Building a city from the internet up! Sidewalk Labs partnership with Toronto to build a smart city add on.

in #smartcity7 years ago (edited)

We now have a number of announcements from different players that smart cities will be built. Bill Gates announced he's building one and the United Arab Emirates as well. But Toronto is getting an upgrade.

Photo from the Jetsons.

Sidewalk Labs, a subsidiary of Google parent company Alphabet announced a partnership with the Canadian city to  build a 12 acre addition that is to be constructed from the internet up. Combining social and technological solutions in bettering our lives and is also projected to be 14% cheaper that leaving in "old Toronto".

Here's their video. More details soon.

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This is amazing really. For where I come from its impossible to even imagine this here 😑

It's the same in Romania, but things will change all over the world soon :)

Yes, that's right. Things are actually changing. I wish a change that's good for humanity overall.

When every bit of drudgery is taken care of by robot slaves, then the value of every action and every part of that infrastructure can be calculated in terms of the energy required to have it. We are on the way there (we hope).

And that is why I think it is sensible to trade in terms of energy tokens. That is the underlying reason why I think energy is a sensible parity commodity for a universal currency.

The value of every part of such an infrastructure as well as the value any of its services can be calculated in terms of energy. And if our token by definition has purchasing power for a specific amount of energy, then those calculations can be done directly in terms of our currency.

That means that the price of every part of that infrastructure and the price of every product it provides us with will be constant in terms of our currency.

I hope that guys like @algons and @spectrumecons will also see this comment on your very relevant post. Even more so Ned and Dan!

If we put our heads together, we may just get it right, and end up with a very useful coin!

This is an excellent perspective. Basically the underling asset is what is needed to get a job done, energy.
If you have more information and if you wrote more on this subject, please give me a head's up. I am really interested in reading more. Peace!

You are more than welcome @lishu - If you click on the name in the right way, you should get to the blog - There are a number of posts on the subject and I am working on more, as I see energy as the the most basic link between reality and economics and we can make use of the fact.

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