Start Your Day With a Smile or Give Yourself a Smile :)

in #smile6 years ago

How do you usually start your day?
Do you jump out of your bed or hit the snooze button?

Source: Event Brite

Or do you skip breakfast and ran off to work?
Most people will say that starting the day right sets the mood for the entire day. And it's true, what we do in the morning will affect our thoughts and attitude for the rest of the day.
So give yourself a smile to start your day.

Source: Power of Positivity

Yoko Ono, a peace advocate and songwriter, once said,
"Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you'll start to see a big difference in your life." It sounds silly at first but you can't be wrong with smiling, plus it looks good on everyone. And if done right, smiling will surely have a great impact in all area of our lives.

Why does SMILING matter?
According to recent studies, smiling reduces stress, almost similar to getting a good sleep. Smiling in the mirror paired with a good night sleep will surely improve our mood and brighten up our day. It will also make us feel happier, more relaxed and less stressed.

Source: Youtube

However, most people are not comfortable with smiling, especially the men. Some are afraid to flash their smiles because they are afraid they will appear weak, but this is a thing in the past. We all should learn to be comfortable with smiling. Aside from the health benefits, it has a far greater effect on yourself and to every person you meet. So start your day by giving yourself a smile. If needed, practice smiling. Sooner or later, you will begin to give a genuine and radiant smile with ease. And once you get the hang of it, you will then find it much easier to give a smile.

Source: BBC

So give yourself a smile, smile more and see the difference it will make in your life!
Now, you are one step closer to achieving a purposeful and more satisfying life.

P.S. Smiling will make you look more confident and attractive.
Lighten up! :)


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