The Red Power Smoothie – A multi-talent.

in #smoothie9 years ago (edited)

Hey steemians!

This smoothie is a multi-talent, thanx to the beetroot. And of course, it tastes great as well. Before I'll talk about the ingredients, some facts you should know about the beetroot and this smoothie – if you don't know them already :)

The strengths of the beetroot:

1. It protects the liver and the bile.
The beetroot contains a lot of Betaine, a phytochemical, which stimulates the function of the liver, strengthens the bile and helps to keep the bile ducts clean and healthy. You enjoy a frictionless digestion and enables your body to excrete toxins completely and pretty quick.

2. It protects the heart and the blood vessels.
The beetroot reduces the homocysteine level which helps to save you from heart and vascular diseases.

3. It regulate the blood pressure.
The beetroot contains nitrate which is converted to nitrite in the body. Nitrite itself stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the blood which expands the blood vessels and helps to reduce the blood pressure.

4. It supports a quick wound healing.
Back in times even Hippokrates recommended to use the leaves of the beetroot to bandage wounds.

5. It supports the hematopoiesis (formation of blood)
It has a lot of folic acid which supports the formation of blood and it is very good for pregnant women. Folic acid supports the creation of new cells. If there's enough folic acid available the unborn can be spared from an orofacial cleft.

However please notice: The beetroot contains oxalic acid.

It is recommended to only have 1 smoothie once a week. Max. 2 times a week.

Oxalic acid blocks the absorption of Calcium. If you suffer e.g. osteoporosis you should not consume this smoothie on a daily basis.


  • 1 Banana
  • 4 leaves of fresh mint / medium size
  • 1 small tuber of beetroot (cut into pieces)
  • 200 ml of almond milk or water (I used almond milk)

additionally you can add: honey

Blenderize everything for about 45 seconds until it's creamy.

Enjoy your smoothie:)

See you next time.


Looks super healthy and delicious. I noticed you said this might be good for blood pressure @lobotony - what about kidney health. I've got major kidney problems and looking for natural ways to heal them.

Yeah, I said it ‘might‘ just because I didn't want to say ‘it will do that and that....', no one can promise it. All I can say is that he beetroot is not really suitable when you suffer kidney problems. The oxal acid stimulates the creation of kidney stones as well. There a couple of things you could do, like take a look at your nutrition (low protein), medical plants e.g. stinging nettle herb or think about homeopathic remedies but that depends on your specific problem. I can't recommend anything, it's just not right to tell someone what to do, I'm not a trained pro.

my family has had kidney issues and the important thing is to stay away from sugar and all refined food! People think protein is hard on the kidneys but the worst is refined food of any kind and especially sugar. Even high sugar fruits and vegetables should be avoided. Beets are high in sugar so don't have frequently.

The Red Power Smoothie – A multi-talent.


I have only tried juicing / smoothies once or twice in my life. These were smoothies that were offered to me by various people. The individuals that offered me smoothies were in fact undergoing various health problems. One person had a goiter and the other person suffered from heart problems. The use of smoothies was a part of their daily health routines.

I must admit I never acquired a taste for the various smoothies that I consumed but I also never saw any harm in drinking the whole smoothies. Granted, only one smoothie during the course of any six month period would allow at best the weakest of anecdotal evidence. Now I have learned that quite often, more times than not, an ounce of prevention is really worth a pound of cure. I look at my health and the health of my loved ones and sometimes wonder if there is something that would help them other than standard medical protocols that don't involve drugs or surgery or needles.

Quite often our health is affected by common toxins in our bodies which are stored over time. These toxins can disrupt vital chemical processes in our bodies. I suffer from a condition called sarcoidosis which is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects my lungs and my eyes. In fact I am scheduled to inject myself twice a month with a drug called humira. I do not like injecting myself so possibly there is something else that i can use to reduce or completely eliminate the need for this medication. Also I have learned that 99 percent of "medicine" is in one form or another simply poison that over the long term is not good for you.

Well without taking up too much of your time I do want to thank you for this article as I feel it is a step in the right direction for so many people. Your article reminds me that there is so much I don't know. And life has taught me that half of wisdom is knowing what I don't know. Please add more similar articles. Thanks, just my thoughts, Ron.

Wow, thank you so much @getonthebus! Appreciate the time you took for your comment! Academic medicine is general is a harm to the body. They try to keep you sick to be able to sell their products. It's just a business. There's so much you can do for yourself it's incredible. And there are alternatives as well if you get sick. I avoid medicine wherever possible, I'm strictly use homeopathic remedies. Cheers!

Mmm, I love beets :D

I will always upvote a post like this. Anyone spreading the benefits of consuming juices like this, gets love in my books. Nice work, keep it up. Also, adding beetroots to my juices is one of my favourite things. I just love the colour that it produces. I mean just look at it will you!? Beautiful. ;-)

I am a fellow raw juicer, and i truly believe in the immense power of these super foods. Dan the Man the Life Regenerator on youtube is my favourite raw foodist, and he changed my life. I just asked him to join us at #steemit. I hope he does. We could use someone like him here.

p.s Beetroot is one of the best things a man can have, to prevent prostate cancer, one of the most common forms of cancer for men. A cancer that has affected my father. In fact, my sisters husband, was diagnosed with cancer just last Tuesday. He is the father of my 10 year old niece, and his operation is today. Please send calm, and love.

The color is amazing, you're right. It gets a stronger color when you use almond milk instead of water, that's why I like it :) All the best for your niece, LOVE! and thanx for your comment!

Beetroot really is a super food. There are studies showing it helps to slow the progression of dementia in the elderly. It's great to keep you regular (and tastes a lot better than OTC fiber powders). It also helps athletes improve their performance. I think in general it improves oxygenation in the entire body. I'm going to try this recipe because I like the combo of beetroot and banana in particular.

Great stuff love the recipe. Upvoted and following

Awesome! It's healthy and pretty simple to make - Gonna try it out at home. I did post about matcha green tea with benefits everyone should know

Great that another person has found the benefits of beet root and is sharing his receipe. Here's mine:

It's not a smoothie though, so you can't use banana, since trying to juice a banana will only surmount to a mess to clean up and not a lot of juice

Looks super healthy and delicious. I love beets :)

Hi Lobotony thank you for this lovely recipe, i will try and let you know, there is another one that i drink often it's with beetroot, carrot, ginger(not too much) and lemon......i will follow you....i m actually writing my first post about a energy power tea...have a great day

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