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RE: Photo Short: How Long Before Smartphones Replace Cameras?

As you said, I feel like that day is already here. I know a lot of amateur photographers with entry-level DSLRs who have completely abandoned them in favour of their smartphones. I personally have always loved the feeling of taking photos on a camera and looking through a viewfinder since I was a kid, so I doubt i'd swap the convenience of snapping a photo on my phone for a camera.


I feel the same. I've started using a Fujifilm camera because it has an old style aperture ring on the lens, and a mechanical dial to change the shutter speed. For me, the experience of using the camera is just as important as the final image. It just isn't the same with a phone.

Yup totally agreed, when I switched to a Sony from a Canon, I found it so weird that I couldn't adjust things manually anymore with dials and the focus/zoom ring, but it was all controlled by software... but then again the camera is so much more portable... (I started getting lazy with the Canon..before it got stolen :'( )

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