Birds Are Assholes - Smartphonephotography


Aside from the occasional poop on your car and endless early morning chirping, birds have invented more creative was to be ass holes these days.

This morning I was watering my planter (I.e, the green shrubs in the picture, when I heard rustling and chirping coming from the gutter above my head. Not bird chirping but rather the distress call of a cicada. I look up because I know cicadas are large and blind. If it’s coming my way, I want to try and avoid it. The screeching stops and a small bird hops out on the ledge of the building.


The bird looks and round and tilts its head at me. After it gets a few good looks, the bird turns around. Knowing how frequently birds poop, I stepped back to avoid any accidents. The little bird turns back around with a now terrified cicada in its mouth! The bird give me on last look before throwing the cicada into my cart and flying off! WTF BRO!? 😂


#birdsareassholes #cicada #funny #rude

Also, I found another (endangered) praying mantis!


Peace ✌🏾

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