Smartphoto Contest: Week 3 – Pets & Photography// THE TWO ARE UNIQUE



CON MAMI 5.jpg

Hello dear Steemians, this is my third entry this week and I can not stop participating and more when it comes to our pets, thanks to #smartphotocontest for this weekly contest.

Cindy (right) with 9 years, mother of lupe (left) with 7 years, as my title says more than pets are part of the family, two animals that we have learned to love as part of us, are very intelligent and dogs of big company.
I've always wondered how there can be people who do not love animals and more sweetness how are you.
I love my girls as I tell them.

They have learned to pose for when you take the pictures. They are unique to me.

Pets & Photography
• Upvote this post.
• All entries must include the #smartphotocontest tag as the first tag.
• The posts must be about the subject of the week (Pets&Photography).
• The Title of your post must include the contests name of the week.
• Each participant can have only one entrance and with only one photograph in your post .
• The picture must be your own.
• Paste the link of your post in the comments section of this post.
• Although it is a photography contest not only the quality of the photo is judged, so you should give a name to your photo or a short explanation and this will be considered too.
• The deadline for posting is Sunday 13th May 23:59 GMT


Tienes razón, con el pasar del tiempo las mascotas se hacen parte de la misma familia, aun recuerdo a mi gatica :( pero uno se encariña muchísimo con ellos y mas si son así de fotogenicos como las tuyas hjejeje

Es así @isma4617 son parte e nuestra familia y yo a las mías las amo. Gracias por tu comentario, saludos

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