

This morning, I went out to feed my chickens and was surprised by a whole bunch of little figs showing up on my tree.
Now, to really understand my surprise, let me tell you this. I bought that tree as one of my first impulse purchases at a garage sale right after we moved to this place.
I had no idea about plant prices and got totally cheated. Well, not cheated. I just didn't know that I was paying way too much for what I was getting.
My fault. I should have educated myself.
So, this fig tree has been around for almost 7 years. And I got maybe 3 figs off that tree - not because the critters got them before me. No!! Because the darn tree only produced leaves.
So, last year, close to the tree, I told a friend of mine that I was planning to cut it to the ground and then graft the new sprouts with some good varieties.
Heck. Who needs a fruit tree which doesn't give you fruit, right?
I truly have no idea if it was my death threat or the chickens giving it a daily lullaby and I don't care what did it.
All I can say that I was stoked to see all those little figs this morning!!
I am not so stocked about the darn reed taking hold of everything again. You can see it in the background. Half is on my side of the fence and the other half is at my neighbors.
We have to coordinate a pickax work day and take it out completely.
Or it will be back...

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I can so feel your excitement at the figs growing. That is going to be so fun. I love fig cookies around the holidays, a fav. Those bamboo reeds are a nightmare to get rid of. I had different reed too and I swear I did them all out and bam next year there is another piece growing. Good luck ripping them out.

I know!! I have dug that stuff out so many times..... :)

I think the threat worked on it. Haha.

May be everyone can threaten the Steem value to shoot up to at least $7 before weekend or will cut it out. 😀😁.

Get ready to harvest bountifully. Patience is the Key.

That is really cool! I enjoyed this story! Glad you don't have to cut it!!!

maybe you can get the reed out by cutting it down and then erradicate the roots with laying plastic on it? Some people do that with bamboo and swera it works. Of course chemicals in the soil come into question then.

I have tried to get rid of Bermuda grass that way before and wasn't that successful. those roots are deep!!!

Nice Marianne! Is it safe to say spring is here? My fig cuttings are waking up now too :)

Nothing is safe anymore when it comes to weather.... could be freezing again - which it is never supposed to do..... :)

Those are beautiful! I am so happy your tree is producing figs. As for the cost, eh, we live and learn. :)

we certainly live and learn :)

The fig tree saved itself just in time ... haha... I have a mango tree, maybe because it is in a pot (I live in a high rise) has yet bear fruit. It has been 5 years. Its saving grace is shade... it helps cool the kitchen 😊

Did you grow it from a seed? Then they take a bit longer to produce. Talk to it!!!! :)

Longer then 5 years? Wow! Worth a try .... I will start talking to it 😊

Baby figs!! I would be thrilled to be able to grow them here! That little tree has quite the story behind it!

yes it has. I like things with stories :)

I'm leaning toward the arbor threats. They seem to work well on many trees. So nice to have figs, and not the reeds. They look like this a possibility? If so, blast away at them, as they will take over everything. I've heard of people building cement moats in the ground really deep, to control them. I yi yiiii....

it is Arundo dorax - looks a lot like bamboo but is not as strong. clumping bamboo is okay - the other one - watch out!!! good to make biochar with...

Yes, some of those, once you get them going, as you say, watch out. They're a forever thing.
Do you make biochar? I learned about it from @haphazard-hstead. A new one on me...

I've never seen a fig tree! Glad yours finally pulled itself together to produce a crop. Perhaps the threat was helpful. :)

I think that threads will work with plants :)

Question. Do you not have a porfile picture because you don't want one or because you have a hard time loading it?

Neither. Because it hadn't entered my head to come up with one, that's why! Also, I have no idea how to do that. But I have someone nearby who could explain all that to me if I would just remember to ask.

Good that you have someone close by to ask :) I just helped another steemian who tried and couldn't get it - took me a few tries too. Nothing is easy on here - at least if you are not a computer person like me ...

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