Lovely Doe Visits - Day 175 - Daily Haiku

20180423_125401 Deer in Barnyard.jpg

Lovely doe visits
too trusting of my presence
calmly grazing on

When I went to check on the goats this evening, one of our does was standing and watching me drive up, so I revved my car and sped up, to encourage her to run away - in our neighborhood, where nearly everyone hunts, being too trusting of humans isn't the wisest course of action for a deer.

She had stopped, looking back at me, and as I drove up fairly close to her, she didn't move. Surely if I get out of the car . . . So I got out of the car, slammed the door, and she still didn't move; and I finally clapped my hands loudly and ran at her.

She trotted maybe twenty feet, stopped, and grazed. I was dumbfounded. Evidently I had my bluff called by a deer. She knew I wasn't going to hurt her, and if she felt like grazing, she was going to graze, like it or not.

By this point I was laughing, and spoke to her as I walked closer, informing her that allowing any human to approach so closely was not the brightest move. She lowered her head and grazed some more.

I walked back to the barn, then went and moved the goats, and as I walked past her with Semafor on his lead, Hope watched her with interest, but no fear. The deer are well known to the goats, and they often hang out in the barnyard together.

Lolo, naturally, hadn't even noticed her, or if he did he didn't care. I informed him that he was falling down on the job, and drove back to the house, with him joyfully running up ahead of me.

I didn't have the phone with me today, so I didn't get a photo of her, but the photo above is one that I took this past April, of the four does that call our place home. I'm guessing that she is likely one of the deer pictured, as they've been hanging out on our place for several years now, and clearly are terrified of interacting with us. Like not at all.

Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that she was amused as I ran at her clapping my hands?

Perhaps next time I should bring one of my gongs. ;-)

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Superior story! One of my dream is to live in the wood and enjoy the wilds visits)) I am happy that for some Earth parts it is still possible.
Your warm and openness attract animals intuitively.

Yeah, I was laughing when I told this to my husband, because when I said that the deer wasn't bright, he responded, "Yes, she was as smart as she needed to be, she knew you weren't going to harm her. ;-)

This isn't the first time they have allowed me to approach closely, but it is the first time I've actively tried to chase one away and it just said no. She was determined to graze, and she wasn't about to let me stop her.

Amazing talent you have! Wish you all warmth!

Thanks for your lovely comment. That's really nice to hear. ;-)

Evidently I had my bluff called by a deer. She knew I wasn't going to hurt her, and if she felt like grazing, she was going to graze, like it or not.

Hilarious! What a great story. I felt like I was there. :)

Yeah, our deer definitely have their own agendas, and what we want is NOT a part of it at all. ;-)

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