Today's Weed News For October 15th 2018 #NEVADA


For today's weed news we go to the great state of Nevada.

Now that recreational cannabis has been legal in the Silver State for a few months, people are getting used to it and even forming opinions about what they see working well and what parts of the legal framework they would like to see adjusted.

Earlier this month, cannabis advocates, politicians and leaders in the industry met in Downtown Las Vegas' brand new Cannabation Museum to discuss some of the most pressing issues.

Two specific topics discussed were preventing employers from legally being able to fire people for using cannabis at home and raising the THC threshold that people are allowed to have in their system while driving.

"You can't have something the state relies on for tax money and then turn around and fire somebody for using it... We can't make marijuana users criminals if they're not doing anything wrong," said Nevada State Senator Tick Segerblom at the event.

At 2 nanograms per milliliter, Nevada has one of the lowest legal driving blood THC limits of any state where recreational cannabis is legal. Both Colorado and Washington for example, allow up to two and a half times that or 5 nanograms per milliliter.

Even a cop named Officer Larry Hadfield from the Las Vegas Metro Police Department commented on this issue saying that he believes people are getting arrested for driving with over the legal THC limit in their system, but who are probably not impaired at all.

The founder of, Keith Stroup was also there promoting a brand new NORML website that evaluates political candidates at the local, state and federal level on where they stand in regards to cannabis issues. The site also shows the candidates' voting records on weed-related measures.

You can find the site at

To me it seems like Vegas and the whole state of Nevada are really embracing cannabis and the whole culture surrounding it. It's nice to see such a diverse group of involved individuals talking already about ironing out the kinks of their newly implemented program. And doing it in such an open and public manner at that.

"We are coming out of the shadows..." says Stroup before departing the event.

A great thing to watch unfold if you ask me.

And that's what's up in Nevada!


“Take Action Today to Help Legalize Weed Tomorrow” -Kief Preston



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