-like and the inside is very moist and sweet. These super  dates can be consumed fresh or dried, and it’s common for  them to be dried, which lengthens their life span and prevents early  spoilage.


Natural Energy Boostern- GREAT as a pre or post  work out snack - gives you that extra surge of energy when needed. Use as a healthy snack for children to get them through the afternoon at school -especially if its Maths last lesson!!

Boost Bone Health- because they are a 'superfruit ' the  amounts of key minerals found in Medjool dates make them good for strengthening bones and helping to fight off painful  and debilitating bone diseases like osteoporosis —  Because datesin general are high in calcium and high in phosphorus,  this helps to build strong bones and teeth. About  Phosphorus is  needed for the growth, maintenance and repair of all tissues and cells,  and for the production of the genetic building blocks, DNA and RNA.  Calcium is one of the most abundant mineral in your body. It’s essential for the  development and maintenance of strong teeth and bones. So by eating fruits that are high in both calcium and phospherous you will help to maintain healthy strong bones - old age brings the onset of 'weakness' to bones, including Medjool dates into your diet regularly will help maintain good bones.

Decrease Cholesterol - including these dates into your diet can aid healthy  cholesterol levels. When you eat them, you increase your insoluble and  soluble fiber intake, which in turn can significantly lower cholestro naturally

And last but not least Medjool Dates or any dates eaten regularly can support your  digestive system, because dates have high levels of soluble fiber,  this will assist in keeping your bowel movements regular by adding bulk to stool and helping  it move faster through the intestines. Dates are a great way to naturally relieve constipation

These dates grow in my garden here in Egypt - the first two show you them as pale golden colour - not ready yet



The second picture shows you them a deep red/brown colour - can eat now straight from the tree  or pick them and leave to dry in the sun naturally.



Its normal here for people to just stop and pick them on the side of the road - big bunches  and set up a stall and sell them or to 'blend' them down into a sweet afternoon drink.

During Ramadan when no eating or drinking is allowed for the Muslim community, from 3am - 7pm everyday for 1 month - one of the first things they drink is a mixture of dates soaked in milk all day, with a touch of cinamon-  A much needed ENERGY BOOSTER!

Give it a go and see you reach warp speed!

Thankyou for dropping by , I hope you enjoyed my post  enough to vote on it :)

If you like smoothies/juices/herbal teas and healthy cooking, then please feel free to follow me. New friends always welcomed and comments definately appreciated.


Looks yummy.Recently i had avocado,cucumber and lime smoothie, i honestly dont know what it was for.

sounds like a de-tox one - cucumber is usually used for detoxing - hope it was tasty, sound nice :)

It was.the cucumber taste was more noticeable.its great then if a detox thingy.

I love dates, I have no energy so think I will try this out thank you :)

U upvoted my Young Farmers blog???? Why?

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