Smartphone will detect if you are telling lie
Be cautious before talking. Because the smart smartphone will tell you are not really telling lies.
Many Lie Detector apps are found in search of the Play Store on the mobile. They are all just fun to do. But if any such app comes up? That day is not too far away. A group of scientists at the University of Copenhagen are now ready to create such an app. After downloading on the app phone you can know that you are not telling the truth or lying.
While talking, many people used mobile phone or handguns. Scientists based on the Lai Detector app based on them. The scientists of Copenhagen examined those who said a lie, often shake hands or react late. On the other hand, the hand of the people who are telling the truth is quite normal and respond quickly.
One scientist said that while examining people with the app, some people are deliberately telling the truth or lying. Then their green color is shown. Someone is right by saying the color, someone is wrong by doing the same. It has been found that those who have said wrong they took longer than usual to lie. In another test, one is asked to divide the money between the two and share the same. But he lied about the money and his reaction came very late.
Scientists are trying to make this app as reliable as falsification.
Scientists say that when someone speaks the truth, the green light will shine on the phone. If you lie, the red light will shine. It will be understood in what words are lying. However there are some limitations of this app usage. It's good to not use this app for legal purposes. This app is still on a research level and is only being made for Android phones.
Hmmm. Where will technology go next? The first time my smartphone interrupted my private conversation with If you said something I didn't understand it -- I replied Shut Up, I wasn't talking to you.
Then we laughed - but it's creepy!
ha ha. its pretty funny like sophia. sometimes need some skip.
This technology, according to the scientist, has a similar approach as the polygraph test and it can be a useful and indicative tool.
They are making this by understanding the activities of human body when they tell lies.
awesome dream come will ride this wounder full smratphone..
Yes Mr. Sujon.
This dream will come once.
How technology is increasing day by day. It's is a bad news for this news who all ways tell lies
Technology improves day by day
I tell my friend his smart phone is dumb and it's a liar. I stick my tongue out at the phone and challenge it to a fight. When it doesn't respond, I tell my friend, "See, it can't back up it's claim."
This is a good technology. But I think it couldn't be work properly.