Smartphoto Contest: Week 4 – Flowers & Photography: Canna indica or cane India

Hello dear steemians!

Here is my entry to this week's @smartphoto contest, number 4, and this time with Flores and photography!

Canna indica or cane India


Canna indica (achira, achera, sago, capacho, biri, cucuyús, juquián, risgua, cane from India, cane de cuentas1, caneña1, flower of the crab1, yerba del rosario1 or papantla) is a perennial plant of up to 3 m of height belonging to the family of the cannaceae.

I would like to thank @smartphoto for creating this contest! Do not forget to participate and look for the rules of the contest.


Bella foto, hermosa flor!✌💖

Gracias amiga linda, @francisbejarano te bendigo, saludos

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