How to kill your smartphone batterysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #smartphone6 years ago

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Smartphones are generally powered by batteries as we all know. This smartphones came with various battery sizes. So far, the highest battery capacity available in a phone is 5000 mAh which is available in most china made gadget. For flagship smartphones, the capacity are usually lower. Samsung lastest flagship smartphone,Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is said to has 3500 mAh battery juice. But the use of battery to my opinion does not depend on the size but on how efficient a smartphone is used.

Here, i will show you how to easily damage your battery, probably for you to learn how to efficiently use it.

The common misconception about batterries is that if your battery is fully charged and remains unplugged it will damage the battery. for couple of years, i do let my smartphone battery stays on the socket unplugged even when it is 100 percent charged and face no issue of battery damage. Now let me tell you how to really damage your smartphone battery.

The first way to do so is by using your smartphone while charging it. Smartphones are no superhumans, and as such you shouldn't expect it to carryout two every task at the same time.Even though many smartphones can multi task, such activiities are only available on he operating system and not on the hardware. So, if you really want to damage your smartphone battery, then you are advice to continue with this act.

The second easy way to damage your smartphone battery is to charge it with a power bank regularly. While it is not wrong to use power banks to power up your smartphone, excesssive use of this method is of benefit to really damage your smartphone.

Finally, to effetively damage your smrtphone battery, you should consider always letting the battery power run down to zero percent before connecting it to electricity. In fact, this is one of the best ways to damage your battery as soon as possible.

While smartphones are expensive, damaging battteries will increase your spending limit. Money you should have used up for other project may end up in buying a new smartphone. So, consider your choices, do you want to damage your smartphone battery or help it last longer?

This is what i know about how smartphones batteries can be damaged. If you have other ideas please help the kryptonia community know about this by commenting on this post.I also appreciate your upvote to this post.

Photo source: Google Image.


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