Creating SmartCoins backed with real-world collateral on decentralized exchange OpenLedger blockchain
The possibilities for innovation are near limitless with OpenLedger offering the option for each and every user to add their own Coin by creating simple IOU’s, SmartCoins that are backed with real-world collateral and/or deploy your own graphene-powered blockchain.
Perhaps it’s time for a quick introduction to OpenLedger, the first decentralized exchange offering fiat gateway with USD, EUR and CNY, a bridge to bitcoin itself as well as numerous altcoins like DOGE, DASH, Peercoin, Litecoin, NuBits, NuShares, BlockShares, Emercoin and coming up Ethereum, Factom and more. These are all offered via the registrar of OpenLedger CCEDK, but could just as well be created by the users themselves.
OpenLedger - Smart Trading Decentralised
Adding your Coin to OpenLedger
Let us talk about how you can use OpenLedger for your own crypto currency. Due to the power of the underlying Graphene real-time blockchain technology, we are able to offer you three options, each with their own unique feature set.
1. Create a new currency as User Issued Asset.
2. Create a Market Pegged Asset for your coin.
3. Deploy your own real-time blockchain together with OpenLedger
Create a new currency as User Issued Asset
The most convenient way for you to create your own crypto currency is by simply creating, selling and trading a so called User Issued Asset (UIA). All you need to do is click a few buttons, define your preferred parameters for your coin, such as supply, precision, symbol, description and see your coin’s birth after only a few seconds. From that point on, you can issue some of your coins to whomever you want, sell them and see them instantly traded against any other existing coin on OpenLedger.
An example of user issued asset is the revenue generating asset of OpenLedger decentralized platform called OBITS.
Unless you want some restriction, as the issuer, you have certain privileges over your coin, for instance, you can allow trading only in certain market pairs and define who actually is allowed to hold your coin by using white- and blacklists. Of course, an issuer can opt-out of his privileges indefinitely for the sake of trust and reputation.
As the owner of that coin, you don’t need to take care of all the technical details of blockchain technology, such as distributed consensus algorithms, blockchain development or integration. You don’t even need to run any mining equipment or servers, at all.
So what’s the drawback?
There is a drawback in this scenario, namely, a centralized issuance of new Tokens. To some extent, this could be managed by a hierarchical multi-signature issuer account that prevents any single entity from issuing new coins but instead requires a consensus among an arbitrary set of people to agree on any changes to the coin.
Create a Market Pegged Asset for your coin
How could we possibly improve over this? Can we uncouple the supply from the issuer? The answer to this question is: Yes, we can!
Instead of creating a UIA where the full control over supply is in the hands of the issuer, we create a Market Pegged Asset (MPA) and let the market deal with demand and supply. All we need is a fair price and another asset that can be used as collateral.
What would we need collateral for? Since the issuer of a MPA has no control over the supply, the blockchain protocol deals with increasing and decreasing supply. In order for a user to get some of the new coins, he will need to put collateral into a smart contract (technically, this contract is a contract for difference).
An simple example would be an MPA that is backed by USD (a stable crypto currency within OpenLedger) that requires a collateral ratio of 200%. Then, in order to get new coin, we can borrow 100 USD worth of new coins by paying 200 USD.
By this, the supply of your coin is increased by 100. But how would it be decreased? The USD is locked in the smart contract and can only be reclaimed if the debt (here, 100 coins) are returned. Returning them will result in the coins being removed from the supply because they are no longer backed by any collateral.
So for what do we need a fair price? Remember that we chose a collateral ratio of 200%? That number tells us how well backed your coins are by the collateral. But what would happen if the value of your coin goes to the moon? Then your collateral ratio will reduce to say 150%. At a certain percentage, the blockchain will automatically trigger so called Margin Calls which will
Take your collateral (here, USD)
1. Sell it in the market to buy back the coin you owe
2. Close the contract
3. Pay your the residual USD
A fair price thus tells the market what your coin is worth (e.g. traded for on external exchanges) and triggers margin calls if necessary. But there is more! Everyone that holds your (MPA) coin in Openledger can convert the coin into the backing asset at a fair price.
This procedure is called “settlement” and ensures that your MPA is always worth at least the fair price.
Where is the hook?
The disadvantage that comes with either UIAs or MPAs is actually not a bug, but a feature.
Since OpenLedger allows everyone to establish their coin or business on the same blockchain, they can benefit from synergies. Every customer of a competing business or coin that is part of OpenLedger already has an account capable of dealing with your business or holding your coins. Besides a shared user base, we also have shared markets.
You can think of shared markets like a market that trades BitStampUSD versus KrakenUSD, both being IOUs for fiat USD at the corresponding platform. Suddenly, every user of one exchange can be a potential user for a competing business, not just for the exchange business.
So, that’s not a hook, is it?
The disadvantage here comes with the governance of the blockchain. You’ve read that right! The blockchain can and needs to be governed by elected individuals and businesses. The so called committee (a set of many individuals), can change blockchain parameters such as block size, block confirmation time and others.
Most importantly, though, they deal with the business plan of the blockchain and tweak costs and revenue streams (mainly transaction fees). In contrast to most existing crypto currencies, we are not hoping for a fee market to grow but instead have the committee members deal with fine-tuning of the business plan.
Fortunately, the shareholders have the final say when it comes to approving the executive committee.
Hence, we see businesses competing for seats in the committee to define blockchain parameters such that they are in favor of their own customers.
If you business idea requires certain blockchain parameters or a particular set of fees to be profitable, you have several options: · Argue with shareholders to approve committee members that vote in your Favour · Get elected as committee member by showing that your business is worth being available in that particular chain · Deploy your innovative business idea as a smart contract on the blockchain and have the shareholders approve the upgrade in combination with Fee Backed Asset that pays future fees of your smart contract to holders of that asset (to be discussed in detail in another article)
Deploy your own real-time blockchain together with OpenLedger. If none of the above points satisfy your needs, you can also deploy your own graphene-based real-time blockchain in almost now time and we would be glad to help you integrate with OpenLedger’s infrastructure on your own blockchain.
Running your own possibly private blockchain has the advantage that you can tune every single parameter to your liking and have it fit your needs perfectly without discussion with other shareholders.
Getting you started on OpenLedger!
In this below video you'll learn how to get started on OpenLedger, the smart decentralised trading platform.
We'll go through the steps of registering and you'll learn why it's very important to back up your wallet.
It's very simple, let's see how it’s done! The OpenLedger Tutorial guide no. 1 – Getting started!
OpenLedger - Smart Trading Decentralised
More information on the SmartCoins can be found on
An article created in co operation with Mr. Fabian Schuh and Mr. Ronny Boesing
The above ecosystems are all well represented in The Decentralized Conglomerate representing the new paradigm of organizational operations, by applying the theoretical construct of digital leadership to the conceptual design of the DC ecosystems
DC and ICOO: crowdfunding the future
The Brain
CCEDK - Start-up service provider to help crowd fund your future
The Platform
OpenLedger - a.k.a. the DEX (decentralized exchange)
The Ecosystems (body and content)
Good way to actively grow your investment in OBITs and any other of the ecosystems:
For more information about OBITS and eventually buy:
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Bitshares forever!
That was very informative @bloggersclub. I just opened an OpenLedger account and I already bought some OBITs. Thanks for the post
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