1771 Tombstone 🌞 Stratford, CT USA Olde Colonial Graveyard 1

Just off of Main Street in downtown Stratford, Connecticut you’ll find an olde cemetary dating back 300 years... I came upon this unusual 5-person tombstone from 1771.. all young children.


The inscription reads:

In Memory of MARY ALICE the
Daughter of Acup Tomlinson Esqr. & Mrs. Mary his Wife
who died October 8th AD 1771 aged 5 years & ?months
and 5 other infant Children of the above PARENTS
who lie here intered.

Sleep, lovely Babes, and take your peaceful rest,
God called you home because he had thought it best.


Here is the backside which faces directly East.



All content 100% original by John Deecken • orionsbeltbuckle



Very different, I've never seen a headstone like this before!
Sad story. The colors of the stone around and below the faces
almost looks like human shadow forms. @melinda010100 would
love to see these also! Good seeing you @orionsbeltbuckle! :-)

Thanks for tagging me on this one @shasta! You are right, I'm glad I got to see this one!

thanks @shasta! my first posts in a long while!

really unusual style of tombstone.. so sad about all the babies..

with the faces on the "toes" like that it looks like a mysterious Buddhist foot of some kind!

the faces on each "toe" almost look like "kilroy was here" faces from the post-war era... remember that image?

yes the primitive graffiti drawing of a goofy face peering over a wall kinda

What an unusual tombstone. I have never seen anything like it. That poor family.

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