How to Keep a Three-Year-Old Still - For a Minute


What to do with a little kid who is running and running and jumping all over the place? You tell him that it is fun to be a Burrito.
1 large blanket
1 small child

Open the blanket and put one small child towards one side of the blanket. Tell child to put hands and arms right next to the body. Fold one side of the blanket over the child making sure that the head stays uncovered. Start rolling the child with the blanket until all the blanket is used up.

Make sure the face is up when finished.

Tell jokes to the child and the rest of the family watching - this will buy extra time of peace and quiet.

Keep telling the child that it is fun to be a Burrito.

At first sign of discomfort, take one end of the blanket and start pulling. Slowly. The child will roll and think it is the funniest thing in the world. Try not to break the blanket - especially if it is an old quilt.

Prepare for the child to run and jump the minute it is freed from the blanket - and laughing. A lot!!

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Lol... I'm so going to try this!

I was just thinking about you today!! How are you? How is the family? And are your friends active on Seemit? I don't have their usernames...

So happy to see your comment!!

So much fun! We used to wrap them up as a burrito too :)

it is funny how kids love that kind of thing :)


I'll send this to my daughter. Her daughter is 3 last month. She is very big on instructing the mother, "No! I do it! "

That sounds about right!! I love when they start to be independent and are learning so much!!! Looks like we are going to have lots of kiddie burritos :)

Looking like it!

I always thought moms that get all rediculous about "ohhhh I'm losing my baby" were insane when the child could finally communicate! I lived for the day I could understand a little of what they thought!

I nearly fell out of the chair laughing one day when my daughter started in on a tirade about "how can mothers whine about not having a baby any more? I am losing my mind not being able to ask what she's unhappy about! I'm not letting a pacifier near her mouth. I need for her to figure out this talking business!"

So let's see, Talking. Check. Ordering mother around. Check. Insisting on cooking. Check. I Mean it. INsisting! Typing on her own cellphone while mommy works? Check.

Listen, there's really good reasons for having children while you're young. Sometimes I Skype with them while breakfast prep is underway. I become exhausted listening to my daughter constantly guide her daughter through what is and is not acceptable. Every day my granddaughter is convinced it's the end of the world if she's not allowed to push to gain a new skill - - like using the sharp knife all by herself.

Did I mention she cut her own hair at 2 and a half? Quick as a wink. I watched my daughter's whole meltdown from OMG she got hold of the scissors. I thought I was keeping them up high enough. How did she do that so fast? (like she walked out of the room and almost right back in.) to OMG there's half her hair missing from the side of her head!

And then there was this whole section where my granddaughter was terrified because she had never seen her mother scream in horror/terror.

I personally reached the point of being able to laugh first but when that Skype call ended, I took a nap. Parenting is as scarey as ferris-wheels 🎡 and rollercoasters.

Yes, you're absolutely right. Three is a lovely year.

I think I'll go sleep now. I need to rest up for the next episode of "When granddaughters cook!"

hahaha - yup. That sounds just like my little dude. I had him a lot while his parents were working and I concur - it is best to be young when having kids!! 🙃

Not that we are old --- Just older lol

I'm trying to remember I'm not old. It's a bunch easier to remember lately. I actually went to the chiropractor this week just for a check in! First time in like about 2 years. It was so awesome. We just about threw a party!

So yeah. Just barely old enough to be supportive ... and laugh first. lol

My kids used to do this with each other. As a matter of fact, I think I remember doing it with my little brothers as well! :)

I think blankets and kids give unending play opportunities :)

Am going to save this page on my phone and show it to my wife when The time comes, am not married yet though.

hahaha - better hurry up or you forget about this game lol 😜

😂 😂 😂

Very funny! That's gonn' work though.

hahaha - it works great!! For about a minute or two 😹

I also have a 3 and half year old son so I am going to try this. haha. But then I foresee the 7 years old will ask to be a burrito too. lol

Yes!! make sure you have a blanket for each on hand lol

hahahaha so funny can't wait to try this with my nephews.

Tell us how it went for you!! 😄

Excellent recipe!

right?! 😉

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