New beers and a party

This week's #BeerSaturday features some new beers to me and a party involving beer.

The local brewery, Lolo Peak Brewery, had it's holiday mug club party this week. And they provided some special beers and a buffet for the occasion.

My first beer was Chocolate Salted Caramel Stout. It was strong but tasty. Quite sweet so I shared my glass with my wife. I enjoyed this one.


The second beer I had at the party was Mojito Lime Golden Ale. A light beer that definitely had a taste of mint to it. The mint was almost too strong but I still enjoyed the beer quite a bit.


The other two beers they had that night were Orange Juniper Golden Ale and Pineapple IPA. I sampled them both but don't have any pictures. The Orange had a good amount of orange flavor but I liked the Mojito one better. The Pineapple was pretty decent even though I don't like many IPAs, a good amount of pineapple flavor and not too bitter.

They had a buffet of very good food to go with the beer. I am not going to try to remember all that I had but I put a lot of excellent things on my plate.


There was a great apple desert as well that I ate too fast to get a picture of.

Last night we opened a bottle of something new we picked up earlier this year. It was Snowflake from Meadowlark Brewing. It is a spiced amber ale. The bottle says "Think Gingerbread". They are not wrong. It really tasted like gingerbread, but it was not overpowering. My wife and I quite enjoyed this one and I would be happy to have it again.




They sound like very interesting beers. I love to drink local

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