A cannabis plant in Uruguay
Cannabis is one of the most commonly used drugs in Uruguay. Before legalization, ownership for personal use is not criminalized, even though the preceding law does not specify a quantity for "personal amount". On December 10, 2013, Uruguay became the world's first country to legalize the sale, cultivation and distribution of marijuana, although it was never considered a drug in North Korea.
大麻是烏拉圭最常用的藥物之一,在合法化之前,即使前面的法律沒有規定“個人金額”的數量,個人使用的所有權也沒有被定罪。 2013年12月10日,烏拉圭成為世界上第一個將大麻銷售,種植和分銷合法化的國家,儘管在北韓從未被視為毒品。
This was posted from Smoke.Network
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